Soul Of The Primordial Remanent 11 Mana And True Qi

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"Think of the magic power as an armor that s.h.i.+elds the body while true qi inside the body as another armor guarding your soul."

"The protection from the mana allows for an efficient qi refining and stronger body formed from true qi allows for greater mana gathering. Stronger qi and magic allows for a safe harbor for the soul and better outward perception."

"The stronger spiritual force in return will build a stronger base for the body allowing it to become powerful. Focusing on one aspect of cultivation is unwise since it is a cycle that depended on each other."

A smile beamed on Rais's face since he understood the basics of the concept, considering all he needed to develop an efficient power cycle within his body with decisive judgments of different properties of each energy. Hence, for him to conquer the jarring path, just hard work is inadequate, recognizing he also needed a profound understanding of the powers and the worldly laws.

"It's a great thing you are not stupid," Anila said, observing the joy on Rais's face.

"How can my mothers' son be stupid?" Rais stated boastfully while putting his hands over his lips to hide his smile.

"Run around a while to get your blood circulating, we will start soon."

While stretching, Rais wanted to clear another issue that bugged him, "Mom, if mana is completely external and holds zero connection to the corporeal body then how do people manipulate it? Does this also need intervention from world consciousness?"

"No, although I am unsure of the reason, also I have never wondered."

"And mana?" with a slightly questioning tone, Rais interrupted absent-minded Anila without glancing at her.

Immediately snapping back Anila continued, "think of mana as a tool, and a mortal wielded his tool better than he manipulates his body. The same concept applies to mana, considering It consists of properties that allow for external control. Provided that It always moves towards the denser contention, a person needs to create a condition where they have higher concentration mana than the environment around you."

"Am I going to practice the breathing technique similar to big sister Dinna?"

While shaking her head in disapproval, Anila confidently answered with a smile, "No, that will take too long, there lies a faster and more efficient method for you."

Immediately standing up, Anila raised her hand towards the infinite azure, with a solemn gaze, while a sphere of crystalline water-like substance began forming. Unlike water, no sunlight reflected on the surface or refracted within, while the transparency blended the outer layer with the air. As if too spotless, pure to exist in this world.

Meanwhile unfastening his eyelids after a pa.s.sing blink Rais witnessed the tiny orb expanding into a large globule.

A tiny crystal formed at the core, suddenly within a heartbeat, all the liquids and surrounding mana swirled in the center of her palm, leaving nothing but an irregular piece of crystalline clear crystal. Craving to fill the void, mana rushed from a distance and began flowing around Anila from right to left.

"I will leave this here, slowly try to approach it. Whenever you are successful, we will begin the next step."

Regardless, without listening, Rais gripped onto the crystal. Feeling energy needle jerking through his veins, Rais shrieked, blood dripped down while his right hand sustained cuts all over.

Despite this, a joyful smile formed on her face, Anila grew ecstatic, "excellent! Keep clutching on to it."

"Shut your eyes and let some mana enter your body. Even though you will feel stabbing pain, keep holding the crystal. Take it closer to the center of the body and imagine the wind moving around you. Gently allow the wind to approach you and draw in all the mana at the center of your body."

Just when he thought he was getting hold of it, Rais heard a crack on the crystal, while uncontrollable pain stabbed through his body.

Seeing the state of Rais, Silver Descent howled in rage and attempted to bite on to Anila's hand, though; instead, it turned into a piece of crystal rolling on the ground.

With cuts all over, Rais's body became drenched in blood. Although he tried to stand his ground, instead he uncontrollably collapsed to the ground. Pus.h.i.+ng against the ground, Rais barely supported himself. A faint smile appeared on his dust-covered face, though two of his front teeth stayed on the ground.

"Try spreading the mana within your body, it should be less strenuous. You will get used to it in no time, as mana is full of life energy."

"Is it over?"After lifting head, Rais only saw a blur and gleaming light.

"Consume this, and keep attempting the same until the evening, then you will remove your true qi restriction," she threw him a small bottle.

While the sun descended to the west, Rais attempted the same process over and over. Thus he looked like he came out of a b.l.o.o.d.y battlefield, barely breathing while lying halfdead on the ground.

Gazing at dense, ma.s.sive clouds sailing inland, Rais heard two different footsteps. Although he recognized them, unable to move, he failed to lift his hand to greet them.

Discerning the miserable state of Rais, terrified, they abruptly halted to glance at the calm and collected Anila.

Happy seeing them, Anila invited them to sit, "Rais is undergoing the magic ritual. After he heals, he will play with you unless two of you desire to join him now."

"No, it's alright," they knew Anila, who was incredibly helpful and welcoming; thus, they weren't terrified by the playful remark. "We merely wanted to visit the city surrounding the Zarieun Temple," the boy with greasy hair showed his respect to Anila.

"Once Dinna gets back, she will bring you there. It's risky to wander around the port."

"Is Rais hurt?" The little girl asked with concern.

"He is determined concerning cultivation, just a matter of time before he jumps up again."

