Trial Of Love Chapter 316 - Who I Am

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"Li Zi, why don't you go ahead and freshen up. I can handle all of this." Feng Xiaotong said who was arranging all the ingredients he brought out on the island. 

"Xiaotong, are you sure? Also, why did you buy so much food anyway, are we like having a feast or something. Is there something you're not telling me? Wait, don't tell me... Is it your birthday?" Elizabeth said shockingly as she hastily went to the man's side. "Xiaotong, is it your birthday today?"

"What are you talking about. My birthday is still a few months away. And you better cook me something on my birthday." Feng Xiaotong demanded as he pushed the girl out of the kitchen. 

"Anyway, go upstairs already and freshen up." 

Elizabeth did not say anything further and followed the man's words. Whilst she was walking to her room, she became suspicious of something. 

"Don't tell me? Is Xiaotong..." 

Elizabeth lost her balance as she stumbled into the wall. She clenched her hand into a fist as she supported herself using the wall. She became all fl.u.s.tered of what she just realized. 

"Xiaotong, did you realize who I am as well? Did dad or mom..."

She couldn't even put her thoughts into words when her feelings got the better of her. Soon tears rolled down her face. "Xiaotong, why..."

Right now, how she wish what she realized is untrue. What she feared the most has come into reality. The fact she said to her father she was to choose between the three she would choose the man cooking for her right now. So if ever, if ever Xiaotong offers her a marriage proposal she would not hesitate to say yes. But, this means hurting those around them. 

"What should I do?"

Instead of pondering on things, she went to her room and called someone immediately, without even greeting the person on the other end, she directly went straight to the point. 

"Mother, did you tell Xiaotong who I am?" 

Lady Zhao who was having breakfast with everyone in Imperial Garden Plaza was surprised to hear from her daughter all of a sudden. What stunned her the most was the fact her daughter didn't call her to apologize, "I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Mother, don't play games with me. I know you want Xiaotong more than Shen because of what happened. I've regained my memory of what happened that day. About Little Yan's kidnapping..."

Lady Zhao's expression was deadly pale, she didn't expect her daughter to have regained pieces of her memories so fast. She continues to listen to her daughter then answered her. "He came to me. He already knows who you are, and I have nothing to do with what you're accusing me. Even though I want you to be with him so badly, I did nothing. Elizabeth, don't forget that I'm your mother. I could have easily forced you to marry him, yet I did nothing."

"Mother, I'm sorry..." Elizabeth was ashamed that she raised her voice and talked coldly at her mother. She hasn't apologized to her about what happened before. "I didn't mean to raise my voice on you. I'm sorry... It's just." 

"Let me guess, his with you right now. Lizzy, darling... If you wish to end all this pain, then make your decision. Who do you want to be with? Between all of them, who do you think can make you happy. It's your life, you make the decision. Anyway, stop acting like a baby and come home. Your grandfather is about to go crazy for not seeing you for almost a month now."

"Mom, I'm sorry... I'll come home soon." 

Elizabeth ended the call with a heavy heart. Her mother's words were like hot brandy running down her throat. She became all speechless and overwhelmed by everything. 

What her mother asked her to do was not as easy as one thinks. She can't easily make a decision because once she does, not only one but a few people will be affected and hurt. 

What's worse, she currently not sure of her feelings right now. For her top priority is regaining all her memories and finding out the person who requested for her memory to be removed in the first place. 

"I better get ready, Xiaotong waiting for me."

Elizabeth freshened up and put on a warm woolly vest dress. She paired it with a thick leggings and a brown boots which reach all the way to her knees. Her attire looked simple but adorable. 

She didn't bother putting on any makeup since she'll be meeting up with her team later before going to the last promotion schedule. 

As she was heading down the stairs, she smelled all the different aromas of the various dishes Xiaotong has prepared.

"Hmm, did he make medicinal food or something?" Elizabeth's wonder when she smelled the familiar smell of herbs.


Feng Xiaotong turned to where the voice came from and was breath taken seeing the girl stood in front of him. His heart was leaping in glee to be able to start the day with her. "Li Zi, you're done?"

"Yes, what are you cooking? Why do I smell like it's one of those ancient medicinal food" Elizabeth brown knit together in disgust of the strange smell? 

"Hha, you got it right. But don't worry, this will taste so good that you'll forget your own name." Feng Xiaotong chuckled seeing how displease the girl was with the smell. 

"If you say so, anyway, do you need any help?" Elizabeth inquired but was surprised to see the man has prepared so much food already in less than an hour. 

"No worries, I'm almost done. If you can go ahead and set the table for us." 

Elizabeth went ahead and set the table for two. But the amount of food Xiaotong has prepared was good enough to feed a whole village. "Does he really think of me like I'm a pig or something?"

She could only sigh and retreated hopeless of herself. Her black hole of a stomach has once again brought her some troubles. 

"Li Zi, are you alright?" Feng Xiaotong asked, who was carrying a pot of soup to the table when he saw the gloominess in the girl's eyes. 

"I'm fine, I just... Why did I have such a stomach." Elizabeth sigh.

Feng Xiaotong chuckled as he placed the pot down and patted the girl on the head to comfort her, "Don't worry about that. Come on, let's eat already before the food gets cold."


Elizabeth was hesitant to try Feng Xiaotong's cooking. Even though they look good and smell good, the taste can be a lot different from what it smells and looks like. As took a spoon full of strange soup and tried. Her eyes lit in astonishment from all the different flavors exploding inside her mouth. 

"Xiaotong, this is amazing. You can really cook."

"Hha, I told you so. Don't judge me just because of who I am. I did live on my own for a few years you know."

"You did?" Elizabeth was surprised and asked. 

"Yes, during our university years." He answered her and placed some more food on the girl's plate. 

Elizabeth continues to devour the different food Feng Xiaotong was placing on her plate. She didn't even realize that she had eaten half of the food on her own already. 

"By the way, be honest... Xiaotong, why are you doing this? I mean, yes, we spend time with each other a lot. I am your G.o.ddess but why..."

"Li Zi, can you not ask and just... Like I said earlier, can you just let time answer all the questions you have. In time, all the questions you have will be answered. Right now, can we just please enjoy our time together. I work hard cooking for you, you know?" 

Elizabeth smiled, pleased to hear the man's response. To be honest, she was not prepared to know why the man is suddenly acting in such a way. But, if what she suspects is true. Then, it seems she really needs to make up her mind. 

'Xiaotong, can you really accept me for who I am? Will you be fine accepting me and hurting your friend. Didn't you say you're happy to be the supporting character, so why are you suddenly taking your role as the leading character?' Elizabeth wonders as she glanced at the man seated in front of her. 

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