Trial Of Love Chapter 366 - Quarrel Between Yun Shen And Elizabeth

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Days pa.s.sed and the quarrel between Yun Shen and Elizabeth since he returned has not been resolved. Elizabeth tried her very best to avoid Yun Shen and acted as if they are fine in front of Little Yan. 

"Father, are you and Auntie fighting?" Little Yan asked. 

Yun Shen turned to his daughter. His eyes softened as he gazed at her. The two have been spending most of their time together since Elizabeth has been distant towards them and has been suffering from insomnia. So, she is hardly awake and when she is, she's always busy painting and hardly leaves her room. 

The relations.h.i.+p between the three of them has been shaky as if they are all walking on thin ice and any minute the woman will soon be gone. 

"Don't worry, me and your Auntie are just having some misunderstanding. A little girl like you should not worry about such matters and should be focusing on your studies." Yun Shen responded with a gentle smile on his face hiding the pain he was feeling. 

"Father, when will I see Xiao Yang again? How about grandmother and grandfather? When will we see them again?" Little Yan inquired still unaware as to why they are in hiding. 

"We can go back yet..." Yun Shen went down and picked up his daughter and wrapped her around his arms. "Right now, father still needs to gain more power in order to make sure he can protect you and your Auntie."

"Will Auntie's family be fine? Auntie has been gone for so long and I'm sure loads of her friends miss Auntie too. Xiao Yang must be sad not to see me and Auntie." Little Yan wimp on the verge of crying. 

"Don't worry, sooner or later, you'll be able to see your grandparents and Xiao Yang. So, for now..." Yun Shen paused and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Be a good girl and work hard on your studies."

After comforting the little girl. Little Yan went ahead and did as to what her father asked. Yun Shen was again left alone inside the room. He was feeling down and was experiencing a very painful headache. He has so many things to worry about and Elizabeth acting indifferent towards him was not part of his plan. Now, he needs to solve the difference between them first before he'll be leaving again to find the person he's been looking for. 

"Li Zi, what's wrong? Why are you suddenly being so cold towards me?" Yun Shen sighs heavily. 

Meanwhile, inside Elizabeth's room. The girl just woke up from a short nap. She hardly gets any sleep and only takes short naps. As to why she can't sleep. It is because once she recovers her memory, she records them afraid that she might forget them all of a sudden. 

If the memory she recovers is about a certain place. She'll paint them, so she can picture them out clearly. However, since the memory isn't that clear and are muddled up with her current memories. She feared that was she was seeing weren't a memory of her past but her mind playing tricks on her. 

Elizabeth hastily got out of bed and took out a piece of paper and pen. She started sketching the image of the person in her memory. Lately, in her dreams. She has been able to picture out images of people. But, they were always unclear and different all the time that she was having a hard time grasping the person real ident.i.ty. 

Despite having a photographic memory. Her mind couldn't recall her dreams. Since they were only stored in her short term memory. They disappeared in a blink. Making it impossible for her to recover once they are lost. 


She screamed in annoyance that she couldn't picture out the image of the person in her dream once again. 

"Darn it! I was this close." 

Elizabeth's emotions have been like the cras.h.i.+ng of waves. Sometimes calm and most often rough and violent. Her other personality hasn't triggered, and she's been able to control herself. 

"I need to contact Jackie." 

Elizabeth went to her draw where she hid the phone that she used to contact Jackie. Yun Shen never took it away from her. Despite the fact that he knew that the girl would easily contact her family. Elizabeth never did such a thing for she too needs to find some answers and if her family gets a hold of her. She was sure that they'll never let her out of their sight once again. 

"Jackie... Come on, answer the phone." 

The phone kept ringing and ringing but no one seems to be answering. 

Since Elizabeth didn't know which side of the world she's currently in. She tried using the phone to distinguish her location but it seems Yun Shen has placed a block on it, and she still has not figured out how to remove it. 

In the end, Elizabeth gave up after dialing Jackie's number for the seventh time. She became so irritated by the fact that Jackie was unable to answer her call. 

She went ahead and put the phone back instead. She soon realized it was getting late already, and she hasn't eaten at all. 

The fact her room was well covered because of her painting. Her room hardly gets any sunlight inside her room that she has lost track of time as well. 

Elizabeth went to the bathroom to freshen up. After a warm shower, she looked at herself in the mirror and was surprised to see how she looked like. She looked like as if she's been starving for months and her skin was so dry from dehydration. She looked so skinny almost on the verge of death. 


She ignored what she looked like for she has more pressing matters to handle. 

Elizabeth went to the closet to get change. She was amazed by the amount of clothes that have been prepared. It was proof that they'll be leaving on the island for quite some time. She picked one of the cloths and instead of putting it on right away. She embraced it... The memory of her and her mother shopping together for cloths flash into her mind. How her father would go with them and follow them to every store they'll visit. She missed her family but she had no choice. She wants to be with them, but she can't live the life of being unaware of the truth. She needed an answer and if they aren't willing to tell her. She'll take matters in her own hands. 

After awhile, Elizabeth got changed and fixed herself up. She felt weak after crying especially she hasn't eaten as well and has used all her remaining energy on her tears. 

As she headed to the kitchen to get some food. Along the hallway, she was taken aback when she came across Yun Shen who stood in front of her only a few feet away. Her heart was beating so rapidly dumbfounded of the situation. She hasn't seen him at all and was surprised to see how worn out he looked as well. He was as pale as him and it seems he too has not slept a wink. 

"Li Zi?" Yun Shen finally utter some words after staring at the girl in complete shock to finally see her. 

"Shen..." Elizabeth called out his name as well unaware that such words came out of her own mouth.

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