My Doomsday Territory Chapter 797

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Chapter 797

At the moment when the game began, Jia s.h.i.+ felt as if he had fallen into a dream. He suddenly woke up in the dark and chaotic darkness.

Light appeared in front of him.

Beneath his feet was a mottled and ancient stone slab. In the cracks of the stone slab, weeds grew stubbornly, and the fragrance of the gra.s.s seeped into the tip of his nose.

The two sides were also covered in scratch walls, and they were ten meters high from the top, like a pa.s.sage that extended to the end of his line of sight.

There were some white crystals embedded in the brick wall, and it was the crystal that emitted a halo that allowed Jia s.h.i.+ to see everything around it clearly.

He reached out and grabbed one of the white crystals, trying to pull it out, but he did not pull it out.

“As expected, it’s just a background board, wait…”

He stared blankly at his palm. The rough texture of the wall when he touched the wall just now, and as his arm pulled hard on the white crystal, some gravel fell on the wall, giving him a game experience he had never experienced before –


He clenched his fists tightly, reached out and pinched the flesh of his arm, hiss —there was pain!

“This feeling, this experience, it is simply…”

Although the virtual reality game of Water Star was mature, the game environment was only a photosynthesis, and the smell was even less. In the past, Jia s.h.i.+ felt that those games were good, but now… even if it was just the opening of the ‘Lord G.o.d’ game, it gave him a feeling that he had played a spicy game before.

He took a deep breath.

Even the air carried the fragrance of plants and a faint smell of blood.

Eh? The smell of blood?

The smell of blood suddenly became rich and pungent. Jia s.h.i.+ couldn’t help but cover his nose. Suddenly, his eyes widened.

In front of him,

Dark red blood suddenly oozed out from the cracks in the wall. Before he could be frightened, the fresh blood formed rows of water star universal words.

“What the player is about to face is the game test. Only by pa.s.sing the test can you get the official game qualification.”

[The test test test has been randomly generated: Escape from the cave. Please survive for at least 60 seconds under the pursuit of the monsters. ]

[Remark: The longer you survive, the higher your evaluation will be. The higher your evaluation, the more likely you will receive the mysterious reward bestowed by the Lord G.o.d. ]

[Remark 2: This game is a completely real experience. All mental stimulation, negative effects, brain paralysis and so on, this game will not be responsible. ]

[Brave young man, panic, scream, and then please the Lord G.o.d. ]

The smell of blood was too real. Sergeant should have been panicking for a while, but his attention was completely focused on the words made of blood.

[As expected of a completely real game. Even the game notifications are so refres.h.i.+ng… There’s actually a test? Are you looking down on me, Boss Jia? ]

There had also been a game on Mercury that said, “To torture people is to be happy”.

In order to prevent players from being traumatized by the game, there had been a checkpoint at the beginning of the game, but those checkpoints had instead become one of the selling points to attract players.

As a top player, what Jia s.h.i.+ liked the most was teasing the so-called checkpoint.

Although the main G.o.d game was a little more real, wasn’t teasing the real game more a sense of accomplishment 

“This stage is called ‘Cave Escape’. You need to survive 60 seconds under the attack of the monsters. It’s very simple and very straightforward.”

“I can rely on the card slot and so on to flirt with the monsters. Moreover, what if I kill the monsters? Will there be a bug in the game?”

He was already excited.

While he was thinking, the blood from the game notification gradually dripped down, forming a puddle of blood.

On the other side of the wall, blood oozed out to form a countdown.

“The monsters have appeared. They will begin their pursuit in twenty seconds.”

The red numbers quickly decreased.

Jia s.h.i.+ suddenly smelled a fishy smell. All the hair on his body stood on end, and a chill rushed up his head from the soles of his feet. It was as if he had been targeted by some terrifying monster. He was in a trance for two or three seconds.

His neck stiffly turned around, and he saw a huge monster with four limbs on the ground about seven or eight meters behind him.

It had a body like a wolf, but its fur was rotten, and its face was twisted like a ghost. The most important thing was that its body was comparable to a big truck!

Just the visual impact was comparable to that of a tiger or a lion, which was dozens of streets away!

The giant rotwolf’s scarlet eyes stared straight at him, some saliva dripping from between its sharp teeth, hitting the stone slab with a sizzling sound.

Jia s.h.i.+’s body was stiff, and cold sweat flowed down his back.

This kind of terrifying monster, he still wanted to take liberties with it?

Let alone 60 seconds, he couldn’t even last 6 seconds!

