Trial Of Love Chapter 369 - Don't Be Shy

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 Elizabeth's mind was going crazy. She was experiencing so many sensations at the same time and one of those feelings was fear. Fear seems to be resounding greatly in her mind. She couldn't explain it as to why she feels so frightened of what's to happen.  

It is to be her first and the thought of what's to come frightened her. She never thought she'll do such an act before marriage. What's worse, she does not have a great and stable relations.h.i.+p with the man and yet here she was about to do something only those truly in love with each other does. 

Elizabeth's eyes were slid close. Seeing she was unaware of what's to come. She felt like she was on her knees waiting to be executed like in the medieval age. She was so agitated and was on the edge that she felt a little annoyed. 

Yun Shen who was on top gazed landed softly as he scanned the girl's beautiful body. He pondered in whether he should just gobble her right away, but seeing how shaken the girl was, he had no choice and change his mind. He didn't want the girl to be traumatized, and they'll end up stopping midway. 

"Li Zi, relax, don't worry, I won't hurt you. So, relax..." 

Elizabeth, who continue to keep her eyes shut tightly slowly opened them. She saw the beautiful man on top of her. Their eyes were locked onto each other and the moment was just perfect. 

Yun Shen: "Li Zi, ready?" 

Elizabeth: "....?"

Elizabeth's silent response was uncomfortable for Yun Shen. He didn't know if where the girl is giving him consent or not in what he was about to do. 'Is she saying yes or what? Can I do what I'm about to do? Could it be, this is Li Zi's first time?'

Yun Shen became curious if whether the girl has never done such a play. If she hasn't, he felt so happy that he would be the first to give love to her. But if she no longer pure, then he does not mind. However, he wonders who the person is that have laid their hand on the girl first. 

Seeing the girl still has not uttered any words. He went ahead and unb.u.t.toned her dress. Slowly he was able to reveal her beautiful pearl white skin. 

He then commanded in a low voice. "Raise your hand." 

Elizabeth's arms automatically did as to what Yun Shen order. It surprised her how obedient her body was when the man asked her to raise her hand. As if, she no longer has any control over her body. 

After Yun Shen removed her dress. The only piece left was her lingerie. 

Elizabeth swallowed a hard breath from nerves which pained her throat. Her face became even more pinkish than before. She suddenly felt conscious now that she had nothing on. 

"Don't be shy." Yun Shen spoke in the same low and seductive tone of voice. 

"Sh-Shen, I-I..." Elizabeth found it hard to speak as her throat felt so dry and was having a hard time to swallow. 

Yun Shen's eyes smile and seemed to laugh for a moment. Soon, his lips were firmly pressed against hers and a soft piece of flesh entered her mouth. 

'Ah...' Elizabeth's mind spoke 

The small flesh that has entered her mouth smoothly ravage the inside of her mouth. He made sure to inspect every corner of her inside tasting every inch of it. She felt a jolting pleasure when their tongue ends up with each other. 

"I can still taste the sandwich." Yun Shen spoke with an amusing smile on his face. 

Elizabeth felt so embarra.s.sed that she somehow felt her blush burning through her cheeks. 

Yun Shen find how embarra.s.sed the girl was amusing and decided to venture further and explore every inch of the girl. Not only did he journeyed around the girl's body with his lips, but he also marked them leaving red marks all over her. 

A gentle m.o.a.n escaped from deep within her throat. It startled her when such a noise came out of her mouth. The soft and gentle kiss gradually heated up. He was no longer just kissing the girl's body and tasting it. He soon started becoming more into it by even gently biting certain parts of her body. 

Elizabeth who was tense a moment ago soon loosened up. Her muscles became more relaxed once again and her body was reacting well as to what Yun Shen was doing. 

Time to time, Yun Shen would stop allowing the girl to take a quick break to gasp some air. She has done nothing yet, but she felt like she has done something so exhausting already. 

"Are you alright?" Yun Shen inquired seeing how flushed the girl looked after only such play. 

Elizabeth could only nod her head and continue to breathe some air in. 

Yun Shen kissed her eyes, which was on the brink of sleeping from all the exhaustion. She was not only tired from what they were doing but also because she has not had any proper sleep for a while and such activity was too exhausting for her. 

He pecked her lips a few more times, and gradually moved his kissed to her cheeks and ears. Elizabeth felt so hazy after receiving such kisses behind her ear. Whenever his lips brushed against his skin, she felt strange...

'Why, why does this feel somehow familiar? Have I? Could I have done this before?'

Yun Shen was unaware of Elizabeth's thought and concluded that she was having such a good time. 

'Li Zi, don't worry, I'll make you feel how much I love you.'

Yun Shen felt like he was drugged because of the girl's unique and tasteful aroma. He wonders if whether it has to do with the products she uses for her body. It was not the scent of perfume but her natural scent which was so appealing to him. The smell was just so pleasing to his nose. 

'Ah, Li Zi...'

He felt so in heaven from the girl amazing smell. He never expects someone smell would be this good. Yun Shen did not stop and continued to kiss and lick every part of the girl in a much more pacey manner. 

It was the first time Yun Shen done such an act. To be frank, he has slept with another woman before but never this gentle. For once, he much rather take his time and enjoys the moment. Whenever his lips pressed against the girl's skin, she would tremble a bit but in such a lovely manner which trigger Yun Shen desire to gobble her more. 

He has completely removed everything and her beautiful body was finally unveiled. Anyone would fall at a glance at such a body and would beg for her love. If G.o.ddess Aphrodite was still alive. The girl would have the same image as her. So seductive yet this girl was so innocent. 


Elizabeth jolted once again from the pleasure she was receiving when Yun Shen sucked her bosom. He took a mouthful of her bosom and sucked on it. He meticulously licked on the center of her bosom. 


He lightly bit on it as well and tickled it with his tongue. Elizabeth became breathless as he licked around the a.r.e.o.l.a before sucking on it once more. 

'Ah... this feeling, it's so...'

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