The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous Volume 2 Chapter 5 - Maple Trees on the Southern Mountain

The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous -

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Volume 2 Chapter 5 - Maple Trees on the Southern Mountain

*Then I will never marry!*

“Never marry!” Leng Jiu leaned back on the pillow, with Gong Yuwei’s words echoing in her mind. He didn’t say it in a resolute tone, nor did he swear to the heavens, but those words struck deeper than any vow. She believed that he would do as he said. If he truly remained unmarried because of her, how could she bear such a burden?

“Zi Yu! Go get those wines for me!”

Zi Yu looked at her hesitantly and advised, “Empress Dowager, you’ve already had quite a bit to drink today. You really shouldn’t have more.”

“I told you to go, so just go. Why so much chatter?” Leng Jiu replied impatiently.

Zi Yu pouted but had no choice but to fetch the wine.

Leng Jiu raised the cup and drank it in one gulp, smacking her lips in dissatisfaction. “Tasteless! Why is it so bland?”

“This is low-alcohol wine, perfect for women to drink!”

“I don’t want it! Bring me a jar of Zhuyeqing!” (a strong Chinese liquor)

“Empress Dowager, you can’t drink something that strong!” Zi Yu insisted on persuading her.

Leng Jiu grabbed her hand. “I’m in a bad mood and want to drink. The stronger, the better!”

Zi Yu knew she was in a bad mood, especially after seeing the Grand Chancellor. “Empress Dowager, if you’re upset, how about I tell you a story to cheer you up? Or we could go out to admire the flowers. The flowers in Baihua Garden are in full bloom, and there are a few pots of golden chrysanthemums and ink chrysanthemums.”

“No! I just want to drink!” Leng Jiu pouted, like a child demanding candy. “If you don’t bring it, I’ll get it myself—two jars!”

Zi Yu was speechless. “Alright, alright! I’m afraid of you, Empress Dowager. I’ll go get it for you, okay?”

“Mm! Zi Yu is the best!”

Zi Yu shook her head and got up to leave. Soon, she returned carrying a jar of Zhuyeqing. The strong aroma of the wine almost made her dizzy. “Empress Dowager, do you really want to drink this?”

Leng Jiu gave her a sideways glance. “Nonsense! Why would I ask for it if I wasn’t going to drink it?”

Leng Jiu had Zi Yu bring a large bowl and poured the Zhuyeqing into it. She raised it and gulped it down in one go. The fiery taste was like a burning knife, scorching her throat as it went down.

One bowl, two bowls, three bowls—Zi Yu watched in shock, but Leng Jiu showed no sign of stopping. In the blink of an eye, half the jar of Zhuyeqing was gone, as if she were drinking plain water. When Zi Yu saw her about to pour more, she finally couldn’t stand it and grabbed the jar. “You can’t drink any more!”

Leng Jiu licked the last bit of wine from her lips, her eyes hazy. “If I don’t drink, then you drink!”

Zi Yu started to cry. “I don’t know how to drink!”

Leng Jiu didn’t care. “Either you drink, or I drink. That’s an order!”

Zi Yu held the jar, wis.h.i.+ng she could disappear. What kind of mistress was this? Seeing Leng Jiu reaching for the jar again, Zi Yu hugged it tightly. “I’ll drink!”

“Yes, yes! Drink quickly!” Leng Jiu looked at her with watery eyes, smiling brightly.

Zi Yu felt like biting off her own tongue. Just holding the jar made her feel drunk, but she couldn’t back down now. Under Leng Jiu’s gaze, Zi Yu grimaced and poured herself a bowl, deciding to end the torment quickly. She downed it in one go, but…

*Cough, cough, cough, cough! Cough, cough, cough!* Zi Yu collapsed onto the table, her face flushed, coughing so hard she thought she might cough up her heart and lungs!

By the time she caught her breath, Leng Jiu had already finished two more bowls, happily smacking her lips as she watched.

Zi Yu frowned. “Don’t you think the wine is awful and too spicy?”

Leng Jiu took another sip and sighed. “There are many kinds of wine, but I prefer the strong ones. My favorite is that fiery taste, burning through the throat and stomach like molten iron. That’s the real deal. Someone like you, who doesn’t drink, won’t understand the beauty of it!”

Zi Yu, still trembling, declared, “I’ll never drink again! It’s too awful!”

After finis.h.i.+ng the last bowl, Leng Jiu suddenly grabbed Zi Yu, who was still red-faced. “Hey! Tell me honestly, have you ever liked a man?”

Zi Yu’s eyes widened, her face heating up even more, though she wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol or embarra.s.sment. “Why are you asking this, Empress Dowager?”

Leng Jiu pouted. “I’m just curious. Why do women have to like men? What’s so good about men? They’re lowly, ugly, shameless, and treacherous. Even the good ones are selfish, dark-hearted, and will do anything to achieve their goals. To them, women and lives are just p.a.w.ns. What’s there to love about such men?”

Zi Yu’s eyes grew wide. “What are you saying, Empress Dowager? Not all men are that bad! Look at Lord Hua and the Grand Chancellor. They’re both so good. Sure, there are bad men, but there are also pure-hearted ones!”