Before the yin curtain descended, Rais's friends departed, while he stood once again drenched in sweat and rain.

"Is this harmful to my body," Rais asked while his leg trembled from exhaustion.

"Relax, although other methods are less strenuous, they take months for any results. Even though your wounds feel deep, they are just minor cuts, they will heal within several days."

Nodding his head, Rais relaxed, down on the muddy ground to concentrate, while the rain gushed downward. Unexpectedly, when he circulated his mana once again, It no longer felt external to him.

Although he felt mystified, cracking his eyes open, he placed the thought at the back of his mind, "am I ready to remove the qi restriction?"

"The mana already invaded every part of your body, now is the right time."

Alerted by the soulful chimes of the giant bells, he darted his eyes at the void "yin curtain descends, will it be harmful?"

"No, it will help you locate your spirit root along your spine when it tries to invade your body. If the invasive baleful yin gets inside the body, I will expel it."

After the final flash of cyan of the spirit world, the darkness descended, while the light abandoned the world. "Are the spirit channels located at the same place?"

"Yes, their cultivation is similar at the initial stage." She stated while throwing a glowing stone down on the ground.

"How do I meet the world spirit?"

"Relax, breath at a steady pace. Try to locate the spot where mana infiltrates the body at the fastest speed."

"Just above my neck!"

"Very well, I will let the yin curtain drop on you. When it tries to invade the body, remember the exact point."

"I found it!" Hearing Rais, Anila immediately drew out the baleful yin energy curtain.

Watching a jagged stone flying towards him, Rais caught it, "this is a stone with a perfect balance of yin-yang aspect of true qi energy. Hold it at the point you discovered, Alright, now try to guide the energy from it."

Instantly a cold flow reached underneath Rais's belly.

His every starved, thirsty vain started throbbing, extreme energy destroyed outward. Immediately an unbound form raised upward, roaring towards the haven, qi aura exploded of his primordial qi domain.

The roar transformed into a shriek, while the figure collapsed backward, after losing consciousness.

Once Rais opened his eyes, he glanced around to notice thousands of figures, sinking deep underneath an ocean. Staring down, he saw no soil on the seabed, only plain of endless darkness. No light entered or reflected off it.

Peering up, a ma.s.sive loop of fast-moving water current far up in the distance offered a faint glimmer of light.

Unlike him, everyone had their eyes shut, Although, he couldn't discern any further, within the large crowd to confirm. An ominous sensation made him s.h.i.+ver, so he stood with his eyes closed, similar to everyone.

"They are here to lift the true qi restriction." Noticing that they were of similar age as him, Rais inferred they all came for the same purpose. After realizing this, he lifted some weight off his mind.

However, the very next moment, the light dimmed in from of a colossal shadow. Terrified, within the darkness, Rais couldn't mark even a part of the colossal creature.

"keh eh hea he he eh" "keh eh hea he he eh eh eh eh eh..."

The endless laughter from the terrifying creature pierced his head while he discerned rays of light enter everyone's head, including his.

"Three! Including one with the knowledge of world sprites existence. A hha he"

Rais saw the figure vanish one by one only leaving him and two others. Although Rais looked frightened, compared to him, they looked absolutely horrified.

"Children, three of you must leave your memory of this experience."

Scared s.h.i.+tless of the immense shadowy silhouette, all three agreed, staring at each other. Soon the little girl and the boy beside him vanished, only leaving him facing the colossal creature.

"I recognize you, child. I remember you writing something." Rais heard an ancient voice in his head.

"Ye... yes."

"What is the name of the child?"


"Why does the child lie, or do you not know!"

"What do you mean?"

"Forget what I said, Let us make a deal, eh he."


"Yes, you will imprint this rune on the woman sitting next to you, and I will let you unlock your primordial qi domain."
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"No, but do tell me what it is for."

"Child you have no idea who you talk to."

"I don't care! If I can't use true qi, I will use mana. I don't need your help."

"Eh he. Stubborn child!"

"Why do you not control the cultivation of mana?"

"I predate the existence of mana, little child."

"What does that mean?"

"You are worthy, child! I will let you keep your knowledge of our meeting; however, you must erase the memory of the woman sitting next to you."

"No." Rais stood his ground, even if he dies, he will refuse.

"She requires external help of a tool to help her remember."

"Why not erase mine?"

"A curse eats you away child, you have less than five months to live. There is no need."

Before Rais could open his mouth once more, a beam from behind the shadow pierced his head. While a shadowy claw grabbed his leg from the darkness, pulling him within.

His vision faded, although he saw two other light beams enter his body.

"Welcome to the world unusual child, eh eh hea he he eh..." A different voice entered his head just for the last time."

"How does the other world sprite tastes, brother."

"The c.u.n.t refuses to die even after I tear it apart a million times." The surrounding turned into a b.l.o.o.d.y mess.

Rais's body jerked on his bed while he screamed uncontrollably horrafied. Anila held him while he cried as his body s.h.i.+vered.

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