Trial Of Love Chapter 226 - Approve Of Her

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That afternoon, Liu Yifie happily accompanied the two Knightleys. They gathered together at one of the private rooms. Liu Yifie explained to them all the events that had happened to her this past year.

"How come?"

"Despite my mother has loads of money being the wife of a tyc.o.o.n and they are willing to pay for my education, for me it didn't seem right." she sighed with a smile on her face a.s.suring them that her relations.h.i.+p with her mother is fine.

"Didn't you take up management?"

"I did, that's why I feel so lucky to be able to work here. Since not only will it help me save enough money to go to school, but at the same time I get to gain experience in such a great place."

"Hmm," Lord Knightley said.

"What's wrong dad?" Elizabeth turned to her father, curious to why he suddenly reacted to Liu Yifie's words.

"She reminds me of someone?"

"Who?" Both of them looked at the man curiously.

Lord Knightley taps the tip of his daughter's nose and smiled at her. "You."

"Me?" Elizabeth was confused to what her father meant. How was she alike with Sis Yifie. In what ways were they alike?

"You prefer to work and achieve things on your own and not use any benefit from the family."


There was no need to elaborate further for she understood what her father meant. She went closer to him and tuck herself in her father's embrace after receiving such praise.

"Lizzy, I'm so proud of you. I didn't expect you to become an actress just like your mother."

"Thank Sis Yifie." she replied, "By the way, what happened to your father?"

"He pa.s.sed away a few years ago," she sighed with such sorrows in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to say that."

"No worries, it's best if he rests anyways…"

Elizabeth did not ask further since her brother told her stories of how horrible Yifie's father was. At least her mother is in a good situation now, despite she started on the wrong path. What's important is her mother still worries and cares for her.

"How did you get a job her anyways?"

"My step-father's friend was a close of the Zhao, he helped me get a job her since I told him I don't want to rely on them."

"I see, does your step-father treat you well."

"He does and especially since my mother gave birth to a son, he's very happy about it. Also, his previous wife was not really nice and didn't even care for their children so he divorced her and married mother. Mother is now taking care of the children and they are very nice too. I've met them before as well."

"I'm glad to hear that." Elizabeth beamed such a relief to know she and her mother were being treated well by the man. If not, she'll kill him...

"By the way, Lizzy…"

Liu Yifie was a little hesitant to ask what she wishes to know. She was also a bit shy to ask since Lord Knightley was around.


"Ho-how's Xinyi doing?" She asked as she averted her gaze from everyone and covered her face with her hands.

"..." Lord Knightley.

Elizabeth saw how fl.u.s.tered she was, she wishes to tease her but it was not the right time. Especially her dad was around. So instead, she answered her question directly.

"He's doing great, I heard he went to the army.."

"He did?" Liu Yifie removed her hands from her face and eagerly face her curious how the man was doing.

"He did, he's been promoted recently and already holds a great rank."

"He did always want to be in the army," she replied with a gentle smile and delight in her eyes.

"Do you miss him?" Elizabeth asked, noticing Liu Yifie's mind was elsewhere.

"I do mi--"

She then looked at her not realizing she almost blurted out something embarra.s.singly, her face was all red as she tries to cover up her mistake. "I mean we were friends of course I wish to see him."

"Sis Yifie, are you feeling unwell?" she decided to tease her, hoping to get some answers for her.

Whilst she continued to tease Liu Yifie an unexpected lady step in.

"How come I wasn't invited to this gathering?"

Elizabeth got up from her seat and hastily went to her mother. Giving Liu Yifie some time to breathe and gather herself together.


"Lady Zhao," Liu Yifie greeted her as she fixed herself up.

"No need to be formal dear," she said whilst her daughter wrapped herself around her, as her husband approached her and gave her a kiss on the forehead

"Did you have a good rest?" Lord Knightley soft voice asked.

"I did."

"Can you two stop being so sweet, you're killing us single ladies her." Elizabeth said releasing her arms around her mother

The couple just laughed seeing how their daughter is acting so childish again.

After a few hours, Liu Yifie excused herself as she needed to go back to work.

"Lady Zhao, Lord Knightley, Lizzy, thank you for the time. I'll see you around." she said as she left the room and was escorted by one of the guards.

"She a good child," Lady Zhao said.

"I approve of her," Lord Knightley declared.

Elizabeth's eyes sparkled after hearing what her father just claimed. Did she really just get approval from the almighty European King.

"You do?"


"That's great, now I got your approval I just need to get the rest." she happily pace around the room after getting her father's confirmation.

"What is this all about?" Lady Zhao wonder, seeing her husband and daughter seems to have discussed a topic she was not informed.

"Mother, what do you think of her?" she turned to her mother eager to know her answer at once without even explaining herself.

"She is a lovely girl I say, I do not know much about her, but I like her indeed, why?" Lady Zhao curiously asked confused to why her daughter questioned her about the girl.

"So you approve of her?" Elizabeth repeated the question to her mother.

"I guess so…"

She started jumping in the room as she dashes and leaped in joy, "Did you guys hear that?"

"We did Young Princess."

"Yes, Young Princess."

As the guards and secretaries smiled seeing how delighted she was. They too could not help it but join in the excitement even though they don't know what she is on about. Apart from Long and Chou, who knew their mistress plan, they were really happy that things were going according to her plan.

"What is going on?" Lady Zhao confusedly asked.

"Time will explain everything," Lord Knightley kissed her confused wife on the forehead.

"If you say so," she replied, seeing how happy her daughter was and did not bother to ponder on it.

"Now that I have mother's approval no one can go against me." Elizabeth laughed, she then kissed both of parents as she excused herself, "I need to look for big brother now."

Long and Chou chased after her again as she bolted out of the room, leaving Lady Zhao clueless still of what was going on.

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