Trial Of Love Chapter 386 - Asleep Of Playing Dead

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Elizabeth woke up after hearing a strange sound. It wasn't long when she shut her eyes and almost has fallen asleep.

"What was that?" She muttered to herself.

As she grabs her coat, she hurried down the stairs as quietly as she could as she went ahead and check what just happened. Surprisingly, she saw nothing and everything seems to be in order.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Elizabeth was startled hearing the familiar voice from behind her. It was the same cold and hostile voice who greeted her when she first arrived.

"I'm sorry, I thought I heard something and I came down to check on it…"

"You must have eaten too much that you're dreaming. Go back upstairs and don't you dare come down without Big Sis."

"Where is she?" Elizabeth inquired seeing she has not seen Megan at all yet here was Jo scolding her.

"She had something to do. Just go back to sleep… Once Big Sis is back you're free to leave." Jo kept speaking in the same hostile and upset tone. It was thanks to her that Stef is no dead, yet, what can he do when Megan has ordered him not to do anything.

"Sorry." Elizabeth apologized with an expression of a dog who's been scrolled by its master.

Jo was taken aback when he saw such cute expression being expressed towards him. He now realized too that the girl's memory has indeed been altered. For the woman standing in front of him would never express such expression back then. She was arrogant, mean and cruel who showed no mercy to anyone including those within her family.

"She really is someone else." Jo sighs helplessly feeling somehow sorry for Elizabeth that she has no memory of who she was. "I wonder why they removed her memory."

As he went on his way, the question on why her memory was alter continued to muddle in Jo's mind. It such a mystery that everyone been so curious to find out yet after year no one knows the answers.

"I just hope Big Sis's plans works."

Elizabeth was on her way back to her room when she recalled the familiar sound she heard once again. Her mind continues to playback the sound until it made the conclusion that it was the sound of a gun.

"Something does not feel right?"

She became worried about her situation. She was sure that the sound she heard was the sound of a gun being fired. However, she did not hear any screams nor did she notice any blood around when she went down. It could only mean it happened in one of the private rooms.

"I better find my way out of here before I'm next."

As she entered the room, she locked the door and went to the window to check its distance to the ground. It was not too high but there is a possibility she might sprain her leg due to the fall. This can affect her movement as she runs away…

"Princess style then…"

She hastily removed the blanket and bed sheet as she tied them together making a rope. She also removed the curtains and anything in the room she can possibly use. As she was about to tie the last remaining sheet someone came knocking at the door.

"Girl, are you still awake?"

Elizabeth was startled to hear Jo's voice again. It hasn't been a few minutes when they both took their separate ways. She became agitated as to what Jo wants with her.

"Girl, are you asleep or playing dead?"

It dumbfounds Elizabeth to why Jo was suddenly speaking to her in such a sarcastic manner.

"Fine, whatever… I know you're awake so I'll say it anyway."

Elizabeth became curious as to why Jo has to say and let go of what she was doing and went closer to the door.

"Who are you really?"

Those simple four words brought such a shock to Elizabeth that she didn't expect such pain when Jo asked such questions. There was a hint of grievance in his tone as well.

"I mean, I'm sure you know who you are right and just playing dumb with us. Don't you find it cruel that you're fooling those around you?"

She was stunned with all the words coming out of Jo. They were filled with so much hatred towards her. As if she has done something so horrific that Jo has now seen her as an enemy, yet she doesn't know why…

'I wonder what I've done for him to sound so cold.' She thought.

"Do you know, you're the only person who likes Big Sis's tart? It's too bland and whatever… I mean, people have their own taste right. It's just, sometimes, because you and that person have the same taste you learn to like each other…"

Elizabeth can already see where the conversation was leading too. "He's worried for her. I wonder why?"

"I really don't know what you want or why you are here? All I want is that you leave Big Sis out of your problem. Hha, this might sound crazy but I can guess who you are and I know you are someone not to be trifled with. You are worse than Lucifer himself and I know you know you are. So please, once she comes back for you, just ask to leave and never come back. I can't lose another member of my family."

Elizabeth's eyes were all dilated in shock of what she just heard. Without any further explanation, she has already made a conclusion to what he was saying.

"Did she kill Stef?" She mumbled to herself. "Why?"

"Anyways, stop acting as if you're asleep. I know you are by the door. Also, don't try to escape through the window… Such acts are only done in the movies."

Elizabeth who was in a daze for a moment of everything snapped back to her senses and was about to laugh. Who would have thought that Jo has such a sense of humor?

"Don't worry; I won't let anything happen to her." She finally spoke and responded to him.

"Whatever, you better put everything back before Big Sis returns? Don't be stupid!"

"Hha," Elizabeth giggled and was finally at ease with her situation. She finally sought that her life was not in danger.

"Shut up! Anyway, I'm going…"

Elizabeth zipped her mouth as she listened to Jo's footsteps as he left. She sighs in relief that everything will be fine with her but was confused as to how she'll bring harm to the woman. What's more bewildering is the question: Why did the woman kill Stef?

"Hmm, I better do what he said."

She grabbed the sheets, curtains and all the things she used to make her rope and put them away. As she was fixing the things back to where they belong, her mind continues to ponder on the reason as to why the woman was showing such kindness towards her.

"Don't tell me…"

The thought frightened Elizabeth as she almost lost her balance and collapse.

"Is she, is she someone I know in my past. Does she, does he know who I am?"

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