Leng Jiu waved her hand. “That’s because you haven’t seen the other side of men. They bully the weak, use any means necessary, and for money, they’ll even be a woman’s pet. To climb the ranks, they’d lick someone’s toes!”

Zi Yu kept shaking her head. “I don’t believe that, Empress Dowager. The people I know aren’t like that!”

“Oh? Tell me about them!” Leng Jiu was intrigued.

Zi Yu hadn’t wanted to say anything, but seeing how extreme Leng Jiu was being and feeling a bit tipsy herself, she began to speak her mind. “The family next door to mine are hunters. They have a son named A-Lang. I grew up with Brother A-Lang. His father is very kind, always bringing back game to share with the two elderly people in the village who have no children, even helping them with The villagers all say they’re good people!”

“Brother A-Lang’s family hunts, but they don’t have much money. They couldn’t afford to send him to school, so my father taught him to read in the evenings. He’s not very smart, but he worked hard to learn. They tried to pay my father with game, but he refused because hunting is dangerous and those animals were hard-won. Instead, his mother would make soup and bring it over for everyone to share!”

“As our families grew closer, my father arranged our marriage. Brother A-Lang has always been good to me. Once, when I went deep into the mountains to gather herbs, I twisted my ankle and fell into a ravine. I couldn’t climb out until nightfall, but he searched two mountains to find me and carried me back. On the way, we were attacked by wolves. He didn’t put me down even when a wolf bit a chunk out of his leg. He carried me until we met up with my father’s group, and that’s how we survived. But he nearly lost the use of his leg.”

“I was supposed to marry him when I turned fifteen, but then I was chosen to be a palace maid. No one could stop the officials from taking me, but he promised me he would wait for me and marry me when I left the palace!”

Leng Jiu hadn’t expected her to have a lover. “Do you believe him? What if he can’t wait and marries someone else?”

Zi Yu shook her head. “He wouldn’t! He joined the army after I entered the palace. He said he would become a general and come back to marry me. I’ll wait for him here in the palace, and when I’m free, I’ll wait for him at home, no matter how long it takes!”

What if he dies and doesn’t come back? What if he meets a n.o.ble lady after becoming a general? Would he still remember the girl next door? Leng Jiu didn’t voice these thoughts, knowing how cruel they were. She also knew that no matter what she said, this foolish girl would insist on waiting.

Leng Jiu stood up. “You can go now. No need to serve me.”

Zi Yu realized she had said too much and didn’t insist on staying. She tidied the table and left.

Leng Jiu dismissed the other maids and walked into the bath, fully clothed. She submerged herself in the warm water, feeling its comfort but also a lingering heaviness in her heart—all because of Gong Yuwei!

She sank her head underwater, cutting off her hearing, vision, and even sensation.

Suddenly, she was yanked out of the water, followed by an angry scolding. “Stupid woman! Are you trying to die?”

Leng Jiu leaned against the source of the strength, looking up at Hua Jinzhi’s handsome face. He was dressed in black, but there was a faint scent of perfume on him. Leng Jiu smiled. “Our young lord, from which perfumed den did you escape? Did your mother really prepare two beauties for you?”

She reached up and hooked his chin with her finger. “Tell me

Leng Jiu leaned against him, raising her head to meet Hua Jinzhi’s handsome face. He was dressed in black, but there was a faint scent of cosmetics on him. Leng Jiu smiled, “Which powdery den did our young lord escape from? Could it be that your mother really prepared two sweethearts for you?”

She lifted her hand to hook his chin. “Tell your sister, did you eat?”

Hua Jinzhi glared at her with a mix of embarra.s.sment and anger, “What does that have to do with you?”

Leng Jiu thought for a moment and said, “It seems it has nothing to do with me!” She then hooked her arms around his neck, “I’m out of strength, carry me to the **!”

Hua Jinzhi held her close, feeling her soft and supple skin through the fabric. Her voice, weak yet filled with an almost imperceptible allure, stirred something within him, making his voice hoa.r.s.e, “You’ve been drinking again tonight?”

“Not much! Just a jar of *Bamboo Leaf Green*!”

Hua Jinzhi twitched slightly. A jar of *Bamboo Leaf Green* wasn’t much? A wine that could make most women drunk after two sips was nothing to her? Without a word, he lifted her horizontally. But with her clothes all wet, how could she go to bed like that? “You should change your clothes first, or you’ll soak the bed.”

Having soaked in hot water, and now intoxicated, Leng Jiu was in a state of semi-consciousness, her body limp. She didn’t have the strength to change clothes. “You change them for me.”

Boom! Hua Jinzhi suddenly felt something explode in his mind, making him dizzy and disoriented!

It took him a while to regain his senses, and seeing Leng Jiu lying there, her body soft as if her bones had melted away, he resigned himself to changing her clothes. However, the process was long and torturous—a mixture of pain and happiness. As he peeled off her clothes, it was like peeling an egg, revealing the soft, tender skin underneath, now tinged with an enticing pink. The supple skin and perfect curves were so mesmerizing that he couldn’t tear his eyes away.

