To My Sunflower 108 Volume Reconstruction Changes

To My Sunflower -

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On the weekend of 18/04/20 1. This story will be undergoing major volume reconstruction to reflect the new Table of Content listed below.

From - [Current ToC Order]

Volume 1 : A Sunflower's Lament [Hinata's POV]

Volume 2 : A Sunflower's Heart Returned [Eiji's POV]

Volume 3 : Shadows of Sunflowers [Eiji's POV]

Volume 4 : Darkside of Sunflowers [Hinatas' POV]

Volume 5 : To My Sunflower

Volume 6 : Thank You Readers for Appreciation - Specials

Volume 7 : Author Extras [Non Story Notes]Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

To - [New ToC Order]

Volume 1 : A Sunflower's Lament [Hinata's POV]

Volume 2 : Darkside of Sunflowers [Hinatas' POV]

Volume 3 : To My Sunflower [Hinata's POV]

Volume 4 : A Sunflower's Heart Returned [Eiji's POV]

Volume 5 : Shadows of Sunflowers [Eiji's POV]

Volume 6 : To My Sunflower [Eji's POV]

Volume 7 : To My Sunflower

Volume 8 : Thank You Readers for Appreciation - Specials

Volume 9 : Author Extras [Non Story Notes]

--Why Am I doing this?--

For better reading experience and unfolding of both character perspectives. Each character perspective can be read as a standalone when lumped in a downward flow. 

As stated in the author notes. Originally this story was aimed at being a novella at less than 60K worth of words. Now that it's doubled this amount in words, it needs to be in a better order.

-- As Reader, What Should I Expect? --

1: You'll likely see chapters you've read appear in your notification again as unread chapters. I recommend turning notifications off for this book whilst it's undergoing the changes. See instructions below*.

2: The position of where you were up to would've likely changed. Example: if you were reading Hinata's POV at Chapter 98. It may now be Chapter 52.

3: Spam notification alerts for the story. Sorry, I'm unable to avoid this since it's hardcoded in the system to occur.  I recommend turning notifications off for this book whilst it's undergoing the changes. See instructions below*.

4: The new order may have chapters further down the list that you've already read.  You'll need to refer to the new table of contents on the book page or chapter menu's to locate the chapter you were upto once the new ToC is in place.   

5: Likely chance the volume has chapters you've already read.  Refer to the new ToC to locate the chapters you still need to read.

*[How to turn notifications off: 

On App: click the three dots on the book icon in your library page.  On the menu that appears, tap the radio blue b.u.t.ton next to "Updates Notifications" to turn it off.

On Web:  there doesn't appear to be an option turn off notifications by book page. However, the odds of ma.s.s notification alerts from the book to your inbox should be low. ]

-- How Will This Work? --

I'll be doing a big bang approach on this change to reduce the impact. As I have to unpublish all posts and repost into their new order.

A communication chapter will be posted to advise when the change is about to commence.  Another will be posted to advise of change completion.

-- When Will This Happen? --

As soon as the story is finished, which I aim for two weeks time from the 12th of April. I've scheduled this change (with myself XD) to occur on the weekend of the 18th April.  If the story isn't finished by the 12th, the change will be pushed out.

Apologize in advance for the confusion. Reach out to me if you noticed anything strange during the change and after.

Kind Regards,

Veronica If the book isn't finished by the 12th, the change will be pushed out.

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