Trial Of Love Chapter 127 - The Daughter Of The Goldsmith Lawfirm

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Jackie continued to accompany Elizabeth to her work. Since they were almost done with the film anyway, she didn't have a lot of takes to do.

However, today they were about to film the part Long Yiyi made loads of mistakes and Li Zi ended up in the hospital.

"Do you think Yiyi would be able to do it properly this time?"

"Hope so, the reason last time was because of G.o.ddess Zhao was around and she was too nervous."

"We'll see about it then, the fact that we're about to finish filming soon. I realize it was actually a good idea that Li Zi ended up being the second female lead than Long Yiyi since she more profession than her."

Behind them, Long Yiyi heard all the gossip of the staff. Hearing all the gossip about her made her blood boiled and the promise she made was soon forgotten.

"Alright, everyone places!"

Li Zi and Long Yiyi were already in position. As they started rolling, Long Yiyi was more focus and acted well. It was the moment they all been waiting for.

"I am to be his wife…"

"Who would want a wife like you, trying to harm others and do dirty tricks just to get the attention of others. Ain't I right?" Princess Sun's expression was even more intimidating, because of the sun rays, her face was being reflected well and she looked really scary.

As everyone antic.i.p.ated things to end well, soon their high hopes drop drastically.

"Cut! Yiyi you forgot your lines again…"

Long Yiyi was bewildered to what just happened, she looked around and noticed everyone's disappointed looks towards her.

She said nothing, and they just continued to roll again. In the end, they ended up with the same result.

"Take 10!"

Huang Ming runs to Li Zi's side and brought an umbrella to escort the girl out of the sun. Before they left, he looked coldly at Long Yiyi, "Yiyi, what the heck are you doing?"

Long Yiyi ignored what the man said and left the set as well. She went to a secluded area with her manager and a.s.sistance. "What the f*ck! Why the h*ck is everyone, so worked up about her."

"Yiyi, why not practice it now with me?" Her manager suggested.

As she practices with her manager she could act well and complete her lines. They were then satisfied with the results and asked the director to try it again since her manager insisted that she can do it.

They ended up not having a break and went back to work instead. However, what they expected did not happen at all.

After a few minutes, they still ended up with the same result.

"Enough, Yiyi… Everyone take a break." Director Ge was furious since it was already almost noon, and it was getting too warm.

Long Yiyi was furious and stormed off the set, her a.s.sistant followed her as they headed to the bathroom.

"Yiyi calm down."

Long Yiyi laughed, she was going insane. "How could I possibly not say a simple line 'Sister are you that jealous' that's all I needed to say and walk off. But why can't I say a simple line? What the heck did that b*tch do to me."

"Go get my phone, I need to teach that b*tch a lesson."

"But Yiyi, remember what they said don't do anything against her."

"Get out of here and do what I just said.."

The a.s.sistant ran off, frighten of Long Yiyi. Once the a.s.sistant was gone, one of the cubicles opened.

When Long Yiyi saw who it was, her face turned pale as if she'd seen a ghost.

The woman washed her hand and dried it off using a paper towel acting as if she did not hear anything. She walked slowly and closer to Long Yiyi then grabbed her by the throat and gave her a cold look. Since the woman was taller than her, she was very intimidating.

"Miss Long, Li Zi may be gentle and forgiving, but I am not. You better be careful who you're messing with."

Long Yiyi was couching as she spoke, "Who do you think you are to dare threaten me. I am the eldest daughter of the Long."

Jackie laughed as she released the girl and walked off, leaving her with a hostile glare. "Miss Long, you're a n.o.body to me. Go ahead, see what you can do? Ask your father for help to get back at me. I'll wait for it…"

"You b*tch, just you wait." Long Yiyi yelled.

When her a.s.sistant came back and saw her on the ground all trembling, she wonders what just happened.

Long Yiyi did indeed call her father to investigate who Jackie was.

Since everyone was no longer in the mood to continue, they ended up leaving early.

Long Yiyi came running home furious as she slams the door and sat down on the sofa and threw her things away.

"Yiyi, what's wrong?"

A woman came running after hearing things being thrown across the room

Long Yiyi was in a rage as she yelled, "Someone dare threaten me today."

"What? Don't worry I'll call your father to handle this."

Inside a busy meeting room in Long Group, a man was busy discussing things to the boards when an anxious female secretary walked in.

"President Long, someone is waiting for you at Line 6"

"Can't you see I'm in a meeting. Tell him to call another time."

The woman did as she was told, but in the end, came looking worse this time, "President…"

The man couldn't take it any longer and yelled. "What?"

"The man said he'll give you one more chance if not the company will go bankrupt in half a day."

The man quickly runs to his office and answered the call. He was furious that someone actually dares threatened him.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"President Long, it seems your family really does have an att.i.tude." The man said fluently but with an accented tone.

"What do you want? Do you know who you're talking against with?"

"Of course President Long, but do you?"

President Long yelled not in the mood to play games with the man on the phone, "Stop playing games with me. Tell me what you want or else you'll regret what happens next."

"President Long, in about a few minutes a man should be entering your office with a doc.u.ment which you'll be very interested in. Then I'm sure you'll be calling me back…" The man said as he hung up the phone.

Moments later a man did walk in the office carrying a sealed envelope, then walked off without a single word.

President Long sat down on his chair as he opened it and check what's inside.

Inside was a lawsuit suing Long Group for slander and physical abuse against Jackie Goldsmith.

The man was sweating so badly that he grabbed his phone and call the man back immediately.

"That was fast."

The person on the other end chuckled surprised to receive the call not too long after he ended it.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Mr. Long, what I really hate the most in this world is someone bullying my sister. Your lucky my elder brother has not found out about this yet. If he has, I'm sure you won't be on the phone with me right now."

The person on the other end continues to speak in a calm tone.

"So please avoid causing trouble with my sister. She is there to enjoy her time not to be bullied by your beloved daughter. This is just a warning, don't worry, I won't tell my elder brother to make sure you can still stand."

As soon as the call ended, he quickly grabs his coat and headed home.

When he arrived home, he started yelling shocking everyone at home.

"Where is she? Yiyi! Where is Yiyi?"

The young lady came down from the stairs as soon as she was about to say anything. The man slapped her.

"What have you done? Tell me, what did you do? Why did I receive this in my office?"

The man threw the doc.u.ments at the young lady and the mother came running to aid her daughter.

"Honey, how can you just slap your daughter."

"Because of your daughter, our company is about to go bankrupt."

"What?" Madam Long expression paled about to faint.

"You tell me, what did you do? Did you offend anyone today?"

"I didn't father. Someone even treated my life… What is that person's name? Jackie, Jackie… I don't know her family name."

The man collapses on the ground. "You foolish child do you know who she is. His second elder brother just called me by giving me a second chance to stand on my own feet."

"The girl you just offended it the daughter of the Goldsmith Law firm. Her brothers are now managing the company at the same time his elder brother is a judge. The worst part that girl is friends with the Young Princess."

The two women felt like the earth was shaking, the girl looked even worse and paler when she recalled what Jackie said. She did not expect things to turn out this way. She started to wonder who Li Zi was to be in contact with such elite people in her life.

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