Trial Of Love Chapter 309 - In Love With Someone

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Elizabeth along with Yun Shen took the liberty to be alone with the children. Since it was known that the President's grandson has quite a temper, no one dare approach them. They were able to enjoy the rest of the night peacefully. 

As the night deepens, the two kids soon doze off. They were both rubbing their eyes and yawning nonstop. 

"We better take them home," Elizabeth said. 

"Hmm, are you coming with us?" Yun Shen inquired. 

"Wait here, I'll go inform Director Ge and the seniors." 

Elizabeth went ahead and looked for the people she needed to bid farewell. Amongst with them was Long Yiyi...

"Senior, I'll be going ahead." 

"But Junior Li Zi isn't it too early to go home. I mean, the party hasn't even reached its peak." Long Yiyi said. 

"I know, but I need to take the children home." 

"Ah..." Long Yiyi didn't need to ask whom she was referring too. For news of the two brats have spread all over the party. Thanks to them, her plan was ruined as well. What annoyed her the most was the fact rumors of President Stanford being the girl's ex-lover. 'd.a.m.n it, how did someone like you even seduce a man like President Stanford. What's worse, Huang Ming is head over heels for the b*tch and it seems Xiaotong is falling for the girl as well.'

"Then, Senior, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Take care Junior Li Zi." Long Yiyi force a smile on her face as she embraced the girl farewell. She then watches as the girl stormed off leaving the party with Yun Shen and the two kids. 

In Country Town

Elizabeth was carrying Little Yan to her room, she laid the little girl on her bed and start coaxing her back to sleep whilst singing the lullaby she always sang for her. 

Once you dream, magic starts to happen

Anything is possible

So close your eyes, 

And let the magic being

Where I will be by your side...

Yun Shen just came back from his room all freshen up when he stood by the door watching the girl singing the same lullaby she created just for his daughter. 

Elizabeth notice Little Yan was finally asleep, as she was about to get out of bed, she glanced at the familiar silhouette stood by the door and smile. "Shen, what are you doing there?"

"I hope you'll stay here for the night," he responded. 

"That won't be a problem, but I need to leave before dawn." 

"Sure, I drive you tomorrow." 

"That won't be necessary, I can always take a cab." 

"No, just let me drive you..." 

Elizabeth gave in eventually because she didn't want to argue with the man. She got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up as well. 

When she came out of the bathroom, all refresh, she saw the man stood by the window gazing at the sky outside. She quietly went over to him and looked at the direction he was looking at. "There aren't any stars." 

"I know..." 

"So, why are you looking at the sky?" 

"I was wondering, more like hoping... If I wish for something, do you think it will come true?" 

Elizabeth saw the sorrows in the man's eyes. She wonders what could be bothering him and inquired. "Is something wrong?"

"Li Zi, have you ever kept a secret to someone you care for because you thought it was the best course of action. But now, seeing the current situation, you feel like your regretting everything." 

His words were like knives being stabbed at her heart. She wonders if he has figured out who she was. Her heart felt like it was being torn apart. "I don't know what you mean..."

"I mean, what if one day you find out I am not who you think I am. Do you think you still can accept me? I mean, Li Zi... Remember what I said last time, have you ever considered my offer? What if you consider my offer and found out I am someone not worthy of you? Will you still be with me?" 

Elizabeth was dumbfounded of everything. She was confused about what he meant. But then a thought struck her, 'Could he be referring to the kidnapping of Little Yan and my parents being against him for putting me in danger? Is that what he meant? I mean, what happened was an accident. I think... Is Yun Shen in danger, is Little Yan in danger?'

"I have, but I'm not sure about it yet... I mean, I don't see myself fit to be with you. After all, I..." She couldn't finish what she wishes to say. She can't tell him she lied to him. 

Yun Shen knew what the girl wish to say and instead of saying something back, he grabbed hold of the girl's waist and pulled her closer to him and planted his cold lips to hers. He pushed his way into the girl's mouth as he started kissing her more pa.s.sionately. 

Elizabeth was taken aback and didn't know what to do. But her body moved on her own while her mind was baffled of her current situation. 'Why is Shen kissing me so aggressively? I feel like something does not make sense?'

She pushed him aside and looked him directly in the eye, "Shen, what's wrong?"

"Li Zi, I love you and I'm afraid to lose you. But I fear that the world is against us being together." 

"Shen, what are you talking about?" Elizabeth asked in fear that something bad is about to happen to Yun Shen. 

"Li Zi, can I ask you a favor. If one day, I... I mean, if one day I'm no longer here. Will you promise to take care of Little Yan? I mean, continue to visit her and spend time with her." 

"Shen, why are you saying as if you're leaving this world of a sudden. I mean, are the Yuns treating you so badly." Elizabeth's heart was beating rapidly anxious of all the words the man was spouting. 

"Li Zi, the Yuns, the world, who knows... But it seems, destiny is putting me in a bad track in which can lead me to go somewhere else than be with you. But, I do hope I can change that course. Not a day I wish to be with you." 

Elizabeth was perplexed. Yun Shen who was normally cold and aloof type of person was expressing himself so indifferently. As if he was saying his farewells. 'I need to find out what happened during the kidnapping, but how? My memory hasn't returned yet...'

Tears were already rolling down her face. She didn't realize it up until Yun Shen wipes it away. "Don't cry, I'll continue to fight all the odds and be with you. No matter what happens, I'll find a way to be with you." 

