Trial Of Love Chapter 231 - My Granddaughter

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The next day, Liu Yifie was busy watching the girl as she packed a few clothes for her. She stood there quietly as she nervously listened to her plan.

"Lizzy, are you sure about this?"

"No worries, once we get back to the city, I'll give you some of my dress," she answered her thinking she was worried about the clothes she was giving to her.

"Lizzy, I didn't mean that…" she sighed helplessly seeing things will surely not go according to her plan. She wonders where the girl gets all her confidence from.

"I know, but now that you're my sister, I want you to be proud of it."

"What do you mean?" she confusedly asked.

"You are no longer a Liu but a daughter of the Zhao. Which means you can't let anyone just bully you…" she explained as she continued to pack more clothes for her.

"Lizzy, you're scaring me."

Elizabeth turned around and saw how pale Liu Yifie looked after realizing what ahead of her. Of course, she worries for her but she really doesn't understand what she needs to worry about since her brother was there to protect her. Once the family approves of her, no one will bully her.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

As she continued giving some of her dresses to Yifie to wear for tonight's special dinner surprise she planned. That she even begged her father to help her arrange it. Since she'll be announcing her brother's fiance to everyone.

"Lizzy, I'll take all of this then, I need to go back to work now."

"I'll have Long send you back."

"No need, I feel awkward having someone you know…" she sighed shyly thinking what people might think of her seeing a guard walking by her side.

"I understand, I won't pressure you."

Liu Yifie hugged her as she left her room. As she walked through the garden path, she overheard some ladies gossiping.

"I can't believe that happened, that Li Zi is indeed a b*tch."

"Yiyi don't worry if every we get to see her will get her back for you."

"Ladies, thank you." Long Yiyi acted all pitiful in front of her lady friends.

"Who does she think she, anyway."

"No worries, my father is friends with a great producer I can ask him to have you star in a big movie."

"Suzy, thanks."

Liu Yifie who overheard everything blood boiled, as she recalled her now sister-in-law told her earlier, she couldn't help it but come out of the corner and speak her mind. "How dare you insult Li Zi, she worked hard to be where she is unlike you?"

"Who are you?" Long Yiyi frowned annoyedly at her.

"I am a n.o.body, but I won't let you insult someone who works hard to be where they are now. Unlike you who used the benefits of others and use horrible ways to get to where you are."

"What did you just say?" Long Yiyi expression darkened.

"I'm just saying, you have the guts to judge someone but have you check yourself in the mirror."

"Why you..." Long Yiyi was suddenly held back by her friend, as he angrily looked at her. "What?"

"Yiyi, be careful," Suzy whispers looking at the things the girl was carrying in her arms.


"Can't you see what she holding onto."

Long Yiyi stared at the girl and notice the different dresses she was carrying in her arms, despite she didn't see the full view of it she knew they were top designer brands.

"Whatever, girls lets go." Long Yiyi decided to let her go worried that she might be an heiress or a daughter of an aristocrat since they were in such a luxurious resort.

As the three girls walked away leaving Liu Yifie to collapse on the ground. Her heart was palpitating from all the adrenal rush she experiences. She was so nervous about what she did that she didn't expect she dares act in such manner.

"What have I done?"

It was getting dark already and Liu Yifie just finished her work at the front desk. As she bid her co-worker goodbye, suddenly someone pulled her hair.


"You b*tch!"

"What is going on?" the front desk staff cried seeing her friend suddenly being dragged away.

As the staff and other guests gather to witness what was happening, Liu Yifie was surprised to see the person who was pulling her hair.

Long Yiyi was so furious, she was like an overheated engine reaching the point of explosion. As she glared at the girl and continue to pull her hair. "I was worried you were some heiress, it ends up your just a staff here."

"Yiyi what's going on?"

Madam Long came running worriedly that her daughter might have made a fool of herself again. Especially in front of so many important guests.

"Auntie, that girl insulted Yiyi earlier."

"Yeah, she said awful things about Yiyi."

Hearing the girls explained everything to her, Madam Long couldn't control herself as she slapped the girl on the face causing her to fall on the ground. "How dare you insult my daughter!"

"Madam, what is the meaning of this?" Manager Quin hastily arrived in shocked to see Liu Yifie on the ground with such a big mark on her face.

"This girl insulted my daughter, I want her out of this place." Madam Long furious yelled grabbing more of the guest's attention.

"Madam if she has insulted your daughter, I apologize for that, but you didn't have to slap her." Manager Quin answered her back displeased how she treated one of her staff.

Madam Long was annoyed how Manager Quin was treating her in front of all the guests. She didn't hold back and slap her as well, "Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"I am the Manager of this resort entrusted by Lady Zhao." Manager Quin proudly spoke despite knowing her against a powerful woman.

"I can't believe Lady Zhao hired a person like you." she laughed arrogantly, "Has the standard of this resort drop?"

"Madam, I don't mind if you slap me but how dare you slap Manager Quin and insult her and the resort. She has worked hard for many years in maintaining the standards of this resort. You have no right to insult her especially the resort. Do you know the history of this resort and how many lives it has saved."

Liu Yifie tears rolled down her face. Even though she was so afraid at the moment, she can't let the resort that helps her reach all her dreams be insulted. Also, the person who has helped her fulfill all her dreams.

"You insolent girl, who do you think you are?" Madam Long grew in rage as she yelled at the girl.

Then all of a sudden the room turned cold as a loud frightening voice echoed in the whole lobby.

"Who dares slap, my granddaughter!"

Everyone's attention then turned to the man who just walked in the lobby with military soldiers behind him. The man was also accompanied by an elderly couple who looked quite powerful and showing such disgust expression towards everyone. Seeing the badge on the guards and the military officer behind them. They soon realize who the three elders were.

"Chief Minister Zhao,"

"Princess Spencer."

"Lord Knightley."

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