When her most intimate beauty, unique to women, was revealed, Hua Jinzhi was so embarra.s.sed that he closed his eyes, not daring to look any longer. He quickly wrapped her in clothes and tossed her onto the bed. Only then did he realize he was drenched in sweat, his heart pounding so fast that his chest hurt!

Taking a deep breath, he turned and went into the bath, quickly was.h.i.+ng up and changing into fresh clothes. When he came out and approached the bed, he saw that Leng Jiu had thrown off the covers, exposing a snow-white leg, tempting him beyond measure. Hua Jinzhi felt another wave of dizziness and quickly tucked her leg back in. He then climbed into bed, wrapping her tightly in the covers like a coc.o.o.n and holding her in his arms, determined not to let her expose any more skin to tempt him!

After all the commotion, Leng Jiu was somewhat more awake. Seeing Hua Jinzhi looking so uncomfortable yet trying so hard to endure, she couldn’t help but laugh, “You’re clearly at your limit, yet you still don’t dare to make a move. Should I call you a prude or a coward?”

“Shut up!” Hua Jinzhi glared at her. “Who told you to drink so much? Considering you’re out of your senses, I’m letting you off. Otherwise, you’d be dead meat!”

Leng Jiu chuckled, “So you really are a gentleman?”

Hua Jinzhi continued to glare at her!

Suddenly, Leng Jiu stretched out her arms from the covers, wrapped them around Hua Jinzhi’s neck, and rested her head on his chest. “Hey! Tell me, why do women like men?”

“Nonsense! If women don’t like men, would they like other women?”

“…” “Then why do men like women?”

“Can you stop asking such dumb questions?”

Is it really that dumb? Leng Jiu smacked her lips, thinking the question was actually quite profound. “Then what kind of woman do you like?”

Hua Jinzhi nearly gritted his teeth as he replied, “Arrogant, conceited, lecherous, shameless, vulgar, and stupid! And now a drunkard!”

“Huh?” Leng Jiu was speechless. “You like a woman like that?”

Hua Jinzhi suddenly laughed. How could this woman be so silly when drunk? But silly in a cute way. “What can I do if I’ve fallen for her?”

“I don’t understand!” Leng Jiu looked up, her eyes hazy, staring at Hua Jinzhi with a curious expression, “With so many flaws, she must be disgusting and hateful. How can you stand her? Don’t you feel uncomfortable and repulsed?”

Hua Jinzhi almost burst out laughing, but he couldn’t bear to ruin Leng Jiu’s adorable demeanor, so he restrained himself and playfully pinched her nose. “Indeed, she’s awful, but she has her adorable moments, just like now!”

Leng Jiu still didn’t understand. Seeing that he hadn’t really answered her question, she changed her inquiry, “Then what is love?”

“Love is love, a feeling that comes from the heart, uncontrollable. If you try to force it away, your heart will bleed, and you’ll die!” Hua Jinzhi rarely spoke seriously, but he did this time.

“Love is love!” Leng Jiu muttered this phrase to herself, and after a long while, she seemed to have an epiphany, then promptly fell asleep on Hua Jinzhi’s chest.

Hua Jinzhi looked at her sleeping face, feeling a bit speechless, but his heart was filled with a sense of contentment and happiness he had never experienced before. He gently placed her hands back under the covers. The throbbing pain in his lower body left him a bit helpless, and he leaned down to peck her face lightly. “I originally planned to give it to you tonight, but you got drunk, so I’ll let you off for now. Anyway, since you drank my aphrodisiac wine, you’re mine for life, you can’t escape!”

After saying this, he smiled at her serene sleeping face, then held her close and drifted off to sleep himself.

The next day, when Leng Jiu woke up, Hua Jinzhi was already gone. Although she had been a bit fuzzy the night before, she knew that Hua Jinzhi had been there, had changed her clothes, and they had talked for quite a while.

“Empress Dowager! You’re awake!” Ziyu entered, followed by Qiuxin with a basin of water, and Qingling tidying up the room.


Leng Jiu still felt a bit unwell and didn’t feel like getting up.

Leng Jiu leaned into Hua Jinzhi, following his movement, and looked up at his handsome face. He was dressed in black, but there was still a faint scent of makeup on him. Leng Jiu chuckled, “Which perfume nest did our young lord escape from? Or did your mother really prepare two lovelies for you?”

She lifted her hand and hooked his chin, “Tell your sister, did you eat them?”

Hua Jinzhi glared at her with shame and anger, “None of your business!”

Leng Jiu thought for a moment and said, “It really isn’t my business!” She hooked his neck, “I’m exhausted, carry me to bed!”

Hua Jinzhi held her, and even through her clothes, he could feel her soft and elastic skin. Her voice was weak, carrying a subtle allure that stirred his heart and made his voice hoa.r.s.e, “Did you drink again tonight?”

“Not much! Just a jar of Bamboo Leaf Green!”

