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"Eh, I can speak?!" I exclaimed with delight.

'At least now I can explain myself.'

"Sssaaaeee Shhhtar? A child of mine has been named by the world?" A hoa.r.s.e and hissing, but warm voice sounded.

As expected, it was the creature supposed to be my mother that said this. But, how can she see my stats or name? I didn't understand.

The creature with the huge frame started approaching me slowly. I thought I need to explain myself, before something that I'd regret happens.

"Mother I was just trying to lick that guy clean... See how dirty he's got."

"It'sss alright, child. The named child can do as it wisshhesss."

'Is it just me or she's p.r.o.nouncing 's' weirdly'

She came closer to me, bringing a strong fishy smell with her. Looking all over me, she seemed to be inspecting something. My body felt like, it had contracted upon sensing her approach.

"You've evolved, my child?"

'Okay, just be calm she's mother, she won't eat you... maybe?'

"Yes, mother."

"Sssss."(like Mmmm)

"Mother? Can you see my status?"

"No, only you can ssssee that."

"Then, how did you.."

"..know your name? Trissstar world rarely namesss anyone." She spoke as she sighed.

"But, when it doesss ... It announcesss about it in the Com sssection. By the timing of the naming, and the sssstar sssymbol on you head, I figured much."

' Oh yeah, there was a section like that. I haven't checked it yet. I'll check it later.'

Then I started talking to mother about various things of this the world, it's compostion and most important of all, strength of the top trees.

We talked, while rest of my siblings were involved in carnage. Biting and eating each other. Killing their siblings, as if they are their most hated enemies.

I asked my mother about it, and he she just said.

"The more that die here, the greater the chance for the onesss living to ssssurvive."

'Yeah, right.'

And after informing me about all sorts of details, mother went away for some reason, saying she'd be back in a while.

I started thinking about the information I got from mother.

First and foremost, which I thought would be special chance is not. She knows I am a reincarnator.

Not just me, all the others eggs around me are nothing but reincarnators. Each of them having some sort of skill. Some strong and some weak. Each one maybe from a different part of the universe, from a different race, all reincarnated into various species of this world.

I also got to know that my chaos skill was nothing too special, as the summoning count resets every 1000 years. I was the last of this millennium's batch and only the last one has the chance to gain something of chaos grade. Thus, my hypothesis about the ones at 1, 10, 100... getting such skills was wrong. Also, this has been going on for who knows how man million years. So, there are many beings out there with a much better starting point and that have thousands of years head start.

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Another weird info? My mother is almost 10,000 years old and she's not a reincarnator. She's a Guardian, she said. There are many other guardians like her for different races, and species. They produce reincarnators bodies, and giving them their bloodlines and finally giving some instructions and security for a short time. And usually the newborn reincarnators are in a beserk state, killing and devouring anything around them, which the guardians allow to happen above a certain number.

I seem to be an exception because as long as I can remember I wasn't in such a state.

I asked why have been reincarnated here hoping that as a guardian she must know know something about it at least.

She just said that she is a relatively very young guardian and doesn't have enough power or authority to gain such sensitive information.

She also informed me that the Tristar world has 9 floors and every ten years few reincarnators can rise to the floors above where there are more resources and opportunities present. She herself can rise to the floors above as well, but her rise is fueled by the number of her offsprings that manage to survive and rise above or if they are able to get into Tristar rankings.

We were currently on bottom most floor of the Tristar world and, quite a few of her children have managed to go to the second floor, but no one above that.

She just hopes to be able to protect her children as long as she can, and when they leave the nest she gifts one of the special ones with something she deems fit. Most of the guardians are like that. Growing the reincarnators then, letting them go into the world to explore on their own.

She didn't tell me but I felt she was sad due to some reason. I didn't try to ask, as it might make her feel worse but I hope she'll tell me before I leave. Why do I think she will tell me? Well, I am pretty good at reading emotions and I think I know where she went and what is going on with her.

She told me to look after the 'children' before leaving, as they would tirelessly killing each other for a while. I don't if cannibalism is alright in other species but she didn't seem to mind it. Anyways, after seeing this carnage, I know this world has no mercy for the weak. So, to survive I must stronger, even at the cost of killing all the others around me.

I put my mind to ease after thinking about a few things, from my past life.

'Now let's check out what this Com is about.'

"Com." I muttered.

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