Code Geass: A Soldiers Retribution 5 Noble Affair.

Code Geass: A Soldiers Retribution -

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Theo pulled the girl by the ropes around her arms up the stairs, she hit each of the steps in an attempt to warn her father of Theo's presence. Fed up with her display, Theo lifted her onto his shoulder before walking the rest of the way.

Unlike the previous floors, this one only had one large room in the centre of it. A mans voice could be heard from within, Theo walked into the room to find an older gentleman forcing himself onto a younger maid.

The maid was pus.h.i.+ng him away with most of her strength however the man was stronger. Before it went to far however Theo coughed and drew the mans attention to him.

A cold and murderous aura flew out of Theo instantly, the man froze in fear and looked at the young man in fear. As he went to say something, Theo put the old mans daughter down in front of him and said" Presenting the Lord Crowe, the old pervert."

His daughter let out a strong m.u.f.fled scream and before Lord Crowe could react, Theo shot him the arm with his pistol. Recoiling the man slammed into the wall, Theo turned to the maid and said" Get dressed and got to the village nearby, I will return there to defend you and its people soon, I must talk to the lord first. Take the other servants with you, when you leave."

The maid nodded her head and sprinted out of the room, a scream was heard as she pa.s.sed the dead guards in the mansion, Theo then walked over to the pa.s.sed out Lord and stuck his finger in the bullet hole and twisted, turning the broken flesh in his shoulder. The pain awoke the lord who began screaming in pain.

Theo knelt down in front of the lord and placed his pistol next to his temple, he then whispered" You have two choices my friend, you leave this castle and run while you can or I put a bullet in your head right now. This land now belongs to me and ANY unwelcome guests will be dealt with as soon as possible. I'm not a murderer however that doesn't mean I wont kill if needed to."

Lord Crowe began to hesitate, to show he was serious, Theo shot thewall right next to Lord Crowe's head, his head shook as the sound went straight through him. Theo then bent back down and said" You have five seconds until the bullet goes into your brain, after that I will take your daughter as a hostage although I know for a fact that your family being exiled here means you are worthless."

Crowe squeaked out" I choose to live, you can have my daughter regardless, just leave me alive please. I don't want to die."

Theo walked over to the tied up woman and dragged her and placed her in front of her father, he then removed her gag and said" He just offered you to me to guarantee his own life, do you have anything to say about that?"
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The Girl broke into tears and said" Why Father? I did what I could to keep us alive in this h.e.l.lish place, I even agreed to a bulls.h.i.+t marriage with the mayor's son next week for you. Why have you throw me away now?"

Lord Crowe began laughing madly beofre he choked out" You are a p.a.w.n for me to use to get an easy life, all children are p.a.w.ns, Males are to be trained to become heir while you sell your daughters to the highest bidder. My life holds more value than the Mayo"

Before he could finish speaking, Theo shot him through the head with his his pistol, he then decapitated the corpse and stuck the head in a bag. It was not his wish to do this however psychological warfare against the incoming attack form the town maybe the only way he will win. He cut the girl free from her bindings and said" You are free to do whatever you want, go get married or whatever, as of now your life means very little to me. You can always come and work in my village if you wish, you will get hate from the villagers however you will have a bed and roof. You will need to earn food as you know, the village gets taxed a lot."

Theo then walked past the girl and headed back towards the exit of the manor, he grabbed everything of value that he could carry as well as any weapons and armour, he found a small wagon out back that was probably used to transport goods to and from the village. Theo a.s.sumed that there were no cars due to the bad economy of the area, he put all the weapons and armour onto the carriage and kept the jewellery on himself as well as the bag containing the Lord's head. He then rode the carriage up to the village.

It was time to prepare for the incoming attack...

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