Trial Of Love Chapter 95 - Mommy Will Help You

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Inside w.a.n.g Ji's office.

w.a.n.g Ji and Liying looked at each other wondering what's wrong with Li Zi. Since they returned from the shoot, she has been in deep thought.

Liying went closer to w.a.n.g Ji and whispered, "Manager w.a.n.g, what do you think Sis Li Zi is thinking of?"

"I don't know, I dare not ask her... It seems something important. Let's just hope she solves her problems soon." w.a.n.g Ji replied, as he then cleared his throat to get the girl's attention.

"Li Zi, in a few days will be meeting the producers and director of . It will be in a cafe near Zhonghua road."

The girl smiled and nodded, "Sure, no problem, I'll meet you there since I still have things to do on that day."

"Alright, anyway... Is there anything I can help you with?" w.a.n.g Ji asked hoping to lighten the girl's burden.

"No worries, Bro w.a.n.g I'm fine... Anyway, I'll see you both tomorrow, I still have things to do."

They watched as the girl storms off the office leaving them worried about her.

Elizabeth hops on the driver's seat as she started the car engine, before she headed out, she cleared her mind first.

'Maybe I should go shopping or maybe not... I'm sure I have loads of dress to wear tonight. I should go home and check first. If I have nothing suitable I'll go out. Yeah... That makes sense.'

Since she agreed to attend the party, she has been wondering what she'll wear since I'll be the first time she'll actually attending a gathering filled with wolves and disagreeable people.

When Elizabeth arrived home, she quickly runs off to her room calling all her maids to follow her.

The maids were confused as to why both of them were suddenly summoned when their young miss would normally spend her time alone at this hour.

"What do you think is wrong with the Young Miss?"

"Dunno, she seems to be having some major problems to need both of us."

As time by, chaos has fallen in the Zhao's residence. The servants came in and out of the girl's room causing such a commotion upstairs.

Lady Zhao and Lord Knightley just arrived when they notice some of the servants whispering around the corner. They couldn't help but wonder what has happened while they were away. Both of them headed upstairs and notice one of their daughter's maids carrying a few clothes.

"Caocao, what's wrong?" Lady Zhao said alarming the girl and stop from what she was doing.

"Lady Zhao, Lord Knightley thank goodness you're finally home. It's the Young Miss, she'd been throwing all her clothes out, and we've been arranging them for a couple of times already. This is the fourth time I need to go and press her clothes again. She kept changing her mind about what she'll wear for tomorrow evening gather. I really want to cry Lady Zhao." Caocao expressed herself as Lady Zhao comforted her, she let the girl go so she can do her job.

The couple looked at each other surprised that their daughter was anxious to attend a gathering when she hates such an event. To think she'll worry about what to wear when she despises people who show off and dress up to get people's attention. Plus, she has the best-designed clothes in the world and an unlimited amounts of them yet she couldn't find a suitable dress for a simple event.

When the two of them entered her room, they saw the pile of dress and shoes scattered all over the room. The girl suddenly came out of the closet carrying a couple of dresses with her when she notices her parents have entered her room.

"Mom, Dad, you're here…"

She was startled to see her parents standing right in front of her. At the same time, ashamed at the state of her room as she looked around. "I'm sorry, my room is…"

Before she could finish what she was about to say, Lady Zhao embraces her daughter and started to laugh.

"My dear daughter, could you possibly like Young Master Shen so much, that you're curious as to what he might wear for tomorrow?"

Elizabeth pushed herself away from her mother, surprised that she caught on to her. She was so embarra.s.sed that she couldn't hide the fact everything her mother said was true.

However, it did not please Lord Knightley knowing her daughter was suffering due to a man. He felt as if this man could be the person she is seeing and not the actor. The fact his wife seems to have noticed it and is showing such delight to the fact their daughter is anxious around the man just confirmed everything.

"Mother, what are you talking about, it's not like that... " She replied, as she turned her back on her mother as she placed the clothes on the couch, "I'm just grateful towards him nothing more, also I just want to make a good impression in front of everyone."

Lady Zhao was about to burst out laughing hearing her daughter's ridiculous excuse. She looked at her daughter and thought...

'Oh, baby, you don't need to lie to mommy... You may be able to fool your father but not me. Well, I'm sure your father is not fooled as well. Your grandfather would be so pleased if you do end up with Shen.'

Lady Zhao grab both her daughter's hands and said, "Come now baby, don't worry mommy will help you.."

Elizabeth was confused about what her mother meant, what could she possibly do to help her.

"What do you mean?"

Lady Zhao kissed her daughter on her forehead and said, "Don't worry about a thing... Mommy will do everything for you. Just you wait tomorrow."

Lord Knightley who has been standing by the door slightly coughed.

"Daddy, I'm sorry... Welcome home." Elizabeth ran to her father and embrace him.

"You don't need to impress them... Daddy is here if they dare slander you, I'll make them pay for it."

Lord Kightley embraces his daughter tightly as he whispered to her, "You can wear whatever you want, you can even go naked if you want. As long as you are comfortable, Daddy will protect you."

"Daddy, thank you..."

"Now you two, let's go down and eat..." Lady Zhao grabs her husband's arms and daughter as they headed downstairs.

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