Hua Jinzhi’s forehead twitched. A whole jar of Bamboo Leaf Green wasn’t much? The kind of wine that would get most women drunk after two sips, yet to her, it was just a small amount? Speechlessly, he lifted her in his arms, but seeing how wet she was, he said, “You should change your clothes first, or you’ll soak the bed!”

Leng Jiu had soaked in hot water, and now, as the drunkenness. .h.i.t her, she was dazed and limp, without the strength to change her clothes. “You do it for me!”

Boom! Hua Jinzhi suddenly felt something explode in his mind, leaving him dizzy and confused!

It took him a long moment to recover, seeing Leng Jiu completely limp, as if all the bones in her body had melted away. Resigned, he began to undress her, but the process was excruciatingly slow. The so-called mix of pain and pleasure was probably what he was feeling now! As he peeled off her clothes, like peeling an egg, revealing her fair and tender skin, now tinged with an enticing pink, the softness and perfect curves made him linger, unable to stop himself!

When that private beauty exclusive to women was revealed, Hua Jinzhi was so embarra.s.sed that he shut his eyes, not daring to look again. He hurriedly wrapped her in clothes and tossed her into the bed, only then realizing he was drenched in sweat, his heart pounding painfully!

Taking a deep breath, he turned and went to the bath, quickly was.h.i.+ng up and changing into fresh clothes before coming out. As he approached the bed, he saw Leng Jiu had lifted the blanket, with a fair leg draped over it, looking incredibly enticing. Hua Jinzhi felt dizzy again and quickly stuffed her leg back under the covers, then lay down beside her, wrapping her tightly like a silkworm in a coc.o.o.n, determined not to let her expose any more skin to tempt him!

After all the fuss, Leng Jiu had sobered up a bit. Seeing Hua Jinzhi’s uncomfortable but restrained expression, she couldn’t help but laugh, “You’re clearly suffering, yet you don’t dare to make a move. Should I call you a fake prude? Or a coward?”

“Shut up!” Hua Jinzhi glared at her, “Who told you to drink so much? I’m letting you off because you’re not sober, otherwise, you’d be dead!”

Leng Jiu chuckled, “So you’re actually a gentleman?”

Hua Jinzhi glared at her again!

Suddenly, Leng Jiu reached out from under the covers, wrapping her arms around Hua Jinzhi’s neck and resting her head on his chest, “Hey! Why do women like men?”

“Is that even a question? If women don’t like men, would they like women?”

“…”“Then why do men like women?”

“Can you stop asking such stupid questions?”

Is it stupid? Leng Jiu pouted, it seemed pretty profound to her: “So what kind of woman do you like?”

Hua Jinzhi nearly ground his teeth as he said, “Arrogant, obnoxious, l.u.s.tful, shameless, vulgar, and stupid! And now, a drunkard!”

“Huh?” Leng Jiu was speechless, “You like a woman like that?”

Hua Jinzhi suddenly laughed. How could this woman be so dumb when she’s drunk? But her foolishness was adorable, “What can I do if I’ve already fallen for her?”

“I don’t understand!” Leng Jiu looked up, her eyes slightly hazy as she stared at Hua Jinzhi, looking like a curious baby, “With so many flaws, she must be disgusting and annoying. How can you stand her? Wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable and repulsed?”

Hua Jinzhi almost burst out laughing but couldn’t bear to spoil her dazed and cute expression. He restrained his laughter and tapped her nose, “She’s indeed annoying, but she has her cute moments too, like right now!”

Leng Jiu still didn’t understand. Seeing that he wasn’t answering her question directly, she switched topics, “Then what is love?”

“Love is love, a feeling that arises from the heart, uncontrollable. If you forcefully remove it, your heart will bleed, and you’ll die!” Hua Jinzhi, for once, didn’t joke around and answered very seriously.

“Love is love!” Leng Jiu murmured this phrase to herself, and after a while, she seemed to have a sudden realization. Then she directly leaned against Hua Jinzhi’s chest and fell asleep!

Hua Jinzhi looked at her sleeping face, feeling a bit helpless, but his heart was filled with an overwhelming sense of contentment and happiness like never before. He gently put her hands back under the covers, and the painful throbbing below made him sigh. He bent down and kissed Leng Jiu on the face, “I originally planned to give it to you tonight, but you got drunk, so I’ll let you off for now. Anyway, you drank my hehuan wine, so you’re mine for life. You can’t escape!”

After saying that, he looked at her peaceful sleeping face, laughed to himself for a while, and then fell asleep holding her!

When Leng Jiu woke up the next day, Hua Jinzhi was already gone. Although she was a bit muddled last night, she knew that Hua Jinzhi had been there, had changed her clothes, and they had talked for quite a while!

“Empress! You’re awake!” Ziyu walked in, and Qiuxin was carrying a basin of water, while Qingling was tidying up the room.


Leng Jiu still felt a bit unwell and didn’t want to get up! 

Ziyu, knowing she was likely feeling unwell due to a hangover, smiled, “See? You drank so much, now you’re feeling awful, right? I’ve had the physician prepare some medicine and porridge. Once you wash up and eat a bit, you’ll feel better!”

