Trial Of Love Chapter 235 - Director Zhu

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The next day, Elizabeth woke up early in the morning for her morning run. She was accompanied by her parents, uncle and brother.

"So Xinyi, when do you plan to get married?" Lady Zhao asked.

"Me and Yifie talked about it and she said she wants to finish her studies first."

"That's good, which university will she be attending?" General Zhao asked.

"I was hoping to let her enter our University if she pa.s.sed the entrance exam."

"No worries, we can have it arranged, she'll just need to work hard and catch up with the lesson she missed."

"Thank, father."

"Brother, you should at least buy a ring for sister," Elizabeth said as she slowed down her pace.

"I have, father already gave me the ring he gave mother. Since Yifie loves tradition, grandfather decided to let her have the family ring. I've asked Uncle to help me add some more stones to it."

"Really? Father, can I see it?" her eyes sparkled eagerly pleading her father to allow her.


"Lizzy dear, what will you be doing later?" Lady Zhao asked.

"I still don't have school, but I'll be meeting Sis Song Mi."

"Will you be free for lunch?"

"I should be, why?"

"Let's take Yifie shopping."

"That's a good idea, I'm sure she doesn't have any clothes with her," General Zhao added.

"Alright, I see you both later then. Just text me the location."

"Then I'll have mother to take care of Yifie since I need to visit the academy with father."

"No worries, just focus on your work."

Despite being the weekend already the campus was still busy with students since some of them live on site. Elizabeth headed to Song Mi's dorm with some snacks she and her grandmother have prepared.

"Li Zi, thank you for coming," Song Mi said as she opened the door to welcome her in.

"Sorry for the intrusion," she said as she greeted Song Mi's roommates.

"Everyone, I'll see you later," Song Mi said as she bid everyone farewell.

As they headed to the car park, Song Mi was surprised to see Li Zi driving a brand new car.

"It's my friend," she spoke up seeing Song Mi's expression and before she could ask her.

Song Mi did not bother to question her further and just hop in, "By the way, Li Zi I'm so impressed that you were able to find an investor for the drama at the same time a director as well."

Since after she finalized the script, she asked her company's support as well as her parents. Since there was an accident, if her family sudden invested in the drama she'll start, it won't make things difficult for her. People will just think they invested because of the accident.

"He hasn't directed quite a lot of movies, but he's very talented."

"It's fine Li Zi, as long as he put his heart into it and bring my script to life I'm happy."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Not long when they arrive at their destination. Song Mi was surprised to be standing in front of the oldest and top broadcasting station.

"Li Zi, why are we here?"

"To meet the director, of course," she replied as she grabbed her hands and walked her inside.

Song Mi couldn't believe she is walking inside NEB (News Entertainment Broadcasting). Since the company has established good connections with international broadcasting corporation.

"Excuse me, we have an appointment with Director Zhu," Elizabeth said to the front desk.

"Miss Li Zi, Miss Song, the director has been waiting for you." she happily escorted them to their destination.

Along the way, quite a lot of staff was delighted to see Li Zi and greeted her. Some even asked for pictures and autographs, evidently took them some time to reach the office they need to go to.

"Director I've brought Miss Li Zi and Miss Song," she said as she opened the door.

As the two ladies step inside, Song Mi could not believe her eyes. She didn't expect to see who the director was. When she looked at Li Zi who was expressionless, it seemed she already knew about it.

"Bro Zhu?"

"Song Mi, Li Zi you're finally here…" Zhu Zhilong excitedly welcomed them.

"Li Zi what is going on?" Song Mi confusedly asked.

"Song Mi, meet Director Zhu."

"What?" Dumbfounded Song Mi, "Director Zhu?"

A man who looked exactly like Zhu Zhilong stood next to him, "Li Zi you're here, this must be Miss Song,"

"Song Mi, this is Director Zhu, Bro Zhu's father," Elizabeth happily introduce them to each other.

"Director Zhu an honor to meet you, I've watched all the movies and dramas you've directed and I'm a big fan of your wife work." Song Mi anxiously greeted the man in disbelief to be standing in front of a legendary director who is the husband of his idol script writer.

"Thank you, she would be so pleased to hear that coming from a young and beautiful girl like you."

"Wait, Bro Zhu, I mean Director Zhu…" she blubbered confusedly to how to address the man in front of her.

Zhu Zhilong walked closer to Song Mi gazing gently into her eyes, "I'm still Bro Zhu, nothing changed between us."

Both Elizabeth and Director Zhu looked at each other keeping things to themselves when they notice how the boy acted towards the girl.

"Bro Zhu I didn't know you're a director?"

"Just an a.s.sistant, I'm still training at the same time still studying."

"So that's why you took up Arts and Films, when you have amazing photographic skills."

Elizabeth and Director Zhu continue to watch them in silence as the two happy talked to each other until someone came knocking at the door.

"President Zhu, we need to go."

"Ah, I almost forgot, then I'll leave everything to you Zhi, make sure to visit your grandmother later." Director Zhu said as he grabs his stuff, "Li Zi, Song Mi lets meet again next time."

Song Mi froze on the spot when she just heard the most shocking revelation, when the secretary closed the door and the man was no longer present she cracked.

"President Zhu?"

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