Trial Of Love Chapter 289 - Living Alone

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The next day, Elizabeth was driving her way to Imperial Garden Plaza. When she arrived, her mother was outside waiting for her all excited to know all the excitement she's done while being away from home. Especially since the picture of her inviting the cast of and has gone viral. 

"Darling, do tell me, how've your days been?" Lady Zhao wrapped her arms around the girl eager to know everything. 

"Everything went well, Mom. We went to a farm and work in the fields during the day, play games and of course, I ended up sleeping outside again. Haha, yesterday I invited the cast since they wish to learn how to cook. Senior Long brought his wife with him and Senior Yixing brought some friend over." 

"Darling, are they the reason why you wished to move out." Lady Zhao suspected it since it hasn't been a month and she invited people to her house. 

"Sorry Mom, it was Yuexi An fault for trying to humiliate me that I lose my mind and went along with her." 

Lady Zhao comforted her daughter and embraced her tightly, "Darling, it's fine, as long as your safe. Moving out for such silly reason is fine. Anyway, your photo yesterday has gone viral."

"Really?" Elizabeth smiled seeing the servants as they walked inside the house. 

"Yes, why... Haven't you check online?" Lady Zhao asked as they arrived at the lounge and a servant brought them a tray of snack and tea. 


"Thank you."

Elizabeth places her bag on the side as she grabs her phone. She scanned online all the comments of all the cast fan's also hers. She laughed seeing that some of the crew of also commented.

William Chen: Hey little lady, how come you didn't invite me to your home? Hey, little boy... How come you didn't say anything about visiting Li Zi's house? @HuangMing

Zheng Mi: Li Zi when will you invite me to your house? 

She was surprised how much of the fans were interested in seeing her house. Some of them even requested her to take pictures of her entire house for them to see. 

"Princess Li Zi please post a picture of your house."

"Dear G.o.ddess, can you please grace your humble fans of allowing us to see your humble abode?" 

Lady Zhao notices her daughter was intrigued by the fan's comment. "So will you post a picture of your house?"

"I can, it's not really a big deal. Even if they know where I'm leaving, I'm sure nothing bad will happen to me after dad's arrangement." Elizabeth answered as she put her phone down and started drinking her tea. 

Elizabeth was not even able to take a sip of her tea when her phone rung. 

"h.e.l.lo, Bro w.a.n.g is something wrong?"

"Li Zi, have you heard of the program ?"

"No, I haven't Bro w.a.n.g, why?"

w.a.n.g Ji was arranging the files whilst explaining things to the girl. "So do you want to be their guest for next week?"

"Sure, it's only for one day right?"

"Yup, just one day... I'll be heading to meet up with them now and check the contract for you. Where are you?"

"I'm back home." Elizabeth directly answered him since he already knew who she was. 

"Oh?" w.a.n.g Ji was hesitant since he knew when the girl meant "home" it means the Zhao's residence. 

"You can bring the contract here if you want Bro w.a.n.g, you know your way anyway." 

w.a.n.g Ji smiled, realizing how much the girl trusted him. He proudly smiles and replied, "Alright, I'll call you once I check the contract and I'll bring it to you." 


Lady Zhao smiled seeing her daughter have gained new companions in her life whom she can trust. "Baby, want to play?"

Elizabeth smiled and nodded. 

Both mother and daughter brought pleasure in everyone's ears as they started playing in one of the outer music rooms. There was only a grand piano in the middle of the room and some chairs. Elizabeth stood next to her mother whilst she was playing the violin. Both ladies were in harmony with each other when they were playing. 

Zhao Xinyi and Liu Yifie just returned from the market since Liu Yifie wished to cook for the family. When they entered the house, they were welcomed with such warmth melody. 

"Been a while since I heard Lizzy played." Zhao Xinyi slightly smiled, realizing his sister is finally back despite all the horrors lately in her life. 

"Xinyi, did something bad happen to Lizzy?" Liu Yifie asked, noticing the sorrow in the man's eyes. 

"Something did, but it's something we should not talk about." Zhao Xinyi explained, contemplating whether or not he should tell her.

"I don't need to know, as long as Lizzy is fine, that's all I care for." Liu Yifie planted a kiss on the man's cheeks. 

"Thank you."

As they were about to look for the two ladies, they were surprised to see the girl's manager appearing behind them. 

"Young Master Zhao, Miss Liu." w.a.n.g Ji immediately greeted them surprised to see the young heir of the Zhao and his future wife. 