Leng Jiu indeed felt uncomfortable. She got up with Ziyu’s help, feeling boneless as she let Ziyu dress her and help her wash up. Ziyu was patient and attentive, and after freshening up, Leng Jiu finally felt a bit more energized and was able to eat some porridge on her own!

Though it was medicinal porridge, it wasn’t unpleasant. Many of the herbs were also food ingredients, making it quite fragrant!

“Empress! Today, many people are going up the mountain to enjoy the maple leaves. Do you want to go as well?”

“What’s there to see?”

“Have you forgotten, Empress? In our capital, the plum blossoms in the North Mountain, the maples in the South Mountain, the peach blossoms in the East Mountain, and the jade lake in the West are the most famous and beautiful sceneries. Now it’s autumn, and the mountains are covered in red maple leaves—it’s quite spectacular. Yesterday was the Double Ninth Festival, and many people went up to enjoy the view. Even though the festival is over, the maple trees are still brilliantly red, and there are still many people going up. Since you’ve been feeling down, why not go out, get some fresh air, and maybe you’ll feel better!”

“Maple trees?” Leng Jiu thought for a moment, “Alright! I suppose I could go out for a walk. Otherwise, I might get moldy staying here!”

Ziyu was delighted, “I’ll go prepare immediately!”

Upon hearing this, Qiuxin came over with a pitiful look on her face, “Empress! I want to go with you!”

Leng Jiu gave her a sidelong glance, “Did I say you couldn’t go?”

Qiuxin immediately brightened up, “Thank you, Empress!”

The idea of going out to play made the two of them excited as they started packing up. Leng Jiu left Lu Chang and Qingling to watch over the palace and took Duheng and the two maids out of the palace with her.

Leng Jiu was a carefree person, and though she had been in a bad mood the night before because of Gong Yuwei, she had already forgotten about it by the next morning. To her, men were just men. If Gong Yuwei could stir her heart and make her lose sleep for a night, that was enough. If she continued to dwell on it, she wouldn’t be Leng Jiu anymore!

After a night of contemplation, she admitted to herself that she had developed some feelings for Gong Yuwei and even liked him. She cared for him enough that she didn’t want him to be hurt and even considered pus.h.i.+ng him back onto the right path in his life. That was why she had been moved when he said he would never marry. But now, she wouldn’t let it affect her anymore because that was Gong Yuwei’s choice, and it had nothing to do with her. Her feelings for him were genuine. If he was willing, they could continue like this, maintaining a subtle ambiguity or even becoming lovers, with both of them content in their own way.

Ziyu noticed the relaxation in Leng Jiu’s furrowed brow and immediately understood that she had resolved something in her mind. Although Ziyu didn’t know what exactly was on Leng Jiu’s mind, it certainly had to do with the Grand Chancellor. Thinking back to last night when Leng Jiu had forced her to drink some wine and then say a bunch of things, Ziyu’s face flushed. She fervently hoped that the Empress Dowager wouldn’t remember; those were things she had never shared with anyone before, and it was incredibly embarra.s.sing!

Perhaps it was because she hadn’t left the palace in a long time, but Qiu Xin was especially joyful, holding Kano and sitting on the carriage shaft with Du Heng. She stared wide-eyed along the way, looking as if she had never seen anything before!

Today’s sunlight was perfect, ideal for a spring outing. Along the road, there were quite a few scholars and literati traveling together, and carriages carrying young ladies from official families occasionally pa.s.sed by. Young gentlemen were riding horses, their youthful energy catching the attention of many girls who frequently glanced their way. Though it was autumn, the atmosphere felt very much like a lively spring day.

Ziyu parted the carriage curtain and was instantly stunned by the distant scenery. “Empress Dowager! We’ve arrived!”

Upon hearing this, Leng Jiu opened her eyes and looked out through the window Ziyu had just lifted. Directly in front of her was a not-so-tall mountain, entirely covered in maple leaves that, at this moment, were as red as a sea of fire, like the crimson hem of a woman’s dress, full of pa.s.sion, vibrancy, and radiance!

“Hmm! Not bad at all.”

“So beautiful! I’ve heard before that the maple leaves here are the most beautiful, but I never had the chance to see them until today!” Ziyu said longingly.

Leng Jiu smiled without saying anything.

The carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain. Ziyu was the first to jump out, and Leng Jiu adjusted her collar before getting off the carriage as well. As soon as her feet touched the ground, an autumn breeze blew by, causing a few maple leaves to drift down from the mountain. One leaf floated gently in front of Leng Jiu, who raised her hand slightly, catching it. The vibrant red of the leaf against her pale palm was exceptionally beautiful!

The maple leaf was small, only the size of Leng Jiu’s hand, appearing delicate and refined. Leng Jiu picked it up and handed it to Ziyu. “Dry it and place it in my book.”

Ziyu carefully took it. “Yes!”

“Squeak, squeak!” Kano jumped out of Qiu Xin’s arms, did a spin on the ground, and then happily ran into the pine forest. It was evident that it loved the mountains.

Seeing it run off, Qiu Xin immediately became worried. “Empress Dowager! Should I go find it?”

