Trial Of Love Chapter 255 - Black Jack

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"Please spare us, we swear we won't say anything,"

"Please, I don't know anything."

A woman wearing a black suit pulled a chair and place it in the middle of the room in front of the men and women pleading for their lives. They all looked at each other wondering what's going on. 

As if the arctic wind was just pa.s.sed by, a man entered turning the whole atmosphere cold. The man looked like the grim reaper himself as the gateway of h.e.l.l opened in front of them. Despite maintaining the same calm and refined manners, his eyes were clearly implying something else. 

Those on their knees begging for their lives were all trembling in the man's presence, their throat turned dry as they found it hard to even swallow their own saliva. 

Before Lord Knightley could even on his chair, everyone started crying and pleading for their lives again. 

"Please, Lord Knightley we didn't know anything."

"We swear we won't reveal the Young Princess's ident.i.ty."

"Please spare us."

"Shut up, you idiots!" 

One of the six guards with ash brown hair yelled as the woman frowned and glared at him for raising his voice in front of their master. 

"Now, be honest, who sent you…" Winston started interrogating them. 

"We really don't know, our leader was killed by the Young Princess. He never told us who hired us, all we know is that we were supposed to abduct the kid." 


"I heard the boss talked to the person once on the phone, they mentioned: 'one at a time and start with the kid'." 

"The person who hired us is powerful, he even paid each of us a million yuan for the job. There are a total of 50 people on the job."

Professor Petrovich was intrigued too of what he was hearing as he decided to come out of the shadows. His presence caused the mercenary men to turned deadly pale.

"Black Jack."

"Please, spare me, Dr. Black Jack."

When Professor Petrovich heard the people started calling him "Dr. Black Jack" his expression drastically change from a charming prince into a demon. "What did you say?"

Lord Knightley sighed and retreated... He got up his seat as he continued to ponder on things. 

'I wonder who the Yuns have offended. I don't like this at all. Elizabeth's life could be in danger, d.a.m.n it!'

"Sent them to jail."

"Thank you, Lord Knightley."

"We swear we won't say a word."

Lord Knightley left the room with Winston and some of the guards. Professor Petrovich was surprised when they suddenly left without him. He chases and went after them. As they came out of an underground tunnel. They came out of a wine barnyard…

"My Lord, should I proceed?" Winston asked.


"Michael, Oliver you have a mission," Winston order the two guards.

Oliver and Michael were twins that Lord Knightley rescue in the underground world. They looked exactly like each other apart from Oliver having an emerald eye while Michael hazel eyes. 

Oliver: "Roger."

Michael just nodded.

As the twins disappeared in front of them, Professor Petrovich took the opportunity to complain. 

"Ah, those b*stard dares call me with such f*ck up name. That brat is to blame for all of this. Why was he so addicted to anime?"

Those who knew what Professor Petrovich was talking about tried their best not to laugh. The fact that the nickname came from a ridiculous anime show... 

"I'm a geneticist and a psychologist. I'm not a f*cking surgeon who does miraculously work! I f*cking turn people into supernatural beings!"

Lord Knightley ignored the man's complaints as he to found it ridiculous that he was being compared to as "Black Jack" when the man hasn't even saved any human life but take human life because of his experimentation. The only life he is willing to save was his daughter's life for the man owes him his life. 

"My Lord?" 

"Pack some wine and send them to the chief and commander," Lord Knightley commanded as he walked ahead. 

"At once," Winston replied.

"Let's go home."

Professor Petrovich was annoyed that the man continued to ignore him. He decided to turn to Winston instead for some company. "Tell me, who is this boy that our little princess is interested in?"

"He's the young master of the Yun family. The Young Princess saved the man's daughter once. Coincidentally, in turn, the Young Master Shen save the Young Princess in return." Winston answered the man bluntly couldn't be bothered to beat around the bush. For the man will surely find out for himself soon. 

"Really? Something like that happens... Isn't fate just being too kind to them." 

Winston chuckled hearing the man's responded. It was something out of the blue for him to sudden talk about fate. "I didn't expect someone like you would believe in such mythological belief."

"I don't, that is why I found it ridiculous such thing exists. But to think our little princess actually found someone... But she's running out of time."

Winston's face turned stiff when Professor Petrovich sudden mentioned something which even the master had not talked about for a long time. He dares not respond for it a matter which cannot be talked about at all. 

"Anyway, she doesn't have any memory of it anyway. Let's just hope this man does love her or not... Well, anyway, she'll live a good life, but who knows if she'll be happy. She doesn't even remember anything..." Professor Petrovich sigh and retreated, as he went ahead and chased after the man. Leaving Winston with such cold truth. 

"Winston, are you alright?" The woman asked, whilst carrying the bottles of wines the need to send to the Chief Police and Military Commander. 

"I'm fine, Alex do you..."

"Worry about the master and young miss? Of course, I do, the Young Princess saved me, I owe her my life. Even if she doesn't remember... " Alex couldn't finish her words, she glanced at her master back and Professor Petrovich who were walking ahead. She recalled the day the Young Princess saved her. That day was a nightmare to anyone who experiences it and it was a miracle she survived. 

"Let's go." 

Everyone followed Winston as they chase and went after their master.

Inside the car...

Professor Petrovich explained to Lord Knightley about the information he found out. "Like I said, those idiots were B Cla.s.s mercenaries... But of course, some of them were lower cla.s.s. No one knows who orders the mission, but no worries. I'll get some men to check on it as well." 

Lord Knightley: "Hmm." 

"My Lord..." Winstone hesitates to report the news he had just received back home. 

"What's wrong?" Professor Petrovich asked noticing the man seems to have received quite a shock.

"The method failed..." 

Both Lord Knightley and Professor Petrovich's eyes dilated. Their faces were so surprised and confused by what Winston just stated. 

Professor Petrovich chuckled thinking Winston was joking around, "Winston nice joke, are you telling me the little miss remember something that happened yesterday?"

"She asked for Little Yan..."

Professor Petrovich didn't know what it means, but seeing Lord Knightley's expression confirmed that his method failed this time. "Tell me, what happened? How could it fail? It never failed..."

Winston saw how agitated Professor Petrovich was, he too didn't understand how the method failed. Could it be their mistress mind has resisted to it? 

"Lady Zhao told me the Young Princess suddenly asked about Little Miss Yan condition. She stated she felt something strange and couldn't help but worry about the child." Winstone explained. 

"This is impossible, why is her deep subconscious suddenly f*cking up when I've shut her memory so deep." Professor Petrovich was about to go crazy. If the child is to remember all the memories they've locked and removed, she'll surely be a walking time bomb. 

"Speed up." 

The driver stepped on the gas hearing his master's command as they hasty home. 

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