The Arrival 31 House Of Change

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"The last time we met I told you I would kill you if we meet again. Did you take my words for a joke." Jack spoke as he stared down the sith in front of him. Darth Maul visibly shuddered from Jack's speech but if he had been afraid it was not shown on his face.

"Your words are jokes you jedi filth. You and all of your kind will finally be destroyed and the sith will rule the galaxy they it was meant to be." Maul felt no no more need for words as he removed his lightsaber and ignited it. Jack did the same in kinda being out number two to one was never really good odds. He had thought to call for reinforcements, they however at the moment preoccupied with a dream of droids attacking the main hallway.

Turing to his current companions Jack could only sigh," It looks like it's just us I will take on two plus the nasty horned one can you lot handle the other 7 together?" Qui-Gon and Shaak Ti both nodded yes then walked besides Jack and lite their own lightsaber. Following by Obi-Wan and Fe Sun following their Masters.

Luckily the Nightsisters had only be armed with electrostaffs and not lightsaber. Not to say that the staffs weren't dangerous, it's just a bit easier to manage. Jack ready his sabers drawing in to enhance Echani form. Not feeling like taking the backseat in this engagement Jack force push Maul and two others to the far side of the room, and took off after them.

Jack's attack signal the start of the battle as the others rushed their opponents in what would be the last engagement of this war. Meanwhile in s.p.a.ce the fleet battled rages on. Droid and Mandalorian fighter dance around each in deadly games of chicken. Though they had been out number three to one the Mandalorians had not been on the losing end of the starfighter battle.

They had even managed to land a few bomber runs on one of the control s.h.i.+ps. Lucrehulk-cla.s.s s.h.i.+ps to the best of their ability was using the planet for cover forcing Jack fleet to have to draw closer and closer to them. Which allowed a major of their fighters the ability to attack the capital s.h.i.+ps. If things continue in this fas.h.i.+on it would not be long until the first Harrower cla.s.s Dreadnought was destroyed by what would essentially be a swarm of bees.

Sharia was currently in command of the s.p.a.ce battle and looking at her tactical map she smiled as she spilt the fleet and had it have circle the planet and force the s.p.a.ce engagement. She knew the fleets weapons far surpa.s.sed anything the enemy could create at this point. They just need the opportunity to have a clear firing solution to end this battle. Once the s.p.a.ce battle was one the grounds troops would have an easy life. Turing to face the incoming deck officer Sharia had been told it would take 25 minutes for the s.h.i.+ps to get in position. 25 minutes was how long the Trade Federation fleet would be allowed to live.

Though things in s.p.a.ce had been working out quite while the ground battle had been something else entirely. 400,000 driod no matter who you were is not anything that can be taken lightly. And though the Mandalorians had deploy cover in some instances it was not enough. With the number of droids on the battle the Mandalorians were quickly becoming surrounded on all sides. The Mandalorian Canderous a.s.sault tanks fired non stop taking out hundreds of droids and yet they still seemed never ending.

Loses for the Mandalorians started to pill up. Lucky for them they still air orbital support. The bombing runs and orbital bombardments were all that stopped the ground forces from complete destruction.During the desperate plight of the ground forces battle. The Battle inside the throne room was raising to a climax.

Jack and Maul continued their dance of death. The two Nightsisters tried their best to provide support but it took everything in them just to stay alive theirselves. Thanks to Revan's teaching Jack could attack using whatever lightsaber or combat form that fit the situation. Switching in to form V Jack pressed his attack.

Force pus.h.i.+ng both Maul and one of the Nightsisters back. Before preforming an over head strike with both his lightsaber on the Nightsisters he had avoided using the force on. She desperately tried to keep her life as she managed to deflect the first blow however slowed one of his arms in the strike. Tricking the sister in to believing he had struck her with both sabers when in fact only one had. In that brief second of time when the Nightsister dropped her guard Jack bisect her from the waist.

She didn't understand what had happened as her world grew smaller and smaller. Even as death crawled it's way to her she never understood why. Her sister saw her death and flew into a blind rage striking at Jack with every she had. Only for the man to deflect most strike and even out right dodging others.

She attempt to stab Jack in his gut with the staff only for Jack to spin by it with millimeters to spare. During his spin one of his saber spun right between her neck and head. Sliceing it right off. Jack had at this full conference in he fight against Maul at this point. When they had fought before Jack had overwhelmed all of his defense and he hadn't even been really trying.

Maul new this too which is why he deactivated his lightsaber and started laughing and pointed behind Jack," Well new isn't this an interesting outcome. You could continue to fight me to which you would kill me eventually. Or you could let me go and save your friends." Following where Maul had pointed Jack saw the jedi struggling in their fight.

