Trial Of Love Chapter 45 - Zhao Xian Imperial University

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The filming finished early as expected so everyone was packing and getting ready to go home.

Elizabeth notice Liying looking extremely upset for some reason. "Liying, is something wrong?"

"Of course not, Manager w.a.n.g already left ahead since he has things to do back in the office." Liying answered while averting her gaze from her.

"Liying, your body is tense right now, you're making excuses and not answering my question. Tell me what's wrong?" She grabs the girl by the shoulder to face her.

Soon tears came running down the girl's face. "One of my brothers got into trouble. Right now, the university has called for a meeting in regards if he can still continue."

"How come he's in trouble?"

"His to be blamed for it anyway, he punched someone... But for some reason, I feel like something must have caused him to do something so reckless. My brother would never raise his hand against someone." Liying continued to explain as tears kept rolling down her face.

"The disciplinary meeting will be in a few minutes. The parents of the boy that my brother punched even planned to sue him."

Elizabeth grabs Liying's hand and dragged her to her car. "Let's go then, which University is your brother attending?"

"Zhao Xian Imperial University."

Zhao Xian Imperial University

One of the best University in Imperial City. Most of the students are from aristocratic families and a few foriegn students.

"Like I said, he threatened my life that why I punched him so I can get away." The boy explained himself yet no one seems to be listening nor showing any interest at all.

"What would I benefit from taking your life?" The wounded boy in front of him arrogantly said.

The woman beside the bruised boy was in rage as she slammed her hand on the table. "My son is a good boy, how dare you slander him!"

The lawyer beside them tried his best to calm the woman down. "Mrs. Huan please calm down, I'll make sure to get justice for your son."

It was pretty obvious already that the disciplinary committee was all siding with the Huan since they are from a rich family.

"Now, Mr. Jiao tells us the truth, why did you punch Mr. Huan or else you'll be expelled from the university."

The boy was furious that they kept asking the same question, and he has explained everything already except for what he saw. "I've already told you the truth."

The lawyer pushed his gla.s.s up as he stared at the boy, "Boy, it's better if you tell us the truth now or else you might end up in prison."

The boy was already shaken when the lawyer mentions the fact he'll end up in prison. How will he explain things to his parents?

Then suddenly the door opened and walking in was a young woman.

"That won't be necessary."

Liying quickly run to her brother's side in tears, seeing how badly bruised his brother was. " Big brother, are you alright?"

The boy was dumbfounded to see his little sister suddenly appearing in front of him, "Liying, why are you here?"

"What is the meaning of this. Principle Chu…" Madam Huan was confused by the girl's sudden appearance.

The Principle stood up and yelled. "Mr. Jiao, what do you think you're doing?"

"Well Mr. Principle I can ask you the same question, what do you think you're doing?" Elizabeth looked at the man with such displeased expression.

The Principle was taken aback from the girl's presence as he tried pulling himself together. "And who are you to question me?"

"I am a n.o.body, I am just here to enlighten you all with the truth." She walked closer to Liying and her brother, she then observes the boy right in front of them.

'The wounds he received from Liying's brother is not that bad, yet why is your skin so damage? Hmmm... Don't tell me.'

Elizabeth's expression drastically changes and became bitter knowing what the boy in front of her been doing.

One of the teachers looked at Elizabeth. "Miss, this is a disciplinary meeting, what rights do you have to just walk in so casually?"

Elizabeth smiled and turned to face him, "Let just say, I have the biggest right in this room right now to be in this university."

"Such a silly girl trying to act so highly…" The boy laughed.

Elizabeth was already annoyed by the fact that the boy was doing something despicable inside the school, that she gave me an icy glare. "Boy you should really change your att.i.tude or you might be the one ending in prison."

Madam Huan screamed as she stood up her seat and pointed her finger at Elizabeth. "How dare you say such a thing to my son you b*tch!"

Elizabeth pushed the woman's hand aside as she stares back at her with the same disgust expression. "Madam, I dare you to slap me, but make sure you'll be willing to handle the consequence."

"Madam Huan let me handle this." The calm lawyer seated Madam Huan down and sighed. "Miss, do you know that you're breaking the law right now?"

She chuckled hearing the lawyer's ridiculous remark. "So tell me Mr. Lawyer what law have I broken?"

The man was furious as his patience was being tested by the young lady.

"Enough, You… better leave this office now." The Principle yelled, sensing the situation was getting out of hand.

"I shall leave, but please do not regret the consequence afterwards. But before I leave let me ask the boy a simple question." She gave the boy a dead look causing him to be shaken for a moment.

"How scared were you when he caught you using drugs?"

Everyone in the room was shocked. The boy's eye dilated in hearing what the woman just asked him.

'How did she know I was taking drugs, did Jaio tell her. Impossible, I drag him to the office as soon as he caught me.'

Liying and her brother looked at each other. Seeing his brother's expression just confirm that Li Zi actually figured it out.

'How did my sister's friend know the Huan was taking drugs? I didn't say anything since I didn't want him to get into big trouble.'

Elizabeth examined the boy's reaction and body language, she really did hit the jackpot.

'How dare you use drug at my family established school. My grandmother worked so hard to ensure this school standard was respected. I shall make sure you'll end up in prison for ruining my family name.'

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