Trial Of Love Chapter 325 - Emptiness

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Elizabeth was in her studio, staring blankly at an empty canvas board with a paintbrush in her hand, spinning it casually without doing anything. 

Her maidservants in the room were equally silent, holding their breath in fear that they might interrupt their young miss. They've been in the room for more than an hour yet their young miss has not sensed their presence at all. Since her return, the master and madam have asked them to watch over her all the time. The atmosphere seems to be a little tense. 

After a moment, Elizabeth's phone unexpectedly rang alarming everyone in the room. 

She picked up her phone and checked the name on the caller id. When she saw who was calling her, her eyes widen dumbfound in whether to answer the call or not. She took a deep breath before answering the call. "Shen..."


The little girl tearful voice echoed from the other end. She was breathing so heavily and was almost out of breath. 

"Little Yan, what's wrong?" Elizabeth asked with a burdened heart after hearing the little girl on the other end sobbing. 

"Auntie, Auntie mmarries Uncle Feng...." Little Yan cried. 

"Little Yan, baby... Auntie and Uncle Feng are just engaged. We aren't getting married yet." Elizabeth explained but was interrupted by the little girl. 

"But Auntie will still marry Uncle Feng. But what about father? Auntie is supposed to be Little Yan's mommy. My friends call Auntie Little Yan's mommy. Auntie's mommy promise Little Yan you'll be my mommy." 

It was not only Elizabeth who was surprised to hear the bitter words spouting from the little girl's mouth. Yun Shen who was seated next to the little girl eyes lit in surprise. Not only has he failed the girl he loved but also his daughter. 

"Little Yan, Auntie is sorry. But Auntie can always be Little Yan's mommy. I'll always love you and take care of you. Nothing will ever change." Elizabeth spoke calmly as she thought of a way to comfort the little girl. 

On the other side of the phone, Little Yan was no longer on the phone for Yun Shen couldn't take it and watch her cry anymore. He listened as the girl tried her best to comfort the little girl and spoke of promise she'll fulfill for the little girl. 

"How about me?" 

Elizabeth was startled by the low voice that sounded over the phone. Her heart immediately skips and ache after hearing the familiar warm voice. "Shen..." 

"You don't need to worry, I know Xiaotong did it because of who you are." 

"Shen, I-I'm sorry." Elizabeth cried as she felt ashamed for lying to him this whole time. All the pains she was keeping inside the bottle has finally crack opened. "Shen, I'm sorry for lying. I wish to tell you, but I was too afraid. Shen, I hope you can forgive me." 

"You're still you, who you are does not matter to me, I too have something to tell you someday." Yun Shen explained for he too has something he'd been keeping from the girl. The truth about Little Yan's mother and his ident.i.ty.

"Shen, what do you mean?" Elizabeth wiped the tears rolling down her face and asked. 

"I too have a secret I've been keeping from you. I too feared, that once you know who I am you won't accept me too. But who would have expected that fate brought us together? Both individuals have a secret which they can't reveal in fear that no one will love them." 

Elizabeth listened to Yun Shen's sincere words which both such warmth within her. They were indeed so alike. They kept secret from each other in order to avoid hurting the one they love. But who would have thought that because of their decision it leads to such an outcome? 

"Li Zi, I know right now I don't have to be with you but trust me. I'll win you back, I know I can. But..." Yun Shen paused for a moment before saying what he needs to say. The fact the chances of him being with the girl are slim made the tone of his voice filled with grief and sorrow. "But, if I do fail. I am not against you being with Xiaotong. He is my best friend and I trust him to take care of you. He is someone mightier than me and will ensure you won't ever get hurt. So..."

"Sh-Shen..." Elizabeth mumbled as raindrops rolled down her face again. 

"Li Zi, Lizzy, Liz, whom every you are I loved you. And I want you to know, that whoever you are in the future, Xiaotong will continue to love you. But, promise me you'll be with him because you want to, not because your family told you or I requested it."

Elizabeth clenched the paintbrush on her other hand tightly at the point of snapping. Every cold word the man was spouting was like the distance between them was getting wider and wider. The path that lead them together soon faded away and that a new path for her opened. 

"Hmm, don't cry... I can't call myself a man if I always make you cry. You should never cry because of a man. Li Zi, promise me you'll never cry because of some man." Yun Shen sighs as his eyes turned reddish in sorrow. 

"Promise," Elizabeth answered directly. 

"Promise me that you'll continue being yourself. Continue to s.h.i.+ne like the stars above and be the hope in everyone's dreams. And, no matter what happened. Make sure to follow your own path." 

"I promise." 

Elizabeth glanced at her other hand when she felt a strange pained. She didn't release that she has snapped the paintbrush into two and the piece of wood has pierced into her skin. Her maid servants who were at standby didn't move and worried looked at the girl. 

"What should we do? She cut herself...." 

"I really don't think the master will be happy with this. The Young Master of the Yun is not suitable for the Young Miss. All she does is cry because of him."

"Didn't the Young Miss came to China to run away from guys like him. Why is the Young Miss so unlucky when it comes to her partner." 

"Didn't you hear, the masters agreed with her engagement to the Young Master of the Feng. All the needs to happen is for the Young Master of the Yun to leave our Young Miss, so she can focus her attention on Young Master Feng." 

"I agree." 

Stood standing by the door was Zhao Xinyi who overheard the maid servant's conversation. His disappointment and disapproval over Yun Shen grew every minute. He really didn't like the idea that his little sister is hurting herself because of some man who isn't worthy of her. He decided at that moment that he'll do everything to make sure that she'll end up with Feng Xiaotong. Instead of checking on the girl, he decided to leave and seek someone. 

Back in the studio, Elizabeth just ended her call with Shen. One of her maidservants approached her and handed a towel. 

"Young Miss, should I call the doctor?" 

"No need, it's just a small cut." Elizabeth shook her head as she put her phone and the paintbrush away. 

However, when the maidservant saw the blood on the floor by the stool and the deep wound on her young miss's hand, she overreacted and gasp. "Young Miss, we need to call a doctor at once. Your wounds are too deep. Go call the master..."

The other maidservant bloated out of the studio to prevent Elizabeth from stopping her. Elizabeth gave up and thought there was no point in resisting. Sooner or later her family will know and will force her to seek a doctor. "Prepare the car, I'll go to the hospital then."

"Young Miss, I'll go inform Long and Chou at once." 

Elizabeth watched as both her maids disappeared from her sight. Before she headed out and followed them, she turned around and looked at the empty canvas. Using her blood to write, she wrote something on the edge of the canvas. 

Her lips slightly lifted upwards almost into a smile as her eyes gleamed in despair "Emptiness."

One can understand at a glance why the empty canvas had a word emptiness on it. For it was ended empty. But one would find it hard to understand what the true meaning of the word means to the girl. 

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