The two padawan's had it the worst as their lightsaber combat skill left much to be desired. Jack crused took one look at Maul then force grabbed him and pulled him into the air. Before he could process what was happening Jack through his lightsaber bisecting him just like in the movies by the waist. Jack then force pushed the remains out the of the room through a back wall.

That caused a small explosion which redirected the attention of everyone fighting. Jack took this opportunity to use a ma.s.sive area force choke on all the remaining Nightsisters. They all rose off the ground griping their neck as they gasped for air. Soon each of them pa.s.sed out from a lack of oxygen and Jack dropped them to the ground. With that the battle inside the throne room had come to an end.

Viceroy Gunray had however in all of the confusion taking this chance to escape but he had left behind his staff. One of his staff had access to the command codes for the droids in the city and they shut them down in exchange for their life. With that the Jedi black ops mission had come to an end.

With one ground battle over the s.p.a.ce battle was quickly drawing to a close as Sharia had moved the fleet in a position at which they surrounded the driod fleet from all sides. Recalling all of their remaining fighters back to the s.h.i.+ps. The droid fighters took this as a sign of retreat and tried to swarm the Harrower capital s.h.i.+ps.

Unfortunately for the droids the MAC guns had finally finished charging and 15 sabots ripped through anything in their way like a laser through s.p.a.ce. The last three control s.h.i.+ps had no chance as just like the sister s.h.i.+ps before them they had no way to deal with the silent bolts that flew at a fraction of the speed of light. As the three s.h.i.+ps imploded all the remaining droid fighters stopped all functions and floated dead in s.p.a.ce.

At the same time all of the droids forces across the planet stopped all functions. With that the battle for Naboo was over. The planet had been take back, but not with out cost. 23,000 Mandalorians lives had been lost in total this had been the planets second best lost since they entered the galactic society. Though the republic had said they would pay for the lose of men in this battle it still left a bad taste in Jack's mouth.

If the republic didn't get its act together in the next ten years then it might be Jack and the Mandalorians who start a war with the Republic and not the CIS.The clean up of the battle was a relatively short affair. Padma and the Queen's council had their hands full arranging funerals for the fallen and accounting for the missing. Though it saddened Anakin a bit Jack promised to bring him back to visit the girl.
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After contacting the Chancellor and informing him of the completion of his mission as well as the fact he managed to capture a few cheft offenders. The Chancellor had thanked him for his service to the Republic and apologized at the same time for the losses of so many of his men.

The chat with the Chancellor for Jack had been going well. This was not the case for Shaak Ti and Qui-Gon as they told the jedi council what had transpire here on Naboo. It was all but confirmed that something was moving behind the scenes and they jedi no longer had the power to see it. When the conversation eventually turned to Jack and his Mandalorians both masters had a strang look to them.

Jack had in good faith allowed them to see things that he would have never allowed outsiders to witness. They did not want to betray his trust so instead they both simply told the council they would be sending a report about the situation with the Mand'lor and his troops.

Though the battle had ended there still remained a group slaking in the shadow of Theeds. Two early prototype commando droids dug through rumble near the palace where Jack had shot Maul out off using the force. The two droids eventually find the mangled and broken body of the would be sith apprentice. Some how against all odds he was still alive. The brought the body to a private hangar owned by Palpatine and s.h.i.+pped to sith off world to a sercet location to be repaired and redesigned.

The Sith knew that round one went to the Republic but they would lay low at lest for the next few years to set up a new plan one that factored in this new force as they might be an even bigger threat than the current Republic.

Six months have gone by since the battle of Naboo and during this six months Jack had been mulling over a problem he discovered from this last major battle. As strong as his Mandalorians were their were just too few of them, and with the fact that Palpatine was not chancellor he had no reason to prepare the Republic for the up coming war. So he would need to be the one to go to the cloners on Kamino and commission for the creation of the GRA.

The issue he was running into was should he even use Jango Fett in the first place, and though the clones would be getting conditioning it would not be to the extent of the movies are TV show. Instead he would be giving them the full Mandalorian history an culture lesson along with true military tactics and understanding. While fighting off the ma.s.sive headache that was being in his head. Jack's office door slide open as a regular uninvited guest showed back up.

Since the jedi outpost had been completely a few months ago Shaak Ti had taken it upon herself to find out as much as she could about who was Jack's master, where did they find the plans to build most of the Mandalorian forces, and ultimately why he had should a pessimist view about the jedi council and order. Though the constant interrogation had wore on Jack's nerves he had still enjoyed her company a great deal so it had been a fair trade off.

This time however something felt off,"Shaak Ti what can I do for you today....wait is something the matter?" She took a long look at Jack and sighed, "I have left the jedi council...we had...disagreements on you and your people so I took this opportunity to step out of the position. No need to spy on you anymore am just a normal jedi now."

(A/N:Still feel like death but I will still try to write this next one sorry for the late release)

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