Douluo Dalu : White God 15 Mountain Pass 1

Douluo Dalu : White God -

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Its been five days since Me and Uncle Yi left Paotai Town, now its almost afternoon and we're at Wu Village just a day away from Yule City. Looking at map the distance from Wu village to Yule City should be just a few hours away, but unfortunately they're blocked by a mountain range so they should walk around the mountain range or climb it if they want to visit Yule town.

We're planning to rest here for the night and continue our journey tomorrow, we're going to the village head house to ask his permission to stay here for the night. You're wondering why I ask his permission? I need an information about any unique spirit beast for my fourth ring, even though I'm just at level 36th spirit elder but nothing will go wrong with enough preparation right?

"Excuse me!" Uncle Yi knocking on the village head's door slowly, don't ask how do we know which house is his, you're blind if you can't see a big board beside his house written with "The Handsome Village Head's House is right here" coupled with a big arrow pointing at his house.

Uncle Yi knocking and calling a few more times but there's no answer, finally he spread his senses and only then we know that he's not at his home.

"Um, I'm sorry to intrude. But good sir, are you looking for the village head?" a teenage girl bringing a basin filled with wet clothes approached us and asking us.

"Yes little girl, by any chance do you know where he is?" Uncle Yi smiling politely while asking the little girl.

"Yes, I know! He's at the eastern direction outside of the village, every day from dawn until dusk he's always smas.h.i.+ng rocks there." The little girl said cheerfully

"Smas.h.i.+ng rocks? Is he mining?" I said, I was surprised hearing someone so dedicated like that.

"No, he said he want to open a way for people pa.s.sed through from this village to Yule City and Vice Versa." Both Uncle Yi and I were surprised, I thought the village head is a miner.

"Is he want to open up a trade route?" Uncle Yi asking her again, its seems like he's intrigued too.

Hearing Uncle Yi's question, she shaking her head and her expression turned sad.

"The Village head once had a wife, but she's pa.s.sed away a few years ago. At that time Before she was pa.s.sed away, she was sick and inside our village there are no doctor nor apothecary. The Village head desperately went to Yule City on his horse and come back here almost a day later."

The little girl stopped for a while to take her breath and try her best to hold her tears.

"But sadly, the village head's wife cannot hold on and..."

"She... She pa.s.sed away an hour before he arrived with the doctor."

The little girl cannot hold back her tears and it flow down on her cheeks, she sobbing and her eyes turned red because of her cry.

"So the village head steeled his resolve to open a path from here to Yule City so that no one from this village will gone through the same thing as his wife"

We're speechless and feel touched, what a man! what a resolve! how n.o.ble!

Hearing this little girl story, I closed my eyes and imagining what if I gone through what this village head went through. Can my heart be as strong as his? Can my resolve be as firm as his? many question going through my head, unknowingly my soul got stirred and I'm going through an enlightenment.

The Word 'Taint' on my heart become clearer, and my spirit energy become thicker. Tainted essence in my body circulating faster and make my blood got thicker and heavier.

"Before there were Heavens and Earth, in its infancy stage, the universe's primordial chaos arrived. From the primordial chaos, the grand beginning sp.a.w.ned. The grand beginning gave birth to the Nine Words, the Nine Words created the Nine Treasures, and from the Nine Treasures came the Nine Scriptures."

Those words echoed again inside my soul, a little by little I gain an understanding of another 'Truth' about the word 'Taint' which is different from what my ancestors gain.

Sadly, I can't comprehend it all yet. Well, patient is virtue.

But One thing that I'm sure of, what i'll be cultivating right now is not 'Sky-Destroyer Immortal Physique'. Because each word contains all possible truth, but what kind of truth actually appears depend on the person who comprehend it.

When I snapped out of my enlightenment, its almost dusk. I'm surprised that the place where I stand now cracked and the ground is sunk a little. I stepped out of the little hole that I created, and... the ground cracked again.

"What's happened Bai'er?" Uncle Yi asked me, apparently he knows that I went through an enlightenment and decided to stand guard near me.

"Uncle Yi, after hearing the story from the girl earlier I was pondering about the village head steady heart and firm resolve. Then something clicked in my mind and you know the rest." I said, telling him half-truth.

"So, what's up with this little hole?" as if I know, I too am curious about it. I have a hunch about the reason, but more research is needed to be sure.

"I don't know either, I'm as surprised as you knowing the ground cracked each time I step on it." I said that feigning an ignorance. This kind of thing is not for public knowledge, this is something directly linked to the creation of the world.

"Anyway Uncle Yi, do you know where that girl earlier went to?"

"Hmm, why?" Uncle Yi said that, and as if got a G.o.d's revelation he's grinning and chuckling

"Bai'er, perhaps you fall for her? you little womanizer, you have my niece as you fiancee and yet you're not satisfied?"

"Your imagination is very active old man." my mouth twitched hearing his teasing, wtf this old man thinking.

"I need to thank her, it was because her that I got an enlightenment earlier."

After I said that, we both feel someone walking toward us.

"Who are you two? what are your business here?"

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