Trial Of Love Chapter 319 - Mysterious Family

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It hasn't even been an hour or so that has gone by when the news of the girl's engagement to Feng Xiaotong reached the ear of the Knightley. 

The elderly couple came running to their son's room in the middle of the night after receiving such news. 

"Rob, what is the meaning of this?" Elder Lord Knightley furiously spoke in shock of what they just found out.

"Dear boy, when did Lizzy agree to marry Young Feng?" Elder Lady Knightley added. 

Lord Knightley, who was just about to get some sleep eyes lit wide open from what his parents just announce. "What did you say?"

"News online about Li Zi being Young Feng's fiance has spread online." Elder Lady Knightley calmly explained but was interrupted by her husband. 

"What do you think you're doing? Didn't you have people to watch over her? How come you don't know about this!?" Elder Lord Knightley roared his disappointment towards his son for his failure in protecting his granddaughter. 

"You have all the power in the world yet you can't even protect your own daughter. And now, here we are... When did she even agree to this? We only talked about it, but we never agree for her to marry the boy."

"Father, shut up!" Lord Knightley raised his voice worriedly about the news he just found out. 


"Stop it, both of you. Rob, what's wrong?" Elder Lady Knightley inquired noticing her son's pale complexion. 

"She can't get engaged with him." Lord Knightley shakily responded. 

"What do you mean? Didn't you mentioned you rather see her with Young Feng than Young Stanford? So why are you not please about the engagement." Elder Lady Knightley asked. 

"She can't get engaged with him, because she's already engaged to someone. I was hoping she fell in love with someone and get married before, but, but now it's too late." Lord Knightley explained with such troubled expression on his face. 

"What do you mean engaged? So you know she was engaged with Young Feng?" Elder Lord Knightley calmly asked. 

"No, of course I didn't know about such news." 

"Then who is she engaged with? Don't tell me you promise to give her to Young Yun?" Elder Lord Knightley eyes widen in anger of the thought his son agree for his granddaughter to be with Yun Shen. Even though they find the boy agreeable, but right now his family circ.u.mstance is just unacceptable. The chances his granddaughter might be involved and worse, the thought she'll do something outrageous again to help them. 

"Boy, tell me? Did you agree for Lizzy to be with Young Yun? Or... Please, Lord, don't tell me you agree with Young Stanford's proposal." 

"Father, the person my daughter is engaged to someone even more powerful than us. Which is why, her engagement with Xiaotong is useless." Lord Knightley chuckled nonsensically. 

"Boy, enough with the small talk. Tell us, what do you mean by Lizzy's engagement. Who is she engaged to?" Elder Lord Knightley lost his temper and grab hold of his son by his collar. 

Lord Knightley pushed his father's hand aside and emotionally looked at him. "I don't know." 

What Lord Knightley meant his literary what it meant. He doesn't even know the old man who saved his daughter's life. He only glances at him once and that was it. It's been ten years, and he doesn't even know what the old man looks like. 

"Rob, please... Enough with the jokes. Tell us truthfully, who is Lizzy engaged to? And, and when did this engagement begin. I mean, you never even told us she was engaged?" Elder Lady Knightley walked in between the two men to separate them from each other and calmly speak to her son. 

"I already told you, I don't know..." Lord Knightley repeated his words as he went to his desk which was on the other side of the room and grab something inside the drawer. He then returned to his parents and gave them the items he took out of the drawer. 

"What is this?" Elder Lady Knightley asked as to why his son suddenly gave him a mysterious box.

"Open it." Lord Knightley said

Elder Lady Knightley opened the box with her husband by her side. She slowly opened it, already expecting what's inside for the box looked like a ring box. But what she was curious about is the item inside. 

Inside was a beautiful well-crafted ring. It was nicely decorated with a small white and pink gemstone on it and perfectly situated in the center of the ring was a majestic vivid red diamond. 

Which is the most expensive type of diamond in the world. 

