Trial Of Love Chapter 167 - Connection With The Young Princess

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The next day, Jackie and Elizabeth were seated inside a cafe.

Elizabeth was curious as to why they were staying in a coffee shop. "Jackie, are we waiting for someone else?"

Jackie avoided Elizabeth's gazed, her forehead was already sweating from all the anxiety she was feeling. Despite the fact that they were inside an air-conditioned shop for some reason she felt quite warm.

Before Elizabeth could say another word and torture the girl, a group of men came inside the shop which caused the people inside to go crazy and buzz.

"Oh my gosh, they are so handsome…"

"Wait, isn't that President Feng of Global Star?"

When Elizabeth saw who just arrived, she dare not ask Jackie anymore but glared furiously at her. Annoyed that the girl tricked her at the same time foolish that she fell for it.

"President Feng, Bro Huang, Bro Li, Bro Chen your…" Elizabeth could not finish greeting them when her gazed caught the man walking inside the shop with such casual wear. Their eyes meet each other as she said, "President Yun."

Everyone saw how surprised Elizabeth was, they all turned and looked at Jackie who planned everything. But by the looks of things, it seems like she did not inform the girl at all.

Feng Xiaotong approached Elizabeth and curiously asked: "Li Zi, didn't you know?"

Elizabeth was totally in dismay of the situation and could not respond to Feng Xiaotong's question.

Jackie did not want to prolong the agony and the chance for Elizabeth to kill her.

"Alright, let's go. Babes, you go with President Yun okay." Jackie said as she quickly grabs everyone out leaving the two behind.

The two were left facing each other, Elizabeth did not know what to do nor say. All she wanted to do right now was to run away and go home.

Yun Shen notices the girl was still in shock, he grabs her stuff and taps her forehead with his two fingers.

"Let's go."

Elizabeth's heart immediately skipped seeing the man's sweet gesture towards her. She lowered her head as she obediently followed him out of the shop and to his car.

At the same time in Feng Xiaotong's car.

Jackie took a deep breath as she felt relieved now she no longer with the girl. "Finally…"

Feng Xiaotong notices how relieved Jackie was, but was not pleased of what she did. "Jackie, aren't you overdoing it?"

Jackie chuckled as she looked at the man on the driver's wheel and said: "Why are you jealous? I know you like her too…"

Feng Xiaotong did not deny it and proudly smile. "Yeah, I do… She just amazing, but I know Shen will take care of her better than I can. But I think Li Zi is already with Huang Ming, anyway."

Jackie was flabbergasted to hear Feng Xiaotong's confession. But what surprised her the most was the fact they notice Yun Shen's feeling for the girl. In order to know more about Yun Shen's feelings for Elizabeth, she acted as if she does not know. "What? Yun Shen actually likes her?"

Feng Xiaotong felt like burying himself alive, he has totally forgotten who was with her. "You better zip it or else I'm dead."

"Seriously though, I think Liz actually like Shen too, but she gave up thinking he might prefer a connection with the Young Princess or someone else," Jackie responded even though she knows everything already.

"Of course, if for connection Shen would choose the Young Princess who wouldn't. But Shen not like that. I'm sure Li Zi mentioned it to you as well, but Shen started YS by himself without the help of the Yun family support. Now, he even invested in Global Star."

"They sure are alike…" Jackie accidentally blurted out with a slight smile on her face.

"Alike?" Feng Xiaotong wonders what Jackie meant.

Jackie fl.u.s.tered not realizing what she was saying, she averted her gaze from him and looked outside the window. "Well, let's just say Liz has more secret than Yun Shen."

Feng Xiaotong did not ask further, but ponder on what Jackie mentioned. It's quite true, the girl does have a lot of secrets. He actually broke his promise and had her investigate but all records he found where what the girl has told them already and the records Yun Shen also found in his investigation. But he knows there is more to it.

Back in Yun Shen's car, Elizabeth was completely silent. The atmosphere inside the car was so awkward and dreary.

Yun Shen noticed the familiar car in front of them. "I can see them…"

Elizabeth focuses her eyes on the car Yun Shen was pointing at, she was quite impressed as well that he actually caught up with them.

At the same time, they were exiting the city already. She did not expect him to be such a good driver.

Elizabeth felt it was useless to act like strangers in front of Yun Shen since a lot of things has happened between them. "How you been President Yun?"


Elizabeth was confused as to why he suddenly mentioned his name. "I'm sorry..."

Yun Shen looked at the girl, "Stop calling me President Yun, just call me Shen."

Elizabeth shook her head as her face turned red from the man's request, "But your my boss, isn't it inappropriate for me to call you by your name."

"But I'm not your boss Xiaotong is." Yun Shen smiled, stating he has nothing to do with Global Star.

It is true that he does let Feng Xiaotong handle and make the decision for Global Star which means technically he is not her boss.

"If you say so, Shen," Elizabeth responded as the b.u.t.terflies inside her stomach started going crazy from calling the man by his name.

Yun Shen asked: "By the way, why does Jackie call you Liz?"

Elizabeth felt like she was struck by lightning. She was surprised by Yun Shen's question, she did not know how to answer him at all. "Well... her best friend is the Young Princess. We actually went to the same university. People call her Lizzy spelled L I Z Z Y while my name is Li Zi. They sound the same but spelled differently, so to make things easy she calls me Liz..."

Elizabeth looked at Yun Shen wondering if he was buying to all her lies.


Elizabeth sighed within seeing Yun Shen seems to be agreeing with her lies.

Yun Shen looked at the girl who seems to be relieved from how he reacted. He became even more curious about what her connection with the Young Princess is. The fact people have compared her to Lady Zhao made things even more interesting.

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