Trial Of Love Chapter 374 - Scott

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Curiosity was driving her insane. Her will to know the truth was pus.h.i.+ng her to the edge to inquire about everything at once. But she was not that type of person. She was the type of person who would wait... Even though it means she won't get the answer she wants.

In the end, her best option was to sealed her mouth shut…

"Your father knows about my existence and the fact that I am my sister, or… I mean, the Yun family daughter's replacement. I'm not sure if that is one of the reasons as to why he is so objective about us being together. However, what I've told you is the truth. Li Zi, I am not the Yun family heir, that is why I started my own company without their knowledge. That is also the reason as to why I never pushed myself in owning any position in the Yun's business. For, in the first place, I have no right to own it."

Elizabeth continue to stay silent. Now that things have been clear, another curiosity struck her…

"Little Yan's father?"

Yun Shen expected the girl to ask about such matter however the look on his face answer it all. "We don't know who Little Yan's father is. My sister never mentioned anything… I mean, who would? Back then, my sister was missing, I mean, she was more likely kidnap back then but that fact she came back to us in one piece was a topic we never talked about. She was missing for almost four months and during those four months we don't know what happened to her. We did our best to look for her but we couldn't find her at all. When she returned to us, it was a few months later that we found out she was pregnant. When we ask her who the father is, she seems upset about it and her face looked blanken that day. I suspect she was tortured during those four months."

Elizabeth was not moved by the idea Little Yan's mother was torture or was r.a.p.e. If she was, she would have ended Little Yan's life when she found out she was indeed pregnant. But instead, she raised Little Yan on her own despite knowing she has a weak body and it could affect her health. 

"She did mention, her father was a kind man but he cannot be with them."

Everything was so clear to her now, Little Yan's father must be a member of the underground society. The fact her mother was missing and she couldn't be found but came back alive means the person must be from the underground society and hold great power seeing she was kept alive and Little Yan's life too was spared. 

"I'm sure you been wonder as to why Grandpa showed so much interest to Little Yan. It's because, my grandfather's wife was the one who raised my sister. She had to lie that she was sick in order to stay with my sister in the hospital and take care of her. In order for her sons not to be concern of her, she gave her share of the company to them even though she was still alive back then which caused my uncles to be arrogant."

"Shen, wait… If Yun Bai is the heir why didn't your father give it to him?"

"Yun Bai is an illegitimate son. To give such company to someone like him was far impossible to happen. Have you heard a family giving its wealth to a b*****?"

No one needed to answer such question for the answer was to it was pretty obvious. But still, the thing about the Yun family did not became clearer to her but more mysterious. She now knows the truth about Little Yan's mother, her life, and Yun Bai right to the family. 

"Li Zi, now you know I am not the heir of the Yun family. I have nothing and I cant compare myself to Xiaotong. But I want you to remember, I love you… I'll do everything in my power to make sure I give you the life of a true Madam of a family. Even though I may not have a family, I want you to know, Little Yan, mother, father, and grandfather are still you family. And, your family, they will always be your family. Once I find out who wish to harm my family, everything will be back to normal."

Elizabeth sudden recall about the Yun family being in danger. "Shen, have you have any leads as to whom wish to kill your family?"

"As per your father and Jayden: the person after us is  a member of the underground society or someone in our family have a connection with someone in the underground society and now, our family's lives are in danger. But, they seem to be after Little Yan for now."

"Why Little Yan?"

"I don't know, maybe they know about her existence and being the Yun family heiress. She does have the biggest right to the company since her mother have a big share of the company under grandfather's name when grandmother pa.s.sed away. She requested that her remaining shares and grandpa's shares will go to her."

"Which means the shares are now under Littel Yan's name?"

"That's right…"


Elizabeth gathers her thoughts together and tried to puzzle all the information she just received. What she found so coincidental about everything is that she is too right now connected with the underground society and Yun Shen's appearance reminds her of someone she might know in the underground society as well. 

She always thought that Yun Shen lost his memory as well like her for she found him strangely family. 

"Li Zi, is something wrong?"

"Shen, tell me honestly?"

"Yeah? What is it?"

"What is your plan now?"

Yun Shen was taken aback that the girl suddenly showed interest in his plans. He thought after knowing about his true ident.i.ty the girl will no longer care for him. 

"There is this man I'm looking for. He is a professor I've met in the past. He is my way of solving everything. I hope he can tell me who is after my family and at the same time answer who you are." Yun Shen answered as he turned his face and face the girl directly. 

"Me?" Elizabeth looked surprised.

"This person can help you restore your memo…"

"Professor Petrovich, your looking for Professor Petrovich…" Elizabeth mumble shock to know she and Yun Shen were searching for the same person. 

"Wait, you know him? Who is he and where can we find him?"

"He was the one who removed my memory in the past. I am not to sure about who he is but I'm sure he is someone powerful in the underground society. He too saved my life back then and now I am alive and living well. But, in regards to his whereabouts I have no idea. I've asked Jackie to look for someone for me who can help me find Professor Petrovich however, I haven't had any luck contacting Jackie."

Elizabeth realized she just confessed to Yun Shen she had access to the world for a long time. He didn't bother about it and instead asked, "Who is this person?"

"He was a friend back then in university, his name is Scott."

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