Trial Of Love Chapter 263 - Don't Test My Patience

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In the middle of the night, Yun Shen was woken by the sound of the woman's cry. He got up from the bed and went to the woman's side.

"Tell me who sent you?"

Yun Shen watched as the girl battle with someone in her dreams. His heart aches to see her in so much pain... What was he supposed to do? He can't tell her the truth or else she might do something to herself. He worried that the truth won't set her free but locked herself away.

"Little Yan..."

Yun Shen looked painfully at the girl as he sat next to her. As if she was awake, Yun Shen talked to her. 

"She next to you, thanks to you she's still with us... You don't need to worry about her."

Elizabeth subconsciously smiled after hearing what Yun Shen whispered to her. 

It surprised Yun Shen went he saw the sweet and gentle smile the girl was expressing. Maybe she heard what he just said which pleased him. He thought since she seems to be reacting to his words he took the opportunity to talk to her.

"Were you worried that I won't accept you if you were the Young Princess? I mean, I was surprised, but I had my suspension..."

Yun Shen gazed at the girl and notice she seems to have slightly frowned. He didn't stop talking and continued...

"Everyone knew the Young Princess is living an ordinary life. But I didn't expect it was you... To think, it means the man you've been seeing this whole time was me. Which means..."

Yun Shen lips slightly tilted upwards thinking of the fact that he was the man that Chief Minister Zhao dislike but he was also the grandson-in-law he wishes to have. 

"Does this mean, your family knew about me? I mean... Have you ever told them you like me? I wonder if your feelings for me are true too? I mean, you rejected me, could the reason be that you're the Young Princess and you felt guilty for lying to me this whole time?"

As he continued to express himself, something suddenly flashed into his mind and he smiled at both Elizabeth and Little Yan. 

"Little Yan knew it was you back then, then... I mean, I was surprised as to why she wouldn't let you go. To think I was the only one who didn't know and I had to find out in the most awkward situation."

Yun Shen sighed heavily as he recalled how he found out about her ident.i.ty. 

"Why did you wish to remove your memory back then? I really wish to know why... I don't know if I can protect you. I mean, I thought... I was the right man for Li Zi, but for the Young Princess, am I really worthy of your love. Who am I?"

Then suddenly, a soft voice echoed in the room, causing the man to drop next to the girl's side. 

"Shen, Shen..."

Yun Shen wrapped himself next to the girl as he pulled her closer towards him. "I'm here... I'm not leaving you."

He kissed her on her head as he continued to wrap his arms tightly around her. He could feel the warmth coming off the girl's body. 

"Lizzy, I wonder, if one day... If one day you'll find out I'm not the Young Master can we still be together?"

Yun Shen laid back flat on the bed as he faces the ceiling. His mind ponders of all the possibility... 

What if she finds out the truth about him as well? 

Can they still be together?

A few minutes later, Yun Shen got up the bed and headed to his office. He grabbed his phone and called someone...

"Proceed with everything, find out who's after the Yuns?"

Yun Shen looked up at the portrait Li Zi painted before. He chuckled thinking how stupid he was. 

"How stupid was I not to notice your message on the corner of the painting?" 

He got up and went closer to the portrait, and in the corner of the portrait was a simple hidden message. 

{Father's love}

"To think, you gave me the biggest clue of who you are but I didn't notice it. Only the Young Princess leaves a hidden message on her paintings." 

A moment later, Yun Shen went back to his desk and grabbed his phone again. He first checked the time and then called someone. 

"Lord Knightley..."

Lord Knightley who received the unexpected call was dumbfounded as to why the man suddenly contacts him. He was still in his office and asked all his subordinated to leave him be. 

"Shen, what can I do?"

"Lord Knightley, about Lizzy... Can you tell me why she removed her memory?"

Lord Knightley didn't expect what Professor Petrovich mentioned would come true. Since they didn't hear back from Professor Petrovich and Yun Shen never inquired about the incident, they thought he had a change of heart towards his daughter. 

"I can't."

"Why? I need to know... Or else..." Yun Shen couldn't finish what he wishes to say. Just the thought of the girl one day forgetting him and be taken away frightens him. 

"To tell you the truth, I don't want my daughter to be with you. She may have some secrets but we can protect her. But you, a man who has his own secrets too, can you protect her when you can't even protect your daughter. I know about your daughter and your secret. I won't interfere…" 

Yun Shen on the other end was speechless. He didn't expect Lord Knightley to do a complete background check about him and that he also knew about Little Yan. He stayed muted and continued to listen to the man on the other end. 

"But, if my daughter's life gets involved... I'm prepared to kill your entry family for her safety and hand each of your head to the person trying to kill you, for I don't want my daughter to get involved. Right now, her attachment towards you and your daughter is out of our control."

Lord Knightley sighed and ponder for a moment as he realizes how extreme his words might have sounded to the boy. 

"Anyway, if you really loved my daughter and she does too. She'll tell you... But in regards to why she removed her memory in the past, even I don't know and only that b*stard knows. I'm sure you've met him too."

"Professor Petrovich." Yun Shen answered. 

"That's right, it was only him who knew what happened then. I've threatened his life countless times but he won't tell me. Anyway, if Lizzy does happen to turn into another person again because of you. I'll force you and your family to forget about her." 

Even though they were a thousand miles away, Yun Shen felt the cold b.l.o.o.d.y treat as his spine s.h.i.+ver in fright. 

"If she doesn't, will you let her be?" Yun Shen confidently asked despite he felt overpowered by the man on the other end. 

"We'll see... Take care of my daughter, don't you dare lay your hands on her. Don't test my patience." 

Yun Shen's face immediately turned red and was surprised that the man knew his daughter was staying in his house. "I won't do such things."


"Lord Knightley, before you go. I need to ask you something?"

Lord Knightley was curious as to what the boy would like from him now. He ponders if it has anything to do with his daughter which caused his expression to darken.

"What is it?"

"Please, don't get involved... I know you'll do something and kill them before they get to us. But I want to solve this on my own. Let me prove to you I am worthy of your daughter..."

Yun Shen was unable to finish his words when the man interrupted. 

"Why should I? My daughter's life is in danger because of them." 

"For I want you to trust me too like I want your daughter to trust me." Yun Shen sincerely answered hoping the man would agree to his request. 

Lord Knightley has actually made plans to eradicate the people after the Yuns. With his network, it didn't take him long to locate the people after the Yun. He was surprised when he found out who was after them... Which is why he didn't take any action yet and waited for some sign. Someone like him could easily go against them. 


Yun Shen was elated to find out that Lord Knightley agreed to his request. 


Yun Shen's expression stiffen when he heard the man suddenly spoke again. 

"But if my daughter gets involved, I have no choice but to act first."

Yun Shen's mind was suddenly muddled up. He has totally forgotten about Lizzy. What if her memory comes back and she sudden acts on her own? Of course, he wouldn't be able to stop her. 

"I'll make sure she won't get involved." 

"Well then, take care of my daughter." Lord Knightley spoke as he ended the call. 

Yun Shen's heart was racing rapidly from the intense conversation with Lord Knightley. To think if he pa.s.sed one day, the man is his future father-in-law. 

"What should I do about Lizzy?" 

He ponders on how to stop Lizzy's memory being triggered and for her not to get involved. 

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