Trial Of Love Chapter 164 - Since Then, Things Have Changed

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"My beautiful Li Zi I'll miss you." Willaim Chen said as he squeezed the girl tightly.

Zheng Mi frowned at William Chen, "William enough, you're almost choking her to death."

William Chen released the girl a soon as he did, Zheng Mi grabbed her opportunity to embrace the girl.

Willaim Chen laughed seeing the young girl being embraced to death by the woman, at the same time he notices one person mopping seeing the girl being embraced by everyone. "Yo! Little Boy, don't be sad. I'll give you a hug too."

William Chen jumped to Huang Ming and hugged him, at the same time he softly whispered. "This is your last chance."

Huang Ming was surprised but did not react to it, he took a quick glimpse of the girl being surrounded by everyone, "It's fine, I'll take my time with her."

Seeing the man soft expression towards the girl, William Chen couldn't help it but smile seeing the boy sincere affection towards the girl. He really likes the girl a lot and thinks of her like a daughter after she sang for his wife.

Director Ge was crying as he stands in front of everyone. "Everyone, thank you so much for your hard work. I didn't expect that will be able to finish it in advance at the same time things went smoothly. We did have our ups and downs, but always remember never to give up."

"Chen, Zheng thank you for your hard work, I know I demanded a lot from both of you, but thank you for taking on the challenge. Little Boy, thank you for taking on this simple role. I know you're not disappointed anyway since you have to work with a beautiful princess."

Everyone started teasing Huang Ming as the director gave out his speech.

Huang Ming could not help it but blush, for a second his eyes meet with the girl and she gave him a gentle smile.

"Also, Li Zi thank you for bringing magic to the movie. Not only did you brought life to all the characters but because of you, everyone was able to give more than 100% during the performance. Lastly…"

As the director continued to thank the staff, Long Yiyi was furious. How come the director did not mention her nor thank her at all. She frowned, looking at the girl who has stolen everything from her, but now that they aren't involved with each other, she can finally get what's hers.

Inside the car, Liying was still in tears about ending.

"Liying its fine stop crying already." Li Zi said as she comforted the girl beside her.

Liying calm down and wipe her tears. "I'll miss them, I'll surely miss some of them, but I'm happy that we won't get to see Long Yiyi anymore."

"Same, I don't have to worry about Li Zi ending up in the hospital again." w.a.n.g Ji sighed while driving.

Elizabeth continued to comfort Liying and said, "Enough with that… Bro w.a.n.g have you handle everything already."

"No worries Li Zi, President Feng will be there as well. We already informed everyone in the company and they have also signed the disclosure contract. Even if they don't sign the contract everyone is so loyal to you anyway since you've helped them a lot."

Even though w.a.n.g Ji said all of those Elizabeth could not help but worry still.

w.a.n.g Ji continued to explain. "Director Mo and his father should be on their way as well. In regards to the film do you know who'll be investing in it?"

Elizabeth, of course, know who will be investing in the movie. She also asked that Global Star should invest as well. Even YS Tech Co invested since it's the main company. "It's a surprise, you don't need to worry about it. They are powerful enough that no one can interfere."

At Global Star, in one of the company halls. A lot of young actresses and actors were anxiously waiting to find out what's about to happen.

"I heard will be making on a secret movie with Li Zi, I wonder who the director is?"

"They said a retired actress will be working with us as well. She'll be playing the lead role with Sis Li Zi. I'm so excited to be working with Sis Li Zi."

"Look Sis Li Zi is here…"

Elizabeth notices the group of young stars running towards her all beaming so brightly. "h.e.l.lo everyone, it's been a long time."

"Sis Li Zi I've missed you since we last did the commercial video."

"Sis Li Zi when do you think I will be able to work together as well."

Elizabeth was pleased in seeing the improvement in everyone. Since she became the amba.s.sador for Perfect, she received a lot of offers but rejected some of them and offer them to the company other actresses and actors, ensuring the companies who gave her the offer to trust her judgment.

In the end, the companies did gain profit from her judgment and were indebted to her as well.

She has only been in the industry for more than 4 months yet she has become one of the most promising actresses. Even if they don't get her as an endorser for commercials and all, they will ask for her suggestion instead.

Not only has she helped the young actress and actor but also the young musicians. She has helped them compose music and even take part in shooting their music video.

That's why everyone in the company even if they've been there longer than her, felt she was like their guardian angel sent from heaven.

w.a.n.g Ji smiled seeing how lively everyone was now. Before they were all so gloomy and lifeless with no more hope. Since then, things have changed...

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can all work together in the future. If we don't we are still in the same company which means we are all one big family. So let's all work hard." Elizabeth beamed such confidence as she cheered them on.

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