With a casual pounce and bite, he would become the food in the stomach of the giant rotwolf!


Despite his fear, as a top player, his observation skills still allowed him to keenly discover the strange posture of the giant rotwolf standing.

The entire wolf tilted to the left, its left front legs and left hind legs injured. When it stood up, it was trembling.

It was very likely that he would not be able to run fast!

This was the chance of survival for the test, and also his chance!

Jia s.h.i.+ did not dare to have any more thoughts. The giant rotwolf was too terrifying, and the game was too real!

He did not even dare to imagine what would happen if he was really bitten by the giant rotwolf.

His survival instinct had been completely stimulated!

Jia s.h.i.+ slapped himself hard, allowing himself to break free from his panic and quickly flee forward.

His physical fitness was very good, and the main game seemed to have completely simulated his true situation. Jia s.h.i.+ couldn’t help but wonder if it was a game or if he had transmigrated.

At the beginning, the stone slabs of the pa.s.sage were flat, but soon, he found that the pa.s.sage became more and more rugged. Sometimes there were holes in the front, which were bottomless, and GG would be played when he fell down.

Sometimes, there were huge rocks blocking the way ahead. Jia s.h.i.+ was agile and rolled over.

These obstacles were not difficult for him. On the contrary, he saw hope.

If the road was smooth, even if the giant rotwolf’s leg was injured, its speed would be much faster than his, but the complex terrain was an opportunity!


A roar came from behind. It was more terrifying than the tiger roar that Jia s.h.i.+ heard in the animal park… No, it could not be compared at all. Comparing the tigers in captivity was insulting the terrifying giant rotwolf and insulting the game plan.

He did not turn back and kept running.

There was a loud bang behind him, and the entire pa.s.sage seemed to be trembling. Jia s.h.i.+ could not help but look up, afraid that there would be a collapsed boulder falling down from above.

If it was any other game, Jia s.h.i.+ would only bury his head and run, not caring about the changes in the pa.s.sage, this kind of ‘backboard’.

But this game was too real.

The constant shaking had already caused some gravel to fall from the top of his head. As long as one had enough strength, it was not impossible to destroy the walls, such as the giant rotwolf!


His eyes narrowed.

He took a wrong step and dashed to the left, stepping on the pile of rubble and leaping over.

At the same time, on the right side of the pile of rubble, the ‘flat ground’ that Jia s.h.i.+ had originally planned to pa.s.s by happened to be smashed by a large boulder that was the size of a millstone at the top of the shaking. With a bang, the stone fragments on the stone slab flew everywhere. A sharp piece of gravel flew past his cheek, causing his right cheek to burn with pain!

It was really painful!

It was not the kind of impact that was stiffly simulated by the game!

He couldn’t help but touch it. It was wet, and his palm was already dyed red.

The fear in his heart was constantly magnified, but Jia s.h.i.+’s footsteps had always been steady, flying left and right in the gravel pa.s.sage.

He didn’t look back, nor did he dare to look back.

But he felt that the giant rotwolf was approaching.


A heaven-shaking roar came from behind him, and it was getting closer and closer, causing his eardrums to hurt.

Just at this time,

The pa.s.sage ahead was blocked by a few slanted logs, and there was only a gap in the middle of the pa.s.sage with a waist high.

It was enough for people to crawl through.

But it was too late to bend down and crawl!

Jia s.h.i.+ had already smelled the fishy stench coming from behind him!

His body leaned back, and his whole person brushed past the gap like a sliding shovel. Thanks to the excellent quality of his pajamas – the clothes he wore at the game checkpoint, except for a pair of shoes, the rest were the same as when he was lying in the game cabin – his quick and intelligent sliding steps succeeded, and his large calf that was rubbing against the ground was not as painful… No, hiss, it was still a little painful.

Jia s.h.i.+ quickly got up and finally couldn’t help but look back.


The thick logs that had sealed the pa.s.sage were smashed into pieces by the giant rotwolf. Countless fragments scattered in all directions. The giant rotwolf only paused for a moment after being shaken by the recoil, then continued to limp towards him.


Jia s.h.i.+’s scream echoed in the pa.s.sage. He rolled and crawled forward.

Running at full speed, constantly climbing over obstacles, avoiding the falling rocks above his head. Jia s.h.i.+ was tense, and his physical strength inevitably began to decline. His breathing had become much heavier.


He did not notice for a moment, and his toes kicked a piece of gravel, which not only made his face distorted from the pain of his toes, but also made him stagger and fall forward.

Jia s.h.i.+ reacted quickly. He used both hands to support himself and made a tactical roll. He trembled and was about to stand up.