"Manager w.a.n.g, are you here for Lizzy?" Liu Yifie greeted the man with a gentle smile. 

"Yes, Miss Liu."

"Let's go." Zhao Xinyi said. 

The three walked down the hall to the music room the two ladies are. Whilst they were walking, they soon came closer to where the sound was coming from. 

When they entered the room, w.a.n.g Ji's eyes were fixed on the girl who was immersed in what she was doing. As he continued to gaze at the girl, it was the first time he notices her hair was slightly lighter than before and her eyes... Her eyes weren't brown, but sapphire blue just like Lord Knightley. 

'So this is the true Elizabeth Knightley. She must have colored her hair darker to avoid people from suspecting her. That's why I found it strange when her hair suddenly turned dark since the first day we meet.'

During the first day they meet, Elizabeth already started putting contact lenses on. But never colored her hair until the next day after she signed the contract with Global Stars.

Lady Zhao notices the presence of others as she stops what she was doing. "You're all here." 

Elizabeth naturally stops what she was doing and turned around to the direction her mother was looking at. "Brother, Sis Yifie, Bro w.a.n.g..."

"Li... I mean Young Princess, I brought you the contract." w.a.n.g Ji panic as she does not know how to address the girl in front of her family. 

Lady Zhao and Elizabeth chuckled. 

Elizabeth continued to laugh hearing how w.a.n.g Ji addressed her as she placed her violin down, "Bro w.a.n.g, why are you suddenly so formal?"

"I-It's... You..." w.a.n.g Ji shyly averted his gaze, didn't know how to explain himself since he was surrounded by such elite people right now. 

"Mr. w.a.n.g, Lizzy will always be Li Zi. Just because you know who she is, it does not mean you need to address her in different ways." Lady Zhao spoke in such a soft manner easing the man's worries.

"Sorry," w.a.n.g Ji sighed, thinking how ridiculous he is right now and added, "Li Zi, I got the contract with me."

"I'll go bring some drinks for you." Liu Yifie excused herself.

They all seated together whilst Elizabeth read through the contract. After scanning it, she pa.s.sed it to her mother since she knew she'll be interested to review it.

"So, they'll install the camera when I'm still asleep and they'll follow me through the day until the day ends?" 

"Yup, you just need to be yourself. But the scheduled shoot is during your school day, I'm not sure if the school will allow it..." 

w.a.n.g Ji could not finish what he was about to explain when he notices Zhao Xinyi chuckling. 

"Mr. w.a.n.g have you forgot that the Chairman of the university is seated in front of you. Why don't you ask her now if it's' alright?"

w.a.n.g Ji felt like lightning just struck him, how stupid was he to worry something so silly. He has totally forgotten who Li Zi was and who her parents were. "Lady Zhao..." 

Lady Zhao smiled: "Sure, I'll call in to inform the board." 

"Thank you." w.a.n.g Ji took a deep breath as if he was taking his last breath on earth after making such a request in front of the Zhao headmistress. 

"Bro w.a.n.g, will they'll follow me during my morning exercise too? I normally wake up around 5 to go for a run?" 

"I'll inform them about your morning schedule and daily schedule if there are any changes during your day. They'll just follow you..." w.a.n.g Ji explained. 


"Mr. w.a.n.g, why don't you join us for lunch?" Lady Zhao suggested.

"I'll be honored Lady Zhao."

Liu Yifie went ahead a cooked for everyone with the help of the chef. w.a.n.g Ji accompanied the girl to her studio as they discuss the latest news about her online.

"I'm sure you already know about the speculation about your ident.i.ty."

Elizabeth nodded her head and just smile.

"Are you fine?"

"Bro w.a.n.g don't worry about me, I'm fine... Also, if you want to news to disappear, we can do that as well."

"No need, as long as your fine then I'm okay with everything."

"Let's head back, I'm sure mother is looking for us." 

w.a.n.g Ji obediently followed the girl back to the main house as they both headed straight to the dining room where Liu Yifie was busy arranging all the food. 

Elizabeth: "Sis Yifie, I'm sorry hungry I can eat all of them."

w.a.n.g Ji: "Miss Liu, thank you for the food." 

Liu Yifie smiled as she asked the servants to call Zhao Xinyi and Lady Zhao. 

The five of them gathered together as they enjoyed the meal Liu Yifie prepared. w.a.n.g Ji found himself a little awkward since he felt pressured being surrounded by the elite family. But as time pa.s.sed by he realized they were really just an ordinary family.

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