Trial Of Love Chapter 216 - I Trust You

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Elizabeth finally recovered from her cold and was getting ready to leave. As she headed down to the hotel lobby, she became mute and frozen seeing the standing in front of her.

"Liz," Jayden Standford said as he approached her. "I heard you caught a cold if I knew I would have visited you yesterday. I see you're heading back now."

Her expression turned pales as she started trembling in fear of being so close to him. Those so-called sweet and romantic memories started flas.h.i.+ng back again. Her hopes and dream to be with the man but were all turned upside down in one night. The memory that faithful night of her finding out what he did, cause her chest to tighten. As she was about to say something... She felt a jacket landed on her shoulder. She turned around and suddenly all her fears faded away as she saw the man beside him.

"You should put on more layers, you just recovered from you cold." Yun Shen spoke in a soft and low voice ignoring the man in front of them and turned to Liying.

"Liying, grab Li Zi bag and let's go."

Yun Shen grabs hold of her hand, without a single word she followed and did not realize she was holding on tightly to the man's hand as well. She did not know when she started feeling so comfortable around him that even seeing Jayden was like nothing...

Jayden Sanford was left on the spot without a word as he watches the girl being taken away from him. His blood boiled as he clenched his fist annoyed of what just happened. Seeing the girl being fl.u.s.tered next to the man made him a little dismay and curious about their relations.h.i.+p.

Inside the car, she was still unsettled by what happened and continued to hold on to Yun Shen's hand. Since it was just him inside the car and his a.s.sistant driving in front. Her fear soon faded away as she calmed down.

When they arrived at the airport, Yun Shen was wearing a pair of shades and handed one to her as well. Yun Shen stepped out of the car first as he opened the door for her. Since she was wearing a mask due to her cold, it was hard for the reports to distinguish whether or not it was her. But it was easy for them to recognize Yun Shen. Soon reports swarm at them taking their pictures question Yun Shen who the girl with him was especially she was covered in a man's coat.

w.a.n.g Ji and Liying did not approach them in order to avoid any scandals. Instead, they went ahead inside and waited for them.

Yun Shen cold aura gave distances between them and the reports, as he held tightly on the girl's hand whilst his a.s.sistant guarded her other end. When they finally arrived inside the airport, w.a.n.g Ji and Liying approached them as Liying hand over her bag to her.

"Shen…" She was a little hesitant to what she wishes to say and looked at their hands shyly.

Yun Shen let go of her hand as he walked ahead to the waiting area.

"Liying should we roam around and look for some souvenirs?"

"Really?" Liying wondered.

Elizabeth nodded her head, but her eyes were all focus on the man's back as he walked ahead.

Yun Shen arrived at the private waiting lounge. Inside, the staff went and handed him his coffee. As he settled down, he became enraged of what happened early. If he did not arrive in time what would have happened between her and that man. He sighs deeply as he gathers his thoughts together...

"Do a complete background check on that man's relations.h.i.+p with Li Zi is."

"Yes, Sir."

Yun Shen was frustrated as he recalled what he witnessed earlier. He felt like punching the man for no reason. It was the first time he saw the girl so pale and frightened for no reason. He could not stop wondering what happened between them.

He then grabbed his phone and called the person who might know everything.

"Jackie, its' Yun Shen."

"Shen didn't expect you to call at all. Is something wrong?" Jackie responded but already expected him to call after what happened to Elizabeth.

Yun Shen was a little hesitant to ask, eventually, he'll find out anyway so he boldly asked. "I saw Li Zi earlier, for some reason she was so frightened when she saw this man."

Jackie sighned deeply after hearing Yun Shen's concern. She did expect it already but still, she doubted herself. "Shen I know you have asked someone to investigate what happened between Liz and the guy. But all I can tell you is the man did something to Liz but it's best if she tells you. In the end, shouldn't you trust her since eventually if she feels the same way for you... She'll tell you."

"I know you'll say that, take care, Jackie." He said as he ended the call.

Yun Shen thought for a moment of what Jackie said. If she wants the girl to trust her she'll open up eventually. He then called his a.s.sistant over, "Just find out about the man no need to go deeper between his relations.h.i.+p with Li Zi."

His a.s.sistant was dumbfounded to his sudden change of mind, he did not question him and walked away.

As they all boarded the plane, Elizabeth was seated near Yun Shen. Seeing the man up close made her feel uneasy as she finds the situation quite awkward. A part of her is happy but still, after what happened she felt like things changed between them.

"Shen, about earlier…"

"It's fine."

She looked up at the man and realized that Yun Shen's expression was different. The way he looked at her as if he was telling her 'I trust you' and does not want to know if she isn't ready. She clenched her fist and dug her nails into her palm. Since when did he trust her?

"Thank you."

Elizabeth felt so happy and everything was so perfect. She felt like the luckiest person on earth. But why does she felt so guilty? Her heart was aching for the man next to her... She has not been true to him since the day they meet.

As they arrived at the airport, Elizabeth explained to everyone a friend of hers is picking her up. So they all headed home leaving her all alone in the airport. Once they were gone, Long and Chou approached her.

"Young Miss, welcome home."

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