Trial Of Love Chapter 62 - Who Is This Man?

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The man was completely taken back from what he just did when he heard the car drove off. He opened the door, looked at the car as it disappeared through the night.

He went back inside and headed to his office.

The old butler notices the man walking with such fl.u.s.tered expression. He has never since the young man act like this in all his life. "I wonder what happened between Young Master and Miss Li Zi that his face is completely red."

When the man walked inside his office, he quickly closed the door and sat down on his chair. He lay back as he ponders on what just happened earlier. In the corner of his eye, he then noticed the portrait that the woman painted last time. His heart then started to feel tight as it beats uneasy for some reason. He grabs his chest and felt it as he questioned his own heart. "What the heck is wrong with you lately?"

Imperial Garden Plaza

At the same time, Elizabeth has finally arrived home. It was quite late and her mother came out to check on her. "Baby, why are you home so late?"

The girl didn't answer at all, her mind was so muddled right now that she could not hear nor recognize who was in front of her. She just walked pa.s.sed the woman that came to greet her and left heading inside the house.

It confused Lady Zhao when she saw her daughter pa.s.sed by her and did not acknowledge her presence at all, leaving her to wonder what happened to her daughter.

"What could have possibly happened that she so deep in thought?"

Whilst the woman was left outside on her own, two tearful men came running to her for her aid.

General Zhao grabs his sister by the arm to face him all worried. "Sister, what's wrong with Lili, she just completely ignored me."

"Weiwei, ease your father's heart, what is wrong with my precious grandchild?" Elder Chief Zhao said all upset that he was ignored.

She was right, her daughter must really be thinking of something that she would even forget to greet the old man. "Father, Brother, my own daughter too just ignored me."

The three of them were left in such a big scare, they worriedly looked at each other as they wonder what could have caused the child to be in such a state.

Elizabeth got inside her room and put on her laptop. She then started researching different psychological reasons as to why Yun Shen just did what he did to her earlier.

'Why would Chairman Yun do something like that all of a sudden? His expression and body movement were all signs of… No, I must be overthinking it, there must be another explanation for it. Is there though… I've never been wrong yet… Er, ah… my head hurts.'

Early the next day

Whilst they were all having breakfast, the three of them could not keep their eye on the haggard-looking girl. It seems she has not slept a single wink at all. She looked haggard and exhausted for some reason. Her panda eyes were so big, they looked at each other all worried for her.

"Darling, is there something that Grandpa could help you with?" The old man asked as he tries to ease the pain in his heart.

"Tell me, who dare hurt you, Lili?" General Zhao added, upset seeing the girl in such a horrible state.

Lady Zhao grabs her daughter's hand and inquired, "Baby, what's wrong?"

The girl finally realizes the presence of the people in front of her, she looked at them and notice their worried look on her. "I was just confused about something. For some reason, I'm not getting the right answer. Normally, when a man acts in that way, it means he must have feelings for that girl but I might be getting it wrong."

The way she explained what happened was in terms of psychological a.n.a.lysis. The fact she always can determine a person's intervention. However, what happened last night has kept her pondering over it.

'Impossible, Chairman Yun must have accidentally thought I was someone else. Maybe that's it... that's why he did what he did last night. *sigh*'

When the people around the table heard that it had to do with a man they were all left in such revelation. Has their beloved princess fallen in love with such a man?

The girl left the table and got ready for work, leaving the adults to ponder on things further.

General Zhao looked at his sister who was still in shock from everything. "Sister, has Lili been seeing such a man lately?"

"Come now child, tell this old man of yours. You visited your daughter last time, has any man tried to get close to her." Elder Chief Zhao grabs the woman's attention, eager to know if such a man has been close with his granddaughter.

As she considers the two men's questions, there was indeed such a man. He was so worried about her that his hand trembles in fear at seeing the state of her daughter's foot, he even personally carried her as well.

"There was indeed such man father."

Elder Chief Zhao's heart sank at the same time furious to know such a man existed. "Tell me now, who is this man? Is he from a respectable family?"

"Sister, what do you think of the boy? Can he protect our precious princess? I must have someone look this up at once." General Zhao quickly asked one of the servants to get his phone.

"Both of you calm down, I do not know anything about the boy, except he does care for her. He was even frightened at the sight seeing her in pain last time, he was even kind enough to carry her and followed her to the hospital." Lady Zhao explained as she continues to ponder on things.

The old man was pleased to know that the young man's affection towards his granddaughter was pure. "He does indeed have a good character. Boy, go and investigate the man. Find out more about him."

Neither the mother nor the uncle disagreed with their father's order since the impact has left the girl at such a state, they all wonder if the man is a good match for their princess.

"You must not tell Elizabeth know about this, she'll be upset if we get involved." Lady Zhao warned the two men.

"Of course, I'll ask someone to check her at work as well. This man must be the guys she paired with in the movie I presume?" General Zhao speculatedly asked.

"Yes, it's him… There are quite a lot of news about them going on as well since the incident." Lady Zhao explained whilst drinking her coffee to ease herself down.

"How come I did not know about this… Yan!" Elder Chief Zhao roared in rage not knowing about such news. Of course, he won't know since he hardly has time to check nor does he ever check the entertainment news.

Moments later, a man walked into the breakfast room. "Yes, Elder Chief?"

"Do a complete research on the news about Lizzy and the man she paired with in the movie."

"At once…"

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