Trial Of Love Chapter 244 - Something Good And Bad Happened

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Little Yan bloated to her father's room eager to know the good news. She hastily opened the door and woke the man still in deep sleep. "Father..."

Yun Shen was woken by the little girl's soft voice, he slowly opened his eyes and saw the little girl looking eagerly at him.

"What is it?"

Little Yan climbs the man's bed as she went closer to him. She seated next to the man who continued to rest on his bed. Out of the blue, she asked her father directly.

"Father, did you bring Auntie home?"

The little girl question gave Yun Shen a big shock as he rouses from his bed. He faces said it all, he was so surprised when he looked at the girl. "What did you say?"

"Did father bring Auntie home?"

"What are you talking about?"

Little Yan was confused as to why her father was not telling her the truth. Why was he keeping it a secret?

"Father, I heard the Uncle mention you'll win Auntie's heart. So did you?"

Yun Shen took a deep breath and sigh heavily, he didn't expect his daughter to have overheard their conversation. He pinched the skin between his brow and looked curiously at her. "Does your grandmother know?"

"Yes, I told grandmother and everyone..." Little Yan explained to her father what happened last night after he left. She explained that the Zhao and Knightley were so curious about it. However, she didn't mention that Lord Knightley called Jackie and the fact her Auntie Li Zi is the Young Princess and her family aren't pleased about his plan.

"Father, did you bring Auntie home?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't... But I won't give up."

Little Yan saw the confidence in her father's eyes. She knew things between them will surely work out. Even Lady Zhao mentioned to her before that her Auntie Li Zi will surely be her mother someday.

"Father, let's get ready."

Yun Shen who wishes to rest more had no choice but to get ready as well. He only had a few hours of sleep because he couldn't sleep after receiving such good news last night.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family were all having breakfast already.

"Grandmother, Grandfather..."

Came running a cute girl all dressed in a bunny hoodie with an overall jumper short. Her hair was tied into two pigtails...

"Little Yan, you look so cute," Madam Yun went over and carried the little girl.

Kong Jingyi felt like puking blood at the sight of the little girl winning everyone's affection. She put on a fake smile as she acknowledges the little girl's appearance. "Little Yan has indeed turned into a beautiful gem."

"Little Yan, come give your grandfather a hug," Elder Chairman Yun added as he watched the little girl bloated towards him.

"Shen, come have breakfast," President Yun asked his son as he calls him over to join them.

Yun Shen and Little Yan seated at the table. As Madam Yun and Elder Chairman Yun happily took care of the little girl.

Whilst President Yun was reading the newspaper he suddenly blurted out something which grabs everyone's attention. "It seems the Longs are saved again."

"What do you mean?" Madam Yun asked.

"No news nor rumors about what happened yesterday is in the news, I'm surprised the Young Princess stayed calm about it." He added as he continued to scan the newspaper.

"The Longs are pretty lucky then. From what I heard, this isn't the first time Yiyi offended the Young Princess. She mentioned that Yiyi has offended her friends." Madam Yun explained as she recalled what happened yesterday.

"Has Yiyi offended Jackie?" President Yun looked at his son curious if such an event happened.

"Yes." Yun Shen answered without further explaining.

"They are lucky indeed... Isn't Jackie the daughter of the Goldsmith Law Firm. Her brothers dote on her so much, I can't believe the Long was pardon for all their misdeeds." Elder Chairman Yun added.

"Bai, I'm sorry..." Madam Yun said noticing the boy has not spoken at all since yesterday and was worried about his feelings.

"Mother, it's fine..." Yun Bai somewhat smiled yet feeling bitterly inside. He didn't expect the girl he thought could not harm a fly would be so cruel and evil. The pitiful girl he always pampers has actually done so much cruel thing. It made him wonder if what happened to Li Zi before in which she ended up in the hospital was part of Yiyi's plans.

Kong Jingyi was enraged because of her son's stupidity. How she wished to destroy the Longs for ruining her son's image as well. Especially since Elder Yun has returned. Despite Bai is just an illegitimate son of the Yun, the old man dotes on him as well. But now because of all the scandal, she was sure the old man would not look at Bai the same way.

"Ah, let's not talk about it anymore. We need to get ready and not keep them waiting." Madam Yun reminded them that they'll be meeting with the Zhao and Knightley family.

"Shen, Bai, both of you get ready, we don't want Elder Chief Zhao waiting for us." President Yun said for Elder Chief Zhao is known to have a temper when people kept him waiting. He put down the newspaper and got up from his seat as he headed to prepare as well.

Kong Jingyi watched as everyone one at the time left the table leaving her all in the room. She clenched her fist angrily that she couldn't join them. She was only a mistress and since she doesn't have such a good relations.h.i.+p with Zho Xinya (Madam Yun) of course President Yun won't allow her to join them.

'Someday, I'll be the one joining them not you Xinya.'

Meanwhile, in Imperial Garden Plaza, everyone just returned from their run and watched as the girl dragged herself back to her room.

"What time did she came home?" Lord Knightley coldly asked one of the servants.

"Almost 4 in the morning, My Lord."

Lord Knightley pinched his brow as he wonders what happened to his daughter last night. He ponders if he'll be able to control himself later when he sees the boy. To think his daughter spent the night with him, the possibility of something happened between them was likely.

"Darling, calm down... I'm sure Shen not the type of man to do something to our daughter." Lady Zhao said feeling the coldness in the room.

"Rob, your daughter is old enough already. Be calm boy... I'm sure nothing of such case happened." Elder Lady Knightley added but doubts herself. She too couldn't help but wonder what the two kids did all night that the girl came home at dawn.

"If he did something like that to Lili, I'll be the first to stick a gun on his head. The b*stard, he better not have done anything to my sister." Zhao Xinyi clenched his fist worriedly for his sister.

"Everyone calms down, I'm sure Lizzy will tell us soon if something between her and Shen did happen." Liu Yifie added seeing everyone was so tense. "But if you ask me, I think something good and bad happened. I think Shen confessed but I think Lizzy rejected him."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Xinyi asked.

"When we were running earlier, I notice Lizzy seems to be distressed and in deep thought. Maybe... I'm not sure, maybe she regrets being Li Zi now. I mean, Shen's feelings for Li Zi is true but to think she played with the man's feeling. I mean, wouldn't you feel bad."

Liu Yifie's words left such an impact on everyone. They realize her words spoke of the truth which means right now their precious princess is in pain because of her own wrongdoing.

"Do you think she'll tell him then?" Elder Lady Knightley looked curiously at everyone.

"If you ask me, I think she wouldn't... I mean, Lili... She knows her mistake and if she wishes to keep a person happy she'll do everything for that person even if it means fooling herself." Zhao Xinyi spoke bring pain to everyone's heart as it brought back some past dark memories which they didn't wish to remember.

But this time it's different, the man actually loved her but not the real her but the masked her. The fact the boy is disinterested in the Young Princess but does not know that the girl he wishes to marry is the same person. It will surely bring such pain for the young man.

"Let's just hope fate will guide them. If they are destined to be together, then all we can do is support them." Lady Zhao smiled hoping to comfort everyone's worries.

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