“No need! Let it be! Don’t let yourself get lost as well!” Leng Jiu wasn’t worried about Kano getting lost; the little creature would find its way back.

Although Qiu Xin wanted to go after it, she remained silent after hearing this.

Du Heng settled the carriage and came over with a box and a large bundle. “Empress Dowager! Shall we ascend from the western side of the mountain?”

Leng Jiu looked at him. “Why the western side?”

Du Heng pointed to a nearby path. “This is the southern side, favored by scholars and literati. The path is divided into seven stages, each with a checkpoint. Anyone wis.h.i.+ng to ascend must answer the questions posed at each stage, or they’ll be stuck at the foot of the mountain!”

Leng Jiu looked and indeed saw many people dressed as scholars standing together, seemingly discussing something.

“The eastern side is reserved for n.o.blemen’s sons. They come every year, and the area is divided by rank, with fixed s.p.a.ces. Unless you join their group, you won’t find a spot! The northern side is where the civil and military officials and the Emperor enjoy the autumn leaves; there’s even a temporary palace there. If the Empress Dowager wishes, we could go there. However, the western side is the most peaceful, as there’s a small temple halfway up the mountain. The temple has good incense offerings, but during this spring outing season, there aren’t many people. If the Empress Dowager wishes, you could light some incense and make a wish.”

Leng Jiu smiled. “In that case, let’s ascend from the northern side. I don’t feel like joining the crowd today.”

“Yes, Empress Dowager!”

The mountain wasn’t large, and it was only a hundred or two hundred meters from here to the foot of the northern side. The road was paved with bluestone, lined with maple trees on both sides. The fallen leaves covered the ground, making it soft underfoot.

As they ascended, there really wasn’t anything but maple trees, making the scene quite pure and unspoiled.

The western side had a wide stone staircase that led straight from the foot of the mountain to the halfway point, where the small temple could be seen. A little monk was sweeping the fallen leaves on the stairs, and there were only about ten people coming and going. Compared to the other sides, it was indeed very quiet.

Leng Jiu lifted her skirt and stepped onto the stone stairs, climbing them one step at a time. The scenery on both sides was the same maple forest, but after walking a few dozen steps and turning back, the view suddenly opened up, revealing another kind of beauty. The autumn breeze brushed against her face, carrying the unique scent of leaves, giving the experience a special flavor.

The stone staircase had a total of 130 steps. Leng Jiu didn’t feel anything after climbing them, but Ziyu and Qiu Xin were exhausted, collapsing at the entrance with no concern for their image.

Du Heng looked at them, then at the Empress Dowager, and couldn’t help but admire her. “Ordinary women can’t climb this path without being exhausted. This is the first time I’ve seen a woman reach the top without any trouble. The Empress Dowager truly impresses me!”

Leng Jiu plucked a nearby maple leaf and replied, “It’s just about maintaining a rhythm and adjusting your breathing; it’s no different from walking on flat ground. What’s so impressive about that?”

She tossed the leaf aside and, seeing that the two had rested enough, said, “Let’s go! Let’s see what’s inside! I’ve never been to a temple before.”

Behind her stood a temple of about 300 square meters. Above the entrance hung an old plaque, squarely inscribed with the large characters: **Nanshan Maple Forest Temple**.

In the past, gangs wors.h.i.+pped Guan Yu, but her rakish father didn’t believe in that, so they never paid their respects. As for temples, she had never visited one. She didn’t believe in anything, only in herself! No one could control life and death, and when it came to a life-and-death situation, neither Buddha nor G.o.d would save you; only you could save yourself. This was the truth a certain man taught her when she was three years old, a truth more valuable than any famous saying!

“Amitabha!” A white-bearded old monk wearing a robe walked out. He had kind eyes and a gentle demeanor, making him hard to dislike. With his hands clasped together in front of his chest, he gave a slight smile to Leng Jiu, “Last night, this old monk dreamt of purple energy and knew that an esteemed guest would visit. Greetings, honorable guest. This old monk has been awaiting your arrival.”

Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow at his words. Although she didn’t believe him, she still clasped her hands together in return, “Greetings, Master.”

The monk led Leng Jiu into the main hall, where a golden statue of the Buddha was enshrined, flanked by the Eighteen Arhats. Leng Jiu stood in the center without kneeling. The monk didn’t say anything about it, simply asking, “Would the esteemed guest like to offer incense or draw a lot?”

After thinking for a moment, Leng Jiu replied, “I’ll draw a lot.”

The monk brought over a tube of fortune sticks and handed it to Leng Jiu. “Please.”

Leng Jiu glanced at the monk, feeling that his att.i.tude was somewhat… different. She couldn’t quite describe it—more than respectful, less than friendly, and a bit peculiar. However, sensing no malice, she didn’t dwell on it.

The sticks rattled as she shook the tube, and Leng Jiu was curious about what fortune she might draw, so she was particularly focused.

With a clatter, one stick fell to the ground. Leng Jiu looked at it as the monk picked it up. Ziyu and Qiu Xin craned their necks, eager to see what kind of fortune it was, but the bamboo stick appeared to have no writing on it at all.

