Trial Of Love Chapter 294 - Paternity Test

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Elizabeth's gaze was fixed on the people that had just joined the party, they were her so-called "family"...  She was taken aback of the situation she is currently in. Not in a million years did she expects someone would bring forth a fake family in front of her. What baffled her the most is, how will the girl prove that they are her family?. 

Huang Ming who was standing firmly and coldly earlier turned 180 degrees when he was met face to face with such an unexpected outcome. He expected Li Zi to be the Young Princess. His mind was having a hard time taking in all that's unfolding in front of him. He was sure that Li Zi would turn out to be the Young Princess. Now a different set of people had appeared in front of him, does this mean Yuexi An has no evil intention from that start and really just wished to help reconnect Li Zi with her family?

Elizabeth finally came family came face to face with the family of four. She observed each one of them and amazingly; they do have quite similar facial features.  She glanced at each one of them and made her observations all the way from their facial expressions their current body language. 'Seems like they've been forced into this... Hmm, so which one of you are Yuexi An's accomplices and the mastermind?'

She continued to examine each one of them. She started with the two siblings, based on her observations, the two siblings were indeed handsome and beautiful. From the looks of the situation, it seems that the girl is older and coincidentally, if the girl has blue eyes and light brownies hair, they would indeed would look like sisters. She noticed both siblings seem to feel uncomfortable with the situation which could only mean; they were forced into this. Which leaves the parents... Surprisingly, it seems like the mother is the culprit. The fact the father was dressed in simple rags while the mother was dressed well served to prove the point. 

Elizabeth finally put her thoughts together and concluded, 'So, it's either that the mother who is greedy for money or maybe she is just the second wife. But then, she does look like the boy...'

Those nearby continued to remain in keep silence seeing neither Yuexi An nor Li Zi has spoken a word, locked in a standoff. That remained true up until Yixing Zhang steps forward after seeing that no one seemed to be willing to speak. 

Yixing Zhang stepped forth and snorted as he faces the family standing in front of them all. "Really? You're Li Zi's family. How come none of you look like her at all?"

His words snap Huang Ming back to his senses as he added fuel to what Yixing Zhang just declared. "That's right, Yuexi An... Let's not play around anymore. We aren't idiotic enough to fall for your stupid game. Do you think you can just hire anyone and claim for them to be Li Zi's family?

"I know you'll doubt me, that's why I came prepared..." Yuexi An smiled meaningfully, believing that they were all already trapped in her web of lies. Who would expect everyone to become so stupid and believe her? Even though they are just part of her plan, the fact that even the girl is speechless seeing them means she really must think they are her family. 

Elizabeth's attention finally turns back to Yuexi An after hearing what she just said. She had been wondering how Yuexi An would prove that they are really her family. She watched as the girl received a sealed envelope from one of her men and hands it to Yixing Zhang and Huang Ming instead of to her. 

Both Yixing Zhang and Huang Ming pulled out the doc.u.ment inside the envelope. Inside was a paternity test proving Li Zi's blood relations.h.i.+p with them. They both automatically turned to Li Zi, curious to see how she'll react. They handed the doc.u.ment to her. 

 Elizabeth read the doc.u.ment carefully. She was laughing in the inside, wondering how Yuexi An planned all of this. But thanks to the doc.u.ment, she has proven her hypothesis about the family true. The mother is indeed just another woman. Since the doc.u.ment only showed the test results of her, the father and two children. 

"Bull****! Yuexi An, do you think I'm a fool who would believe all of this. You must have bribed the hospital!" Huang Ming roared expressing his displeasure towards the girl. He laughed as he glared coldly at the family standing in front of them. "Come on, how much did Yuexi An pay you to lie in front of us all. I'll double it." 

"I'll triple it" Yixing Zhang added, thinking that these people will only use Li Zi and her fame. 

Yuexi An acted all pitiful as if she was about to tear up. "Senior, do you really think so badly of me. Of course, the test is genuine. You can even call the hospital if you want."

The woman standing in the family realized that the situation was not going according to their plan. She needs to win Li Zi over and make sure she agrees to take them in. "If none of you believe we are her parents, we can do the test again." 

"Don't bother, we shouldn't have come." The man desperately spoke up as he grabs hold of the woman, worried she might cause a scene. 

Elizabeth continue to stay quiet and watch how the situation had developed. Both Huang Ming and Yixing Zhang continued to battle with Yuexi An and the family. Since both Huang Ming and Yixing Zhang insisted on taking another paternity test. The onlookers started to be in a buzz and voiced out their opinions. 

"Why is Huang Ming and Yixing Zhang so against Yuexi An? She had just helped Li Zi find her family and yet they are insisting so vehemently that they aren't her family." 

"That's right, even Li Zi hasn't said a word. If Li Zi agrees with the both of them, does that mean she doesn't want any connection with her family? I mean look at them, they are basically beggars." 

"I'm sure Li Zi isn't that kind of person. Yuexi An has already went out of her way to do the searching for her. What more does she want? Shouldn't she be thankful instead now that she is with her family?" 

How she wishes she can leave and go home. She really just wishes she could call her parents and drag her out into the fray so she can prove her innocence, but that won't do. She needs to find a way out of this, a way to prove that her relations.h.i.+p with them is false. 

"Bro Ming, Bro Zhang, don't worry... If they really are my parents then we can just ask them." Elizabeth interrupted them seeing that the event had turned chaotic, and not unlike a jungle. She turned her attention to the family and went closer to them. She directs her attention towards the man who prefers not to be part of anything, hoping to leave and be left alone. "Mister, I mean father, why did you abandon me?"

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