Something suddenly came into Elizabeth's mind as she loses her balance and her head suddenly ached. She felt Yun Shen's words were someone else's words in the past. She tried her best to picture out the memory but only those words flash into her mind. 

"No matter what happens, I'll find a way to be with you."

Yun Shen notices the girl's blank face, he realized that the girl must be regaining another part of her memory. He didn't bother her and let her be...

"What did you say?" 

He was confused as to why the girl question him what he said, so he repeated his last word. "No matter what happens, I'll find a way to be with you." 

"You said, you'll be with me, but, why did you leave me? Why did you let me suffer and I..." 

"Lizzy, what are you talking about?" 

"Why did you lie, why did you leave me and return just to break my heart? Why? I did everything for you, but it was never enough... I did all those things for you but why? Why was I never enough for you?" 

Yun Shen looked confused, it seems the girl was reminiscing her memory and thinks he was the guy of her past. "I'm sorry..." he said, hoping to bring the girl back to reality. 

"Sorry, after all this year... That all you have to say, did you even bother to look for me? I destroyed every memory I have of you because..." 

Elizabeth could not finish her words when she lost consciousness. Yun Shen's body quickly moved on its own as she grabbed hold of the girl. He was startled when a soft voice echoed all over the room. 

"What's wrong with Auntie?"

"Little Yan..." 

Yun Shen was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do. How was he supposed to explain to his daughter about what happened? 

"Your Auntie, remember what I said, she's regaining her memory..." 

"Then Auntie will remember what happened back then. When we visited the park..." Little Yan hopped out of bed and run to her father's side. 

"I'm not sure, it seems she remembers something more important that happened in her past." He responded.

"What do you mean?" Little Yan looked confused and asked. 

"It seems your Auntie might have been in love with someone in the past. And something happened."

"But doesn't Auntie love father?" 

"I'm not sure if she does love me, or she sees me as the person in her past." Yun Shen responded which caused Little Yan to be even more confused. "Don't worry about it." 

"But father, what will happen to Auntie?"

"Your Auntie will be fine, it seems I need to make that call after all." Yun Shen said as he patted his daughter in the head. 

Yun Shen lay Elizabeth down the bed next to Little Yan. He kissed both of them in the forehead and said, "Take care of your Auntie."

Little Yan nodded as she wrapped her arms around her Auntie. 

Yun Shen left the room, he directly headed to his study. He went to his desk and took out the card a certain man left last time. He didn't hesitate and called that person. 

"h.e.l.lo, who's this?"

"It's me, Yun Shen, I need to ask you something?"

Professor Petrovich was surprised that the boy called him, "I didn't expect you to ever call me. Have you made up your mind..."

Professor Petrovich couldn't finish what he needed to say when Yun Shen interrupted him. "Tell me, can you restore all her memory?"

"Ah... She with you." 

"I'm asking you a question! Can you return her memory?" Yun Shen's tone turned cold and hostile. 

"Boy, you really need to watch your manners. Don't forget who you are speaking to. And to answer you're annoying question, yes I can, but I won't..." 

"Why? Why won't you restore her memory? She's suffering..."

"Since her father forbid me from seeing her. And, she out of time... Plus, you're out of time too. You better give up on her and clear every memory of her out of your mind." 

Yun Shen was furious as his tone became angrier, "Why do you keep saying she out of time. Is she dying or what? Tell me!"

"Of course she not, but you do not have the right to know. You are a n.o.body. Have you forgotten who you are? Please, your only using the Yun's name... Don't speak to me as if you have the right to be with her. Because of you, she risking her life. How I wish to kill you with my own hand since she doesn't even recall who I am. But I can't go against her father's request."

"I'll find them, just you wait..."

"Boy, I'll take you years to find the person trying to kill your family. By then, she'll fully gain her memory and do you think she'll still wish to stay with you. I'm sure you already notice that she has another lover. I mean, the only reason you wish to have her gain her memory back is so you know the truth. Well then, let me give you some insight into the past. She did, she did fall in love with someone. Both of them love each other. But the world was against them. In which one life was lost..."

Yun Shen turned mute and didn't interrupt he continued to listen to what Professor Petrovich has to say. 

"She not an ordinary girl as you think. She is an heiress which means every heiress goes to special training. Especially she is a Knightley. But, during her training, something happened and... Boy, just give up already. You're not fit to be with her." 

"Why do you all say I'm not fit for her when you don't even know what the future holds?"

"Boy, she bonds to be with someone greater and you aren't that. Don't you Chinese believe that every phoenix needs to be with a dragon and you aren't that type of dragon in her life! If you have nothing else to say, I'm ending this call."


"What is it?" Professor Petrovich sighs not in the mood to talk to the boy anymore.

"If I don't make it, can you memory her memory about me. I don't wish to bring her more pain." Yun Shen bitterly declared. 

"So, you already expect you'll lose. But, you know you can save your family. Just ask the..."

"No, I won't." Yun Shen interrupted him again. "I won't ask for his help. I'll face this alone." 

"Very well then, if you don't make it. I'll do what you ask." 

Professor Petrovich who was in the middle of nowhere just ended the call with Yun Shen. He felt sorry for the boy, but he needed to know the truth. For, in the end, none of them can win her. Her life was already bond to be with someone else. 

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