“Master, what does it mean when the stick has no fortune written on it?” Ziyu asked, intrigued.

The monk held the stick and smiled at Leng Jiu, clasping his hands together again. “This is the only blank lot in our temple, and in its 200-year history, you are the first to draw it. It seems last night’s dream was indeed accurate!”

“How should we interpret this fortune stick?” Qiu Xin asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

The master smiled and replied, “There are countless kinds of fortune sticks, each predicting a predetermined fate. However, this stick is blank, indicating that the benefactor’s fate is not within this cycle. Whether this stick brings good or bad fortune depends entirely on the benefactor’s own decisions!”

Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow, immediately finding this interesting. This kind of fortune stick was exactly to her liking!

Qiu Xin looked confused. “There are such fortune sticks?”

Zi Yu, who had read more books, understood a bit and explained, “Our mistress is blessed by the heavens, not bound by fate. Her future path will be extraordinary, far beyond the realm that this fortune stick can dictate, which is why the stick is blank!”

The monk nodded in agreement. “This benefactor is quite correct!”

Qiu Xin thought about it, seeming to understand yet not fully grasp it, while Du Heng looked at Leng Jiu, his resolve apparently strengthening.

Seeing that Leng Jiu had no intention of lingering further, the monk said, “Behind the temple, there is a path that leads straight to the mountain top. There, you’ll find a pavilion for viewing maple trees. It’s usually quiet and empty—a perfect place if the benefactor wishes to enjoy the maple scenery.”

Leng Jiu nodded. “Thank you, Master. We won’t trouble you any further.”

“Amitabha! Take care, benefactor.”

After Leng Jiu and her companions had walked far away, the monk once again took out the blank fortune stick. His previously steady hand now trembled slightly. “It is indeed as my master said—fate is like this!”

As Leng Jiu made her way up, the path became narrower, paved with stones. Though the area was secluded, it was clear that people frequently walked and tended to it; the stones were smooth, and there were no weeds.

After walking for less than fifty meters, they saw a pavilion built on the edge of a steep cliff, protruding out from the mountainside amidst the maple forest. It was quite elegant and unique.

“Wow! It’s so beautiful here!” Qiu Xin exclaimed, leaning over the edge of the pavilion, her eyes wide with amazement.

Leng Jiu walked over, her eyes narrowing slightly at the breathtaking view. From this pavilion, which jutted out into the maple forest, the view was expansive. She could clearly see the temple below and even all the way to the foot of the mountain. The scenery was far more stunning than what they had seen earlier from the stone steps. It truly was a great spot!

Zi Yu laid out the snacks and wine she had brought. “After such a long walk, perhaps the Empress Dowager would like to have a bite?”

Leng Jiu waved her hand. “You all eat; I’m not hungry.”

She sat down at the edge of the pavilion, gazing down at the vast world below, her mood unexpectedly uplifted. No wonder so many people enjoy climbing mountains—the feeling of looking down after the ascent was indeed very satisfying!

Just as Leng Jiu closed her eyes, intending to take a nap, a scent suddenly wafted to her nose. She snapped her eyes open and looked toward the maple forest on the left.

“Where are you going, Empress Dowager?” Zi Yu asked, hurrying over when she saw Leng Jiu get up and walk away.

Leng Jiu waved her hand. “No need to follow me, I’ll just take a walk.”

Du Heng, concerned, said, “Allow me to accompany you, Your Majesty.”

Leng Jiu thought for a moment but ultimately declined. “You stay and keep them company.”

With that, she walked into the maple forest. It was indeed very quiet here; she had walked for a while without seeing anyone. Suddenly, her gaze fell on the ground, where she bent down to pick up a maple leaf. This leaf was darker in color than the others, almost a shade of blood red. She ran her fingers over the leaf’s surface and mused, “A maple leaf dyed with fresh blood is indeed more beautiful than before.”

After discarding the leaf, she took another step forward, only to feel a sharp pain at her throat. A sword was pressed against her neck, and it had already cut into her skin.

Leng Jiu acted as if she didn’t feel the pain or see the sword before her. She calmly turned her head to look at the person holding the sword. “Long time no see.”

Long Yueli was dressed in a plain, bright red robe, his appearance blending seamlessly with the maple forest. His hair was loosely tied, his face pale, and that usually enchanting face was now expressionless, with only coldness in his fox-like eyes.

After a moment, he lowered the sword and sat under a tree, using the sword as a support, looking up at the sky. After a long silence, he finally said, “Why are you here?”

“Just out for a walk and to enjoy the maple leaves. I didn’t expect to run into you!” Leng Jiu squatted down in front of him, raising her hand to lift his chin. “Is this your true self? You look much better like this than when you’re pretending to be enchanting!”

Long Yueli suddenly grabbed Leng Jiu’s hand, put her slender fingers into his mouth, and bit down hard. He only let go when he was about to break the skin, leaving four deep bite marks. But Leng Jiu seemed unfazed, as if it wasn’t her hand that had just been bitten.

Long Yueli suddenly smiled, his expression reverting to the familiar seductive and bewitching one. He pulled Leng Jiu into his arms, lowering his head to capture her lips in a fierce, plundering kiss.