"Where did you get this?" Elder Lady Knightley dumbfoundedly asked her son for it's been awhile she seen such a rare diamond. 

"From Lizzy's fiance and also the man who saved her life back then." Lord Knightley answered.

"Rob, don't tell me..." Elder Lady Knightley became agitated all of a sudden and lost her balance as she dropped the ring on the floor. She needed not to ask her son because she already knows the answer to her own question. 

Seeing his wife's fl.u.s.tered expression, Elder Lord Knightley already a.n.a.lyzed everything and made up his own conclusion of the situation. He calmed himself for he thought his son went through a lot on that day. For more than 48 hours his son didn't sleep waiting for his daughter to wake up. He picked up the box and ring and went closer to his son. "Tell us, be honest... This engagement, can it be cancelled?"

"If it can, I've already done it." Lord Knightley answered in such low and depressed tone. 

"So, all this time you gained power in order to stop this engagement." 

"Hmph, but it seems I failed." 

"Robert, what were you thinking, why didn't you tell us?" Elder Lady Knightley burst into tears as she started hitting her son in his chest. 

"I'm sorry." 

"You, you, why didn't you tell us. We are your family. I now understand why my granddaughter is so cold and indifferent. Why she continues to bury herself in all her problems. You two are really father and daughter." Elder Lady Knightley chuckled despite all the tears and pain she was feeling. 

"So, you still don't know who this person is?" Elder Lord Knightley interrupted his wife nonsense and asked.

"I was hoping mother would know. I've investigated the ring and found out mostly the royal family and those in high rank in society back then could afford such a jewel. And if I'm not wrong, didn't the royal family hold such a ring as well?" Lord Knightley turned his attention towards his mother whose expression turned stiff surprised his son even knows about the royal family treasury. 

"How did you know?" 

"I am a member, despite I've never seen them." 

Elder Lady Knightley wiped the tears on her face and face her son. "There is indeed such a ring. But it didn't belong to the royal family nor was it a gift from the royal family. But from a mysterious family who holds overwhelming wealth and power back in time. They were so powerful that they can easily overthrow the Great British Empire."

"How come I don't know about this? Such a family was never told in our history." Elder Lord Knightly said. 

"No history of such family was told for they were one of those families that once you meet them. You either live to tell their tale or die." 

"Mother, who are they?" Lord Knightley asked.

"Even I don't know. The answer to your question can only be found in the royal family archives. But, this can only be accessed by the royal family. Even though we are a member, sadly we don't have access to them. But, I once heard from grandfather that those families are so mysterious that they can turn the world upside down. Just like you who hold many people live, they do too." 

"Are you saying they control the underground world?" Elder Lord Knightley said. 

"I'm not sure, for back in history, they said they help the Great British Empire in the war. During the World War, they were one of the biggest family to contribute as well." 

"Mother, let me ask you this, have you ever meet  a member of this mysterious family?" 

The reason why Lord Knightley asked his mother such question, was because during the time Elizabeth was on her mission training. His mother secretly visited his daughter. Normally, family members aren't allowed to visit once someone starts their training mission, but his mother couldn't help but worry back then. 

Whilst Elder Lady Knightley ponders on her son question. She suddenly reminisces about the past, when Elizabeth mentioned to her she meet someone during her mission and even propose to marry her. She thought it was ridiculous and never bother about it. Now that she thought about it, she realizes what a big mistake she made. 

"Rob, I'm sorry..." Her expression turned as white as a sheet as she realizes her mistake. 

Lord Knightley: "Mother, what do you mean?" 

Elder Lord Knightley: "Dear, what have you done?"

"I did meet such a member of that family. And you have as well..."

Lord Knightley didn't need to ask who that person is. He always found it suspicious how the man knew the mysterious old man who saved his daughter. "That explains everything."

"Who? What are you both talking about."


Elder Lord Knightley saw his world collapsing in front of him. Who would have thought the person whom they trusted their granddaughter to would be a member of the mysterious family who wishes to take her away from them. 

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