Trial Of Love Chapter 108 - What's Wrong With Me?

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The next day...

News about G.o.ddess Zhao and other top celebrities and n.o.ble aristocratic wives along with Madam Yun spread online.

Pictures of them were posted online when they were caught having coffee outside a cafe in Greece.

Loads of people then started searching about Zho Xinya's ident.i.ty and were all surprised when they found out who she was.

"My gosh, how could I almost forget about Zho Xinya. She was one of the best pianists our country was so proud of."

"I remember my parents brought me to one of her concerts once, I cried so badly it was just so heart-warming and emotional."

"Now, I understand why the granddaughter playing the piano with Chairman Yun so well. She got it all from her grandmother and wasn't Chairman Yun late wife a pianist as well."

Yun Corp.

President Yun didn't expect such a turnout. His secretary's phone and his own personal phone were ringing nonstop.

"President Yun, CEO Fiji from j.a.pan wish to invite you and Madam to j.a.pan to celebrate his mother's birthday."

"President Yun, I received a call from EM Group if Madam can do a cover for their monthly magazine."

The man didn't expect such a blessing; his weak aloof wife, introverted cold heart son and even his timid granddaughter have brought such great impact for doing nothing. Yet he has taken all of them for granted. He then recalled what his wife mentioned to him last time as his heart started to ache.

"Tell them the Madam, will personally call them once she came back from her trip with Lady Zhao. I don't want to bother her at all."

Everyone then left the man alone in his office. Then, Yun Shen walking in seeing everyone has left.

"Father, I'll be heading to check on the site now."

President Yun was a bit hesitant as he directly asked his son, "Shen, does Little Yan like cakes? What's her favorite toy?"

"She does, but she prefers to play the piano or paint all day than play with toys," Yun Shen answered, surprised his father suddenly taken an interest in his daughter. 

"Father has been visiting her lately and teaching her to play the piano."


President Yun then got up from his seat and approached his son, "Then, let's get her a master. If it's alright with you, I'll arrange everything."

"I do not mind father, I'll ask her first if she wants a master." He answered as he greeted the man.

"Go now then…" 

As the young man walked out of the room, his heartfelt at ease and warmth. Never in all his life, he expects that the old man would actually care for his daughter. The fact he was one of the people who couldn't accept Little Yan's existence at first.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth was heading to the company along with Liying and w.a.n.g Ji when she noticed the news online. It upset her to see her mother smiling so happy with Madam Yun.

"Sis Li Zi, have you seen the news online about Lady Zhao and Madam Yun? What do you think?" Liying asked.

"It seems they are good friends..." She uninterestingly replied.

Liying shook her head and explained, "I think not just a good friend but future in-laws. Rumors said that the Young Princess and Young Master Shen might be in a secret relations.h.i.+p with each other."

Elizabeth then notice Liying expression sadden as she continued to explain as she wonders, "What's wrong?"

"Sis Li Zi, it's just I thought you and Young Master *sigh* I was really hoping for both of you. The fact you and Miss Little Yan were getting so well. But to think Miss Little Yan also seems to like the Young Princess as well. I thought both of you have a special connection or bond."

Elizabeth was speechless from hearing what Liying just stated. Of course, Little Yan would have a special bond with the Young Princess since it was her in the first place, but what surprised her was hearing the fact Liying thought she and Yun Shen looked good together. That she was hoping for them to end up together as well.

"Liying, Young Master Yun is our Boss's friend, I can't simply date him," she replied as she tried to avoid the truth.

"There's nothing wrong if you date our Boss's friend Li Zi." w.a.n.g Ji suddenly spoke, since he felt something was odd how Yun Shen been concern about Li Zi last time he reported about Perfect's audition. "If you ask me, you look better with Young Master Shen than with President Feng. Both your personality suit each other."


Elizabeth was completely in shock as she continued to listen to w.a.n.g Ji's explanation eagerly.

"To be honest, I think Young Master Shen might fall for you as well. Your beautiful, kind, at the same time, cares so much for his daughter. If you ask me, I feel like he might have feelings for you."

Hearing all those words just ached the young lady's heart for she already knew the truth. Yun Shen already has a woman in his heart and it neither the Young Princess or her.

"If you guys think so..."

After they drop Elizabeth in front of the company, she was picked up as usual by Long and Chou as she headed home.

When Elizabeth arrived, she headed to her studio and took out a new canvas board and paint and brought it out with her. 

The girl was busy painting when a tear sudden rolled down her face. It surprised her when she noticed the tear as she wiped it off.

'What's wrong with me? Did I just cry...'

Caocao one of Elizabeth's personal maid notice the tear that her mistress just wiped off when she approached her. "Young Miss, is something wrong?"

"Caocao, I'm fine… I just got some dust in my eye." Elizabeth replied, even though she too doesn't know the real reason why she cried.

"I see, I was worried for a second that you might be crying." she smiled, as she and the other servants prepared the table and food next to her. "Lady Zhao called to ask if you decide which jewelry you like?"

The fact she has been distant lately and always in a trance, she's been forgetful as well. "I'll call her later myself."

"Also, the Chief won't be dining home and General Zhao will also be away for a few days."

"I see, that's fine. I'll be busy with work, anyway. Tell the Chef to prepare western food for tonight."

"Then will be going ahead Young Miss," Caocao said as she and the other servant went back to their work.

When they all left, she then looked at the painting she just painted, it surprised her to see that she actually painted a portrait of the man unconsciously. Elizabeth clenches her fist towards her chest as she felt her heart started to ache as she pushed the painting aside causing it to fall on the ground. She got up and walked away roaming around the estate.

The girl continued to walk around the estate like a zombie, so lifeless and clueless of her surroundings that she didn't realize it was already getting late.

When she suddenly felt the sudden cold breeze, it snapped her back to reality, surprising her how late it was already. She looked up the sky and notice it was getting dark and surprised her. 

'It's already this late, how long was I walking for?'

When she headed back, she saw a bright light heading her way. As it came closer towards her, it was the servants all carrying a flashlight and even the guard dogs were with them.

It surprised her to see all of them as she stopped a few feet away from them and inquired. "What's going on?"

"Young Miss.."

"Young Princess..."

It dumbfounded Elizabeth when her personal maids came running towards her with teary eyes. They embrace her and not caring about what the girl will say.

Then Chou approached her with the same worried expression on his face as he explained, "Young Miss, where have you been? We were all so worried... When I came to check for you in your room, you weren't there. I even went to check you in your studio, study, library almost the entire house."

"Young Miss, I even went to check for you at the company," Long added.

"Young Miss, where did you go?" Chou worriedly asked.

"Everyone, you were all worried for me?" Elizabeth was stunned looking all confused and surprised at the same time. 

But it was obvious they were worried for her since it was written all over their faces. Even the chefs, guards, gardener, and all household servants in the main house has gathered.

"I'm sorry to have worried you all, this Young Miss of yours has been so lost lately. I'm sorry to have bothered you all..."

"Young Miss, it's alright. We're always here for you… You are our one and only Young Princess." Xiao said as she released the girl from her embrace.

"Come now, I've prepared your favorite steaks and paired it with a nice wine." Chef Mike smiled.

Seeing all of them ease Elizabeth's aching heart. She smiled brightly at them as she grabbed hold of her maid's hands as they all headed back to the house. Even though her heart was still longing for the man, she need not worry for she was never alone. All she needed to do was open up, but it was something not in her dictionary. To share one's problem is something life and death for her...

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