But in the next moment,

A shadow enveloped him. A huge wolf claw slammed into the stone tablet not far away from him. The gravel flew and left a deep claw mark. The huge mouth that was filled with a fishy smell covered the top of his head. Jia s.h.i.+’s eyes were full of fear and despair.

[Congratulations to player 003for pa.s.sing the Main G.o.d Test. You have obtained the official game qualification. ]

[Test test: ‘- Cave Escape’ score: 155 seconds. Excellent rating. One novice gift package for obtaining the Main G.o.d reward. Please check. ]

[Player has obtained a chance to change the game name. You can slightly adjust your appearance and officially start the Main G.o.d Game. ]

[Note: The Main G.o.d Game is completely real and no longer has a death protection mechanism. For any unexpected situations that occur to the player, the main G.o.d game producer has expressed his apologies and will not be responsible. ]

[Note 2: Master G.o.d’s reminder, please do not treat the Master G.o.d game as just a game. ]

On a s.p.a.cious white platform, Jia s.h.i.+ was breathing heavily.

He still maintained his previous posture.

He half-squatted on the ground with his hands on the ground and was about to stand up.

But in the next moment, he was enveloped by the giant rotwolf. The sharp teeth and the foul smell in his mouth still left a lingering fear in his heart when he recalled it.

Fortunately, the giant rotwolf did not really bite down.

The fear of death lingered in his heart for a long time.

After not moving for a few minutes, Knight gradually came back to his senses and stood up shakily. Only then did he realize that he was already far away from the death pa.s.sage.

The dust and gra.s.s on his pajamas were gone, and the holes and wrinkles were gone, returning to normal.

He touched his right face. There was no wet blood, and he could not feel the burning pain.

“Fortunately, it’s just a game…”

Only then did Knight realize that he could open a player panel that looked like other games.

He found the log and browsed through the reminders that had just sounded.

“There is no death protection mechanism? In other words, there is a possibility of real death experience in the game at the back?”

He gasped.

Even if he could be resurrected, the pain and fear were real.

Even if there were unexpected situations like brain death, it was not impossible… But why didn’t the game reduce the pain? Or perhaps it was to completely imitate?

And the test checkpoint was to sieve and choose a group of players who could adapt to the ‘Lord G.o.d Game’?

Jia s.h.i.+ was surprised to find that although he was still a little afraid, he was more excited.

When he was in a desperate situation, the trembling of his soul, the roar of his flesh and blood… was actually what he yearned for.

For a moment, he forgot about Mercury, who was in danger.

He forgot the fear of death just now.

He was just excited and excited as he studied the player panel. Then, he looked up and saw that outside the platform he was on, there was a bright starry sky.

The platform was the starting point. Rows of stairs floated up and extended into the distance. In front of a huge, vast, and magnificent s.p.a.ce gate.

Only after crossing the star gate can one truly enter the main G.o.d game.

Jia s.h.i.+ raised his head and was stunned for a while before he blurted out, “It’s really… spectacular!”

He couldn’t use any other adjectives and only felt that it was a miracle created by the G.o.ds.

He changed his name to ‘Boss Jia’ and added a hundred million points to his appearance before walking up the stairs with a slightly pious att.i.tude.


The game capsule opened, and Jia s.h.i.+ sat up straight with excitement in his eyes.

He quickly called for the computer robot – a robot with a rolling wheel under a platform, with a touchscreen on its face, came to his side and turned into a computer form connected to the table.

Jia s.h.i.+ quickly operated.

His flexible fingers danced on the screen, and from time to time, with voice instructions, he quickly edited the video he edited in the “Lord G.o.d Game” and some ideas to make a video.

The only thing that Jia s.h.i.+ felt pity was that the escape process was not recorded, and he could not capture the strong body of the giant rotwolf… After all, it was too late to run for his life, and there was no player panel. Only G.o.d knew if there was a recording function.

As the uploader of the game area, Jia s.h.i.+ had two main columns.

One was the popular virtual reality game he played before, “Fire Blue Kingdom”, and the other was the “new online game review” he used to ridicule some new games.

As for the rice column, it did not exist.

He opened a new column, hesitated for a moment, and typed the four words “G.o.d level game”.

Although the main game was too thrilling and exciting, this kind of completely realistic game, he did not evaluate it, no… first lick it, it was simply unworthy of his ident.i.ty as a top player!

Jia s.h.i.+ uploaded the video without looking at the follow-up effects. He laid back in the game cabin and immersed himself in his thoughts.

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