Trial Of Love Chapter 200 - Is Song Mi Really His Daughter?

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After Elizabeth drop s.h.i.+ Liu to her house, she headed straight to Imperial Garden until she received a call.


"Are you home?" a man's soft voice spoke.

"Shen, I'm on my way home now… Is there something wrong?"

"I was just checking. Take care…"

It confused Elizabeth as to why Yun Shen suddenly called her since the trip he's been acting quite strange.

"Young Miss, welcome home."

"Uncle Tan has uncle arrived?" Elizabeth greeted him back as she handed her things to the servants.

"The General is in his office with the Chief."

Elizabeth bloated to his uncle's office and was welcomed by the old man's glaring fiercely at her uncle.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?" Elizabeth curiously asked as she walks in.

The old man did not answer but his son did...

"His upset we didn't invite him."

Elizabeth did not know whether to cry or laugh, to think her grandfather would torture her uncle for something so simple. She gave the old man a tight hug on the side to comfort him and said, "Grandpa, we can go to dinner just the two of us if you like. Since Uncle has introduced me to everyone as one of your scholar no rumors will be spread."

Hearing his granddaughter's words soften the old man's expression, "That true, which means I can spend time with you all the time."

"Well not all the time Grandpa, they might wonder why you'll always with me."

"Well, no worries… The important thing is that I can spend time with you soon." He smiled as he kissed her on the forehead.

"Your mother called, she said she'll be back next week." Zhao Yunxi said.

"This will be the first time both of you are working on a major project together for such a long time." Zhao Cheng added.

"Not really, Grandpa, I play with mother for a musical concert before when I was still young."

"That true, how could I forget."

Then someone knocked at the door and CaoCao came in, "Young Miss I've prepared your bath already."

"Then I'll go ahead Grandpa, Uncle, I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she kissed them goodnight.

Early the next day, she did her normal run with her uncle. During her run, Zhao Yunxi was curious about her relations.h.i.+p with Yun Shen.

"So, nothing going on between you then?"

"Yes Uncle, his just a good friend." She replied as she speeds ahead leaving the man to ponder on what Jackie mentioned last time.

When they returned home, the servants handed them some fresh towels and some water.

"Young Miss, will you be heading to work today?" Chou asked.

"I'll check the company first, then I have afternoon cla.s.s," She answered, she continued to wipes off her sweat. "Uncle have you arrange the permit for the movie?"

"No worries, I will send the permit to Director Mo by tomorrow."

"Thanks Uncle," She kissed the man on the cheeks and headed to her room to freshen up.

After she had breakfast with the two generals, she headed to the company and as usual was welcome by everyone. She went straight to w.a.n.g Ji's office...

"Bro w.a.n.g, good morning,"

w.a.n.g Ji looked up and saw the girl dress like a girl next door get up with such a charming smile on her face.

"Li Zi, your early."

"I have a test later so I wish to study for it."

"Ah- then I won't keep you long," He said as he handed her some proposal for her new projects and some endors.e.m.e.nts as well.

"I'll check them, for now, Bro w.a.n.g, I'll contact you later if I see anything interesting," She said as she grabs everything and placed it inside her bag. "Then, I'll go ahead…"

Elizabeth got inside her car, before she started the engine she notice earlier a script for a drama. She grabs her bag and looked for it.

'This isn't a bad script, I'll be fun since the role I'm playing is almost related to my life.'

When she arrived at the university's car park, she notices Song Mi who seems to be quite upset. She quickly got down from her car, leaving all her stuff behind.

"Song Mi."

Song Mi turned around with teary eyes, "Senior Li Zi."

"What happened?" She said with such serious but a surprised expression.

"Nothing Senior, I was just…"

"Song Mi!"

Elizabeth turned around and notice the similarity in the features with Cheng Jengyi, he must be her father. The man went towards Song Mi ignoring her presence who was beside Song Mi.

"What do you think you're doing, I told you to head home and apologize to your sister!"

"But I haven't done anything wrong to her." Song Mi pleads as she tried her best not to cry.

"You sister been crying all night saying you made a fool of her in front of everyone. She was being kind to you yet you let your friends bullied her." The man vented out all his anger towards the girl not caring for the people around them.

In the end, Song Mi could not hold back her tears, "Th... that's...not what happened…"

"You ungrateful child, I should have not taken care of you." He raised his hand furious and annoyed at Song Mi.

"Sir that enough…" Elizabeth finally spoke up as she steps in front of Song Mi, grabbing hold of the man's wrist tightly. She was so furious that she was unable to control her strength and squeezed the man's wrist at causing such pain that he could not help it but scream.

"You b*tch!" He glared as he tried to hit her but unexpectedly someone grab hold of his arm from behind before he could lay his hand on them.

"That enough!"

"Bro Zhu." Song Mi said dumbfoundedly.

"Perfect timing." Elizabeth smiled seeing the man.

"You're Welcome."

"Song Mi! are this the friends of yours who bullied your sister?"

"Sir, you must be crazy, why would we even bully her?" Zhu Zhilong could not help it but intercept before Song Mi could answer.

"My daughter has been in tears the who night because of you all!" He yelled, not noticing that they have gathered quite an audience. "How did you even get into this University when it's supposed to be a school for the elite! People like you should go back to where you came from!"

"Song Mi, let's go…" Elizabeth pulled Song Mo away noticing the students around them.

"You rude unbreaded b****! How dare you turn your back on me!"

"Sir, how dare you insult me when you don't even know me. I have worked hard to be able to attend this university, like everyone else here. What gives you the right to insult me when you alone have not achieved anything so great in life. The company you own was not even by your own effort but by Song Mi's mother. Who do you think you are to insult me? If you have nothing further to say please leave the university since this is a place where people must respect the students no matter what cla.s.s they come from."

After Elizabeth finished what she said, the man became even more furious. However, he did not expect they were being watched by so many students who then voice out there opinion.

"Hey, Mister… How dare you insult Sis Li Zi, she works hard like all of us here. Despite her career she make sure that she meets the university standard."

"Song Mi is a great writer. She would never bully anyways… What gives you the right to just came brage in the university and bully the students."

"Mr get out of our university and never come back. I can see why Cheng Jengyi is such a b*tch, her father is a total j*rk as well."

The man did not expect such turn of event, at the same time she did not expect the person she just insulted was the famous celebrity Li Zi who has close connection with the Zhao and Yun. He quickly left the scene and headed to his car. When he got inside his car, he slamp his fist on the drivers well.

"That stupid child, why didn't he tell me Song Ming friend was Li Zi."

As the man left, the crowd gathered and asked if whether Li Zi and Song Mi was fine.

"Are you guys alright?"

"Song Mi, don't listent to your dad."

"Li Zi you were just so cool."

Elizabeth was proud seeing how everyone did not just seat aside and instead stood up against the man it made her proud that the teaching of the school and morals have been implemented well.

"Everyone, thank you. Come now, well all be late if we keep standing here…"

Elizabeth then headed to her cla.s.s whilst she called someone...

"Young Miss, you called?"

"Long check into the details about President Song and his family."

"At once…"

She ended the call and was furious about how President Song acted earlier. She was curious as well to what he meant earlier. Is Song Mi really his daughter?

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