Leng Jiu’s lips were hurting from his bites, but she couldn’t break free from his iron grip, so she had no choice but to let him continue. By the time Long Yueli was satisfied and finally withdrew, her lips were already bleeding.

Long Yueli looked at her lips, a satisfied smile flas.h.i.+ng in his enchanting eyes. He leaned down to give her another peck. “This is when you’re most beautiful.”

Leng Jiu glared at him. “It seems you’re not dying yet!”

Long Yueli chuckled, his expression becoming frivolous and teasing. His other hand moved to her neck, lingering between her neck and collarbone. “I haven’t had the chance to taste you yet. How could I be willing to die?”

With that, he suddenly lowered his head, pressing hot kisses onto Leng Jiu’s neck. His voice was laced with desire. “This place is so secluded and quiet, no one will disturb us. It’s the perfect spot for a wedding night. How about we consummate our marriage here?”

Leng Jiu hooked one arm around his neck and pressed the other hand against his back, smiling sweetly. “Sure!”

Long Yueli’s wound was being pressed by Leng Jiu’s hand. He only frowned slightly before quickly pinning her to the ground, his red robe blooming like a flower. “A little pain won’t kill me. It might even add a bit of spice!”

With that, he captured her lips again, his large hand roaming over her body, skillfully brus.h.i.+ng over her sensitive spots. As he felt her body temperature rise under his touch, the smile in his eyes grew even deeper.

Leng Jiu’s senses were overwhelmed by Long Yueli’s touch. Her body no longer felt like her own, and her mind began to sink into the depths of desire. She thought she heard footsteps stumbling away, but Long Yueli’s sudden bite snapped her back to reality, only for her to be swallowed by his pa.s.sion once more, forgetting to investigate further.

As her body’s desire was ignited by Long Yueli, and just as she was ready to accept him, Long Yueli suddenly collapsed onto her shoulder, ceasing all movement.

Leng Jiu felt as if a raging fire was burning inside her, making her incredibly uncomfortable and restless. But she didn’t move or say anything because a sudden sense of desolation emanated from Long Yueli’s body. It was so profound that it made her heart tremble, slowly extinguis.h.i.+ng her desire. She let him lie on top of her, staring silently at the sky above.

After a long time, just when Leng Jiu thought Long Yueli had fallen asleep, he suddenly got up. His long hair fell over his face, obscuring his expression. He didn’t look at her again, simply picking up his sword and disappearing into the red maple forest with a light step.

Leng Jiu slowly sat up, glanced at the scattered red leaves, and walked over to lean against the spot where he had just been sitting. She stared at the endless maple forest in a daze. Long Yueli was also a man with a story. She had always known that his carefree, playful nature was an act, but she didn’t expect that beneath the façade, he would be so lonely and desolate, as if he had gone through many things, with a deep sense of emptiness and death inside him.

After sitting there for a while, Leng Jiu finally stood up, brus.h.i.+ng off the leaves stuck to her clothes as she prepared to leave. As she took a step, a glint of light suddenly caught her eye. Leng Jiu walked over, and when she saw what was on the ground, her eyes narrowed sharply. Lying there quietly was none other than the jade gourd she had given to Gong Yuwei! Suddenly remembering what she had forgotten earlier, her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Gong Yuwei had been here just now?

Bending down, she picked up the jade gourd, and with a hint of helplessness, she tucked it back into her sleeve. “If he sees this, it’s going to be a headache.”

When Leng Jiu returned to the pavilion, Ziyu was already pacing around in anxiety. If Leng Jiu hadn’t come back soon, she might have gone to look for her. “Empress Dowager! You’re finally back!”

Leng Jiu pinched her cheek without saying anything, then instructed her to lay out the blanket so she could take a nap. It was noon, and this was the perfect place for an afternoon rest. However, even after lying down for quite a while, Leng Jiu couldn’t fall asleep. She opened her eyes, staring at the sky, and took out the jade gourd, gently stroking it. The surface was extremely smooth, indicating that Gong Yuwei often fiddled with it. For him to have abandoned something he liked so much, the scene earlier must have dealt him a heavy blow.

Leng Jiu had never cared about a man’s emotions before, but now, she found herself somewhat concerned—because he was Gong Yuwei, the first person she was willing to admit she liked. The breeze couldn’t blow away her frustration, so she pulled the blanket over her head. Forget it, thinking too much won’t help; she’d deal with it when they returned to the palace.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Gong Yuwei emerged from the maple forest, his face as pale as a sheet, and the cold aura around him was even stronger than before. Anyone who saw him instinctively backed away three steps. It wasn’t until he boarded the carriage and left that people snapped out of it, all wondering what had caused him to look like that.

------ Author’s Note------

Long Yueli just made a brief appearance, haha! By the way, this chapter isn’t about tormenting the prime minister—next chapter, the prime minister will have some perks, so don’t hold it against me! Go check out the top of the comments section; if you cast your vote for an update, there will be two chapters today, just this once!

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About The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous Volume 2 Chapter 5 - Maple Trees on the Southern Mountain novel

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