Trial Of Love Chapter 354 - Miscalculation

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Scorpion who decided to work together with Jaden's forces in order to survive just received information about the group who suddenly arrived. 

"What? What the f*** are the Nameless doing here? Who do they think they are to interfere with our mission?" 

"Boss, we don't know, but we heard some of them speaking about the little girl."

When the word little girl came out of the man's mouth. Jaden's eyes widen in surprise and anger. This just made things even more complicated. If their Young Miss is to arrive she'll surely kill them all and will stain her hands again because of such a useless man who can't even protect his own daughter and family. 

"F*** HIM!!!!" 

Those in the room were dumbfounded as to why Jaden suddenly roared furiously. His was like a madman about to do something very horrible. It was obvious he was annoyed at someone.

Jaden, of course, is aware of who The Nameless organization are. They are even at the lowest rank as Scorpion's Poison Gang. What he found strange was that Scorpion was not aware that The Nameless organization are after the Yuns family. He, too, was surprised that they took the mission for the person after the Yuns are from another circle in the underground society. 

"Impossible, is our Boss after the Yuns too? Could they have a secret mission which we didn't know?"

"Boss, what's going on? Why is The Nameless group here? Are they even being commanded by Frances?"

Frances is the leader of The Nameless group. The Nameless group is divided into two organizations, Dawn and Dark Group... Right now, the Dawn Group has attacked them all. 

"Impossible, why would France act without any order. I'm sure it's just a stupid Co-Captain's selfish order."

Scorpion already realized that it is indeed a Captain's selfish action. He is an UnderBoss and knows all the missions being ordered around. He has not ordered nor has he heard from the Counselor about a mission to take down the Yuns and kidnap the little girl. If they've known, they would have never kidnapped the little girl in the first place. 

Jaden notices the look on Scorpion's face. It was the face of a confused man. "Don't tell me you don't know about this?"

"H Do you think I don't know my own underlining? Of course, this is another selfish captain idiotic idea. You don't know the underground society. People are selfish when it comes to power." 

How badly Jaden wish to laugh and tell the man about his ident.i.ty. But it was not necessary for they have another problem they need to solve at the moment. 

"So tell me, what are we supposed to do? I can't get involved and I've killed most of your men?" He asked. 

"They are just a useless group of mercenaries. Most of the members of The Nameless Group are C ranks mercenaries. My men are B to A rank... Please, don't think because you were able to kill most of my men you think such lowly idiots can kill us all." Scorpion snorted his displeasure in how little Jaden looked at him and his men. 

To be frank, Jaden didn't mean any disrespect. He just really can't get involved. His master is really kin when it comes to mission and must not get involved in other people's problems. Even though he saw the confidence in Scorpion and his men, he did not feel a.s.sured that they'll be able to handle the mission in taking down The Nameless Group. 

"Hmm, I give you 20 minutes, you and your men should finish the task or else..." 

Scorpion's men became all weary. He found it hard to even swallow their own saliva in fear of what's to come. Jaden was really intimidating and fighting. They really see him as a big black bear whilst they see themselves as a little white rabbit. 

"Everyone, kill them all!" Scorpion order his remaining group of men who were gathered in the same room with Jaden and his remaining crew. 

Outside, the rest of the crew (Jaden's team) and Yun Shen were trying their best to find a way out. All their vehicles were at the front and the back was too complicated to take since it was surrounded by trees and lakes. 

"Master Yun, what should we do? If we take this forest path we don't know where will end up. It might lead us to another group and it'll complicate things since most of the men are badly wound." 

"Master Yun, we were ordered to take you out to safety. Please don't worry about us. Sir Jaden's order was to make sure you and the Little Miss get out of here safely." 

Yun Shen snorted his disagreement. "You don't need to sugarcoat your words. I'm sure you are all aware of the situation." 

To be honest, the crew along with Yun Shen who was asked to take them away and those who were wounded by the unexpected arrival of The Nameless Group were not pleased of the mission to rescue them and even take them to safety. Because of them they were wounded, because of them, their Young Miss will put her life in danger again, and now, they'll all be digging their own grave by following the men. 

"I'm glad you know that because of you, our lives are in danger. I don't see why I need to waste my life for you!"

"That right, I'm badly wounded because of you! Our Young Miss was leaving a great life. Why did you have to show up!"

"You should just leave! Leave the Young Miss along and stop getting her involved with your family's problem. She's already engaged with Master Feng!"

The crew leader a.s.signed by Jaden stayed muted and did not speak nor tell his men off. For he too, has so much to say to the man as well. 

"Hey, how dare you belittle the Young Master!"

"F*** YOU! We don't need your help, we can do a great job without you!"

"That's right! Who told you to get involved anyway! Do you really think we can't take down those men!" 

Without any warning, most of the crew got their gun out and started pointing it directly at Yun Shen's men. They all panic and worried as to why a gun was suddenly pointed at them when they were just arguing. 




Yun Shen and his men all were shaken and dock downed. They looked around and saw none of them were killed. But they were baffled as to why they suddenly acted in such manner. 

The crew leader put his gun away and looked at Yun Shen and his men. "Yes, we all think you can't handle the situation."

They each got up and turned to where they shot. As few distances from them were dead men who came out of nowhere. 

"What the F***!?!"

"We-we, we almost died?"

Yun Shen realized why Lord Knightley's men were able to rescue his daughter without any harm. They were indeed so skilled that he who was trained in using a gun and enhance his sense did not notice them at all. He now sees why the girl is amazing at fighting and could kill those men back then. Her family must have trained her so well. 

Yun Shen was not wrong with what he was thinking. But the girl's skill did not come from being brought up in the Knightley nor Zhao family. Her skills were all enhanced because she grew up in the Underground Society.

"Those who aren't badly wounded, go see if there are more men 10 yards (ca. 9 metres) from us." 

The crew headed out in a blink and surveyed the area leaving those wounded and Yun Shen behind. 

Yun Shen turned to the crew leader, "What should we do?"

"All I ask is for you and your men to stay close and zip your mouth. You think this is a child's game then be it. But right now, all our lives are in danger. What's worse, any minute now the Young Miss will be here and you and your daughter are still here. You do know what's about to happen right? You've seen what the Young Miss is like. So please, please cooperate and get us out of here alive."


Yun Shen realizes he has no say in everything. He didn't expect how bad the situation is. He miscalculated that he'll be able to rescue his daughter. If he did went ahead to rescue his daughter. He realizes he and his men would have died already. 

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