Astral Haven 44 System Vs Sadist Battle Starts

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Leonhart teary-eyed and mentally deranged looked at the system. He started shouting about what happened to him but was unable to produce any comprehensible words.

Thankfully the system has already gotten the information he needed. He put the last pack of his cotton candy into his host mouth to shut him up and said "Calm down‚ I already knew what happened".

An inbox with a play b.u.t.ton appeared in front of Leonhart. The system was also able to see it since it has hacked into the mainframe.

He looked at the system who looked back at him and took hold of his finger to press on the play b.u.t.ton.

As inboxes for safety reasons used an avatar own characteristic to be played. For example the avatars fingerprint etc. The system has only taken over some percent of the virtual fantasia world‚ which has granted him a lot of authority.

The inbox played a message in the voice of the disco mermaid princess.

Private messageu003e [Player s.a.d.i.s.t have sent a challenge to battle once again]

[Accept Yes/No]

Leonhart was going to decline since he knew that child was a pure s.a.d.i.s.t and have an astral soul so powerful that he couldn't even put up a fight but the avatar of system "IAmTheTrueSystem" stopped him.

"What do you want? System! Do you want me to fight her again? she killed me and it felt absolutely real. I felt my body limbs split into pieces‚ the metallic taste of my blood in my mouth and my organ slipping out of my guts!" the avatar of Feng Mei "Leonhart" hysterical shouted at the avatar of system "IAmTheTrueSystem".

The system avatar vanished in front of Leonhart.

«Above the land and below the ninth heavens! Only I am allowed to torture my hosts and no one else. No one is allowed to hurts what's mine» The childish voice of the system rang in his avatar mind. The system voice expressed new emotion‚ the emotion called possession and fury...

«I will help you this time‚ and teach her a lesson so leave the rest to me and enjoy the show»

" Hah! What do you mean? What's happening...?" Feng Mei found out that he lost control of his avatar "Leonhart" body.

"Like I said before‚ Just enjoy the show and leave the rest to me".

Feng Mei could still feel all the senses of his avatar Leonhart but couldn't control it. He could only give up and let the system do what it wants.

The system controlling his body accepted the match request and appeared on the PVP rocky battleground. Leonhart and s.a.d.i.s.ts were inside the barrier and couldn't interact with each other.

Just like previously multiple people joined in to view the PvP battle.

At the 20 second mark a voice rang out.

[Partic.i.p.ant! Confirm your settings]

Using his avatar system extended his hand and a virtual screen opened in front of him‚ he decreased the pain setting to 0 percent.

At the 10 second mark the voice of the mermaid princess rang out counting the countdown 10...9....8.....3...1...


The barrier vanished in front of the two‚ as system directly rushed out towards "s.a.d.i.s.t"

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