Trial Of Love Chapter 285 - See For Yourself

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Elizabeth was dropped off by w.a.n.g Ji at her apartment. Before he left, he made sure that the girl ate something, for he fears if he leaves right away the girl might ignore her uncle's words and continue to wander like a lost lamb. 

"Li Zi, I made you some porridge." w.a.n.g Ji brought her the bowl of porridge whilst the girl continues to sit silently by the table. 

He watched as the girl force-feed herself and finished the bowl of porridge he prepared. Once she was done, she slowly got up and headed to the balcony again. 

w.a.n.g Ji sighs and ignores everything as he went ahead and cleaned the mess in the kitchen. Once he was done, he went ahead and bid farewell to the girl and expectedly did not receive any response. 

'Li Zi, I hope you'll be fine." 

After w.a.n.g Ji left, a man stood by the balcony door gazing at the girl who was staring at the dreary sky. 

"You used to hate the full moon." 

Elizabeth turned around and saw her father standing by the door. She chuckled slightly as she realized what her father was trying to do. 

"I do but I don't know why..."

Since Elizabeth was at the age of 16 or so... She always hated seeing the full moon but don't know why. She has no recollection of any bad memory that happened during a full moon. She had asked her family and friends yet no one can explain as to why she hated the full moon. 

As time pa.s.sed by, both of them only spoke those few words and the air around them turned cold as they both became silent. They might not be saying anything to each other but they understand each other well. 

Surprisingly, the man was stunned when his daughter suddenly inquired of something he did not expect from her. It was one of his biggest fears. 

"Father, by chance, did I lose my memory?" Elizabeth asked continuously gazing at the full moon. 

"If so, would you wish to know what memory you lost?" Lord Knightley returned the question to his daughter curious how she'll respond. 

Elizabeth ponders for a moment about her father's question. If she did lose her memory by chance would she wish to know what memory she lost or let it be? 

"If I lost my memory by accident, I don't wish to know them anymore..."

Lord Knightley did not expect his daughter's answer. He feared his daughter's memory has indeed been trigger and it won't be long when she realizes who she truly is as a person. What her true personality and character are...

"But if by chance I force myself to lose those memories, I wish to know them... So I'll know why my heart is always aching and longing for someone or why I hate the full moon."

"If I don't wish for you to remember them, will you go against me?" 

Elizabeth turned to her father with teary eyes. She already expects such words to come out from her father. She has been wondering for years now why she sometimes has strange dreams. Also, lately her longing and fear for Little Yan have caused her sleepless night. 

"Father, why do I feel I'm not me. Why do I feel like I'm someone else? Why does everything I see Jayden and Shen, they remind me of someone I know before? Strangely, the person is not Shen nor Jayden. But a part of them reminds me of this person. Sometimes I question myself if I really like them or is because I have this strange feeling for them. The more I'm with them the more the emptiness within me is filled. Shouldn't I be given the right to know the answer to all this question?"

"If you do find the answer, will this give you peace? Will you be willing to accept the consequences of knowing the truth?" Lord Knightley spoke with such anger fear that his daughter might do something reckless and find a way to regain her memory. 

"I don't know..." Elizabeth was frightened seeing her father so angry at her. It was the first time she was seeing her father in rage and looking like a demon. She was all shaken in fear of what he might do. She finally understood why people fear her father so much. He looks calm and cold all the time, but once the lock opens as if a whole other person is standing in front of you. 

"Tell me, do you wish to know what memory you lost? If you do tell, I'll tell you right now... But I hope you're willing to accept the consequence and not cause yourself any harm."

Elizabeth saw the sorrow in her father's words. What does he mean by harm? Has she done something to herself, which is why her father is so overprotective of her? She just thought because she was an only child and the fact she was a girl are the reason why they are so protective of her. 

"Tell me, if you're ready to accept the consequences, because I'm not... I'm not ready to lose my daughter again." Lord Knightley finally lost himself to his emotions and spoke something he shouldn't have. He clicked his tongue regretting what he just said. 

Elizabeth was perplexed by what she just heard. 

Lost my daughter again?

What does he mean by that?

Did by chance I got lost, runaway or...

Don't tell me I die?

Elizabeth observes her father's expression and body language. Fear, insecurity, sorrow and all negative emotions were written all over her father's face. She thought about things for a moment as she puzzled everything. 

Could I really have died?

Then, is me hating the full moon related to my death?

"Daddy, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."


Lord Knightley only spoke a single word as he left the girl and headed out of her apartment leaving the girl with those cold truths. 

For years she has lived in isolation of the truth. She was given freedom, but she was living a life filled with lies of the past. Her mind was all muddled with so much question. She wished to ask her father but fear of the consequences. The fact her father said he was not ready to lose her again struck her. 

Did I really die? 

By why...

So many questions and so many missing memories... She now understands why she sometimes hears faint voices in her mind wondering if whether or not she was dreaming. Now she realized those voices she heard before were voices from her past. 

Am I really Elizabeth Knightley?

Elizabeth's chest tightened by the idea she might not be the daughter of the Knightley and Zhao. She hastily run as she went and chase after her father. 

Outside, the man was about to enter his car when Winston's eyes were fixed by the building entrance as if he saw something unbelievable. He turned around and saw his daughter barefooted running towards him. 

"Daddy, Am I your daughter?"

Lord Knightley felt like lightning just struck him as if the world around him were slowly collapsing. He shook his head as if he just heard the most obscure nonsensical words ever. He thought to himself if whether his daughter just question her own existence. 

As Elizabeth came to a close with her father, she stood a few feet away from him and repeated herself. 

"Tell me, Am I your daughter?

Lord Knightley got a handkerchief out and surprisingly in front of everyone. He bites his thumb as blood started to come out. He stained the handkerchief and hand it to his daughter leaving her with a few words. 

"See for yourself."

Elizabeth looked at the handkerchief and her father bleeding thumb. She threw the handkerchief away as she embraces her father. "I'm sorry for doubting you."

Lord Knightley sighed deeply as he pinched the skin between his brow. In all the questions his daughter would ask him, he didn't expect one day she'll question their relations.h.i.+p as father and daughter. "Don't ask such a ridiculous question again."

"Daddy, I'm sorry... I know you are my father and mother is my mother. Forgive me for being such an insolent daughter."

"Never mind, go back inside. It's getting late, get some rest." Lord Knightley said as he planted a kiss on his daughter's forehead as he bid her farewell as he and his personnel left. 

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