Trial Of Love Chapter 398 - Mr. Black

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 A yellow taxi stopped in front of a luxury hotel. A young man step out of the taxi first as he went to the other side of the taxi to opened the door. Stepping down the taxi was a beautiful girl with brunette hair and crystal blue eyes. Her lips were so rosy and had this alluring smile which captivated the people around them. The young man could only smile seeing how mesmerize the people were. He then escorted her inside the hotel and soon it didn't take long for the people inside the hotel to notice the arrival of the girl.

Her beauty neither was one that awes the crowd no matter what she dressed nor looks. There were woman like her, no matter how ugly or haggard they look, they'll still look stunning. As if the law of nature does not affect them at all and it looked like a master artist is always following them making sure every angle looks perfect.

"Hha, girlie, you sure are one h*ll of a witch."

"Sh*t up!"

Elizabeth who was worn out from their long journey all the way from the airport was not in the mode to joke around with Jo. All she wanted to do was head to her room, freshen up and get some sleep.

"Why did you choice such luxury hotel?" Elizabeth asked as her gazed examine the area which was surrounded by business men and women.

"I'm sure they'll be expecting us to stay in one shabby hotel in order to avoid being spotted. But, I ain't that stupid to play around with them. If they are to locate us, I'll rather be spotted staying in a luxury hotel than an old and rundown place."

Elizabeth was taken aback in how Jo's mind worked, she wishes to laugh but didn't have the energy and instead put on a face on her face. The reason as to why she didn't have the energy at all was because her mind was preoccupied with the thought of what happened a moment ago at the airport. She been wondering who those people after her were and if they were her father's men or not.

Jo didn't need to ask to know what the girl was thinking about. For he too has been pondering on the same question. If those men were indeed from the underground society then they were from an elite family's force since he couldn't recognize them at all. He thought, "If only Megan was here, she would know them."

Megan would indeed know them for she has worked with some of those elite forces that are how she became acquainted with Elizabeth.

 Jo went to the front desk to check on their reservation whilst Elizabeth explores the front lobby of the hotel.

The lobby was s.p.a.cious and welcoming. It was decorated in a modern yet antic vibe. Most of the furniture was old fas.h.i.+on style and colored in the shade of beige or cream. There were a few chandeliers hanging above which brought light to the room. The chandeliers brightened not only the room but gave light to the beautiful master craft on the ceiling.

Before Elizabeth could marvel on the ceiling, she was startled when Jo called for her.

"Hey, girlie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just, the painting on the ceiling looks familiar."

Jo looked up and gaze on what Elizabeth was referring too. He couldn't see anything special about it and worse couldn't appreciate its beauty as well.

"You care nothing for it doesn't you." Elizabeth sighs seeing how desperate Jo was trying to appreciate its beauty but couldn't. "Never mind, so where is my room?"

"H sorry about that, here…"

Both of them were staying a floor below the presidential suites. It amazed Elizabeth of how much connection and money Jo has to get themselves to stay in a very exclusive room.

"How did you?"

"H don't think I'm poor girlie, even without Megan here, I can take care of you for years without even needing to look for a job." Jo proudly spoke.

Elizabeth wished to ask how Jo would be able to do that but then she realize. Most of the people in the underground society would be richer than most people living in the world. Plus, they would also have strong family background and have business all over the world without normal people knowing they own it.

Truth be told, this is precisely the reason to why Jo can easily support Elizabeth, for he does come from a strong family background that has loads of business all over the world…

"I'll head upstairs to my room." Elizabeth said.

"Hmm," Jo nodded and added, "Go ahead, I'll double check everything first. In case someone does come after us here, it's best we have our escape route prepared."

This time, Jo intends to make sure that they'll be able to make it out alive. He fears that the people after them are no longer someone they can easily handle. For Elizabeth maybe she can but Jo was not a very skilled fighter. He was mainly known for his aggressiveness at fighting which means he can easily be taken down.

"See you then." He responded as he went around the lobby and checks every corner of it.

Elizabeth watched as Jo walked away and soon she too made her way up to her room.

On her way to the elevator, she continue to be amazed by the hotels beautiful detailed interior design in every corner of it. As if the hotel was more like a crafted sculpture than a hotel, for most hotel would not have such detailed corner ends and would normally go for a modern touch.

"Such details."

"I'm glad you like it."

It startled Elizabeth when she heard a voice coming from behind her; she slowly turned around to see who owned such deep and husky voice.

Stood behind her was an old man maybe at his late 60 or early 70s. He had pure white hair but was looking young for his age. Unlike most old men who would be covered in wrinkles this old man looked fine and was as handsome as any young man. He had this friendly smile which attract anyone and would easily feel at ease.

"I'm sorry to have startled you." The old man said.

"It's fine." Elizabeth shook her head a.s.suring the old man she was alright.

"It's been a long time since someone saw the hotels beauty and appreciates it." He added.

"I see…" She shortly responded for she couldn't find the right words to say as she found the old man a little strange and awkward to talk to.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Mr. Black. Just you can feel free to call me Grandpa Black if you like."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Black," Elizabeth responded as she reached out her hands to shake hands with the old man and added, "I'm Liz."

"Liz, what a nice name, if I may guess, could it be short for Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth smiled and did not deny that the old man guessed her real name.

"So, young Liz, what brought you to stay at such run down hotel? Young ladies like you would never stay at such boring hotel. Since the hotel mainly accommodate businessmen and old men like me."

Elizabeth awkwardly smiles and couldn't find the right answer to the old man question, "Well, maybe I'm one of those odd young blood."

"Maybe you are…" The old man eyes lit in delight showing great interest towards Elizabeth. "May I ask, how long will you be staying here?"

"I'm not sure…" Elizabeth answered and was somehow yawning for no reason as she felt embarra.s.sed and apologized to the old man. "I'm sorry; I must have been tired from our trip."

"Then I must apologized, I've took too much of your time. You should be resting instead but here I am, bothering this pretty girl." He said.

"Hha, its fine…" Elizabeth giggled yet continues to yawn and her vision became blurry and her eyes soon felt so heavy. "Ah, is it me or…"


Elizabeth's whole body felt like it was being electrocuted when she heard Jo shouting out her name. "What are you standing there for?"


"I mean, what are you doing here all alone? Are you alright?"

Elizabeth's face turned pale as she looked back and check around. She was sure she was talking to someone a moment ago. "I was not alone, I was talking to someone."

"Yeah right, how long have you been standing here for?"

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth looks all puzzled and confused.

"You left like half an hour ago and yet here you are still down here; I thought you wanted to rest." Jo explained finding the girl somehow strange. "Are you alright? Do you feel sick or something? I mean, why your eye looks so heavy and sleepy. I swear you slept like a pig earlier."

"Shut up!"

Elizabeth felt bother by what happened and as soon as one of the elevator door opened, she run into it and vanished in front of Jo.

"What just happened?" Jo wonders as to why the girl suddenly stormed off for no reason. Before Jo went ahead and followed Elizabeth, he suspiciously looked around and check if whether there was indeed someone with the girl earlier. Seeing how empty the place is, he found the situation odd. "Something does not make sense, I better check on the survilance later."

As soon as another elevator opened, Jo went inside as well.

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