Trial Of Love Chapter 120 - First Take For Wild Together

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Inside the car, Elizabeth just woken up and still has sleepy eyes when they arrived at the site for the first take for . They have travelled early in the morning just to get there.

Liying came back with a fresh-washed towel and handed it to Li Zi for her to clean her face. "Sis Li Zi, here…"

"Is everyone already there?" she asked as she grabbed the towel and wiped her face.

"I saw some of the cast have arrived, everyone seems to be preparing still. Manager w.a.n.g went to check with the producer."

Soon after, someone came knocking at her car window. She turned around and check the window to see who it was? Seeing the person waiting outside, she rolled the window down.

"Bro Ming, good morning."

"Here…" Huang Ming handed her a warm coffee.

"Thank you Bro Ming, perfect timing, just what the doctor ordered." She smiled and took a sip of the fresh coffee.

Seeing the girl beautiful smile Huang Ming couldn't keep his composure on checked and blush as he averted his gaze at her, "I'm sure you're exhausted since you had to shoot yesterday."

"I'm fine, we did finish late but everything went well in the end." She smiled back.

w.a.n.g Ji returned walking with one of the a.s.sistant directors.

"Li Zi, time to go…"

The a.s.sistant director guided Huang Ming and Li Zi to where they need to hide before the start of the show. Since the staff and the cast does not know who they'll be working with. Everyone was anxious to find out who the new cast are.

Lin Qin and Deng Lun, the current host of the show step in. They started hosting the show informing everyone that they will introduce the new cast for the show. It's been a month and everyone is eager to find out who the new cast will be.

"Alright, let's welcome our first pair." Deng Lun announced.

From behind, two people walked down towards them, hiding under the umbrella. When they arrived, the pushed the umbrella upwards and revealed themselves making the staff to go wild.

"It's the new model Yang Zi and the top rising actor and idol Leo Wu." Lin Qin said.

As the two young stars greeted the audience that will watch the program. The crew was all excited about seeing the young pair together.

The next pair came from behind as well, everyone watches closely when they notice the girl walking seems to have a very long beautiful leg which means she also a model. Whilst the man must be an actor for his aura was intimidating. When the two revealed themselves, they received more praise and excitement from the crew.

"h.e.l.lo, everyone my name is Yuexi An. Thank you for having me."

"I'm actor Yixing Zhang, nice to meet you all."

All the lady staff was all excited about seeing the actor. His summer attire made him look so attractive.

"I wonder who the last couple would be?" Li Qin looked and asked Deng Lun.

"I actually don't know, I never expected to see such pairing this season."

Then all of a sudden, from behind the crew the last pair came out. Everyone was so excited and we're all antic.i.p.ating to find out who it was. When the man holding the umbrella revealed themselves.

"It's Princess Sun."

"The Young General."

Everyone was more surprised and didn't know how to react. Even the cast was speechless and jaw drop.

"Wow, Li Zi is so beautiful in real life."

"b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, how much effort this the Producer do to cast the two of them."

As they realize who was in front of them, they soon cheered since Li Zi was known to be a miracle worker. Plus, the charming Haung Ming actually agreed to be in a variety show is really a miracle indeed. He was already an international actor who does not need such a show to boost his popularity.

"Sup, Huang Ming here. Nice to meet you all."

"Pleasure to meet you all, I'm actress Li Zi."

"Qin, we sure have a great line up this season, but I wonder if they'll be strong enough to handle the challenges though?"

"I know right Bro Lun. This season the team must have worked hard to make things more exciting. Let's not take too much time and see what the director has to say about it."

The man was serious as he looked at the cast. "This season will be quite a challenge, it's better if you experience it now than for me to explain it. Here is your first clue, remember… Some of you would end up not eating and might be sleeping outside. It's all up to your effort."

As each pair went up to get the envelope holding the information they all became worried.

"To make things easy, Yang Zi, Leo Wu, Li Zi, and Huang Ming will go in one team. Leaving Li Qin, Deng Lun, Yuexi An, and Yixing Zhang as the last team."

"You'll all need money to survive and money does not come easy. So the first task is to earn your pocket money that you'll either use to buy food for your lunch or dinner. Bring it out…"

The staff then carried a table with a 100 bowl of small portion cold noodles.

"Very simple, 1 bowl is equivalent to 1 dollar. The more you eat, the more money you get."

"Director is there a time limit?" Deng Lun asked.

"No, but you only have one chance each. Once you gave up it's over…"

The group all gathered around to discuss their plans. Huang Ming took the lead in their team since he was the eldest.

"Alright, everyone get ready." The director signals the cast for the first player to sit down.


Li Qin and Yang Zi were up first. It was pretty obvious that Yang Zi would have a problem since she's a model who hardly eats a lot. In the end, she ended up eating 7 bowls while Li Qin finished 11 bowls.

Next up was Deng Lun and Leo Wu, both were on the same level. Deng Lun who was a chubby actor while Leo Wu was still young, giving him the advantage to eat a lot. In the end, both ended up eating 19 bowls together.

Li Zi and Yuexi An were up next, for Yuexi An it was a battle to redeem herself from last time. She was eating so fast making a big lead between her and Li Zi. While Li Zi just calmly ate her way and enjoy the food. The staff couldn't help but smile, seeing her so happily enjoying her meal. In the end, Yuexi An gave up after the 14 bowls having Yixing Zhang replacing her.

Li Zi was still eating despite the fact that she was already up against Yixing Zhang. The man couldn't help it, but be bewildered at the sight of the girl eating so happily.

In the end, she has surpa.s.sed Yuexi An's 14 bowls and still continued to eat.

Everyone was amazed at how Li Zi was still eating, the only person who was not surprised was Huang Ming since they went out to dinner numerous times together with the crew and saw how much she can eat.

The staff started to worry that she was still eating and weren't reacting at all, the main female host looked at Huang Ming. "Huang Ming, is she alright?"

He gave them all a rea.s.suring smile and said, "Let her…"

Yixing Zhang, has given up and ended up with 21 bowls, but to their surprise, Li Zi was still eating and have eaten a total of 27 bowls already and still continue. While the rest waited for her to finish, they decide to have Huang Ming eat at the other table since they don't seem to know when Li Zi was planning to stop.

Since Li Zi was eating so slowly, Huang Ming ended up finis.h.i.+ng first with 24 bowls at the end.

A moment later Elizabeth stopped and looked at them, "Can I still eat?"

The Director and Writer looked at each other. They have thought she was done already, but instead she asked permission if it's fine for her to continue eating.

"Go ahead."

In the end, since she noticed she was taking to much of the time, she stopped and ended up devouring a total of 50 bowls.

Director Mo looked at her looking concerned for the girl, "Li Zi, are you alright?"

"Yup, it was just so delicious that I didn't want to stop, but I didn't want to make everyone wait."

Everyone was dumbfounded, she still has s.p.a.ce in her stomach to eat. 

Where the heck did all the food just go? 

They looked at the girl who looks so slender and ponders how she could eat so much.

In the end, their team ends up with 100 while the other team with 65.

Coincidentally, Huang Ming team technically finished all their bowls, leaving everyone jaw drop.

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