Idiot In Love -16 Chapter 99: Culprit 3

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As to know why there was a screaming female voice from the PE storeroom and why Mr Jing was dragging Yi Fei on the floor, we need to go back a few minutes before that.


Yi Fei stood up because she was tired of squatting. She came face-to-face with Mr Jing. Yi Fei looked down because Mr Jing was glaring at her. If look could kill, she would be dead already by the look given to her by Mr Jing.

She didn't know what she just got herself into, but since Yi Fei was now in the inner corner of the room, she couldn't just walk pa.s.sed Cheng Xiao Meng and Mr Jing who was in front of her. Yi Fei could feel the tension in the room, and for the first time since she entered the room, she was scared.

She was scared of the vibe that Mr Jing gave out, and she could feel clearly that Mr Jing was very hostile towards her.

"I'm tired. I don't want to do this anymore" Cheng Xiao Meng shrugged her shoulder and tried to walk away from there, but Mr Jing stopped her by pulling her hand.

Cheng Xiao Meng tugged her hand that was pulled by Mr Jing with such a force that she staggered a little bit. The annoyance in Mr Jing's face was evident. Yi Fei felt as if she was watching a scene from an action movie.

Upset that Cheng Xiao Meng didn't listen to her, Mr Jing punched the shelf closest to him. The rack was full of weight and medicine b.a.l.l.s used for the cheerleading practice. Cheng Xiao Meng just looked at Mr Jing stoically before she walked away.

"Can't you see that she was hurting you? How can you just let her go like that? You coward" Mr Jing pushed the shelf full of weight and medicine b.a.l.l.s to topple over Cheng Xiao Meng.

Everything happened in a flash. Yi Fei saw the shelf, and all the materials on it collapsed into Cheng Xiao Meng. Cheng Xiao Meng did not move under the shelf; it made Yi Fei panic.

"Arghhh….." Yi Fei let out a loud and long scream. She didn't know why things would escalate into this kind of situation. She just wanted to apologise to Cheng Xiao Meng, but now it seemed as if she was in some psychological thriller movie.

Mr Jing acted as if he was unfazed by the whole thing. He looked at the collapsed shelf like it was not a big deal to have someone under all those fallen weight.

Yi Fei walked pa.s.sed Mr Jing and hurried over to the shelf. She bent down and tried to remove the shelf, but she was a weak young lady. She tried her best, but the shelf only moved an inch. Yi Fei was getting angry because Mr Jing did nothing to help her at the moment.

Yi Fei tried to search the pocket of her skirt, but she remembered that she didn't bring her phone over. So she turned around to ask Mr Jing to call an ambulance. When Yi Fei turned around, she saw the terrifying expression that Mr Jing ever put on his face.

Yi Fei was not fond of horror movie or anime, but John loves it. There was one time during their university day when John made her watch the anime 'Corpse Party: The Tortured Soul' and she couldn't get the anime out of her head for months.

The situation she was right now seemed exactly like the scene where Sakurato Moris.h.i.+ge had turned insane, and he was smiling in a very creepy way while chasing Yuka Mochida around, trying to kill her. The smile on Mr Jing's face was very disturbing and Yi Fei spoke in her heart – this is how my story ends.

Seeing how creepy Mr Jing was, Yi Fei was looking around on all sides, in a fidget of terror to find the best was to escape from the place so that she could call over the ambulance to save Cheng Xiao Meng but Mr Jing saw through her plan.

Still, with the creepy smile of his, Mr Jing went over to Yi Fei slowly. Yi Fei paralysed with fear; she couldn't move.

"You think you can get away from this? You are the reason why Ah Meng is hurting, YOU s.l.u.t! Get away from her" Mr Jing grabbed Yi Fei's hand and tried to distance her away from Cheng Xiao Meng.

Yi Fei did not manage to stand up properly so when Mr Jing grabbed her hand, she fell flat on the floor, but Mr Jing did not care about that. He continued dragging Yi Fei on the floor.

Mr Jing had dragged Yi Fei for a few steps until she heard rapid footsteps coming through their way. Before she can turn her head, Yi Fei felt that Mr Jing grabbed on her hand loosened up and Mr Jing fell to the floor.

A pair of unknown hands were on her shoulder to help her to stand. Yi Fei turned around to see the owner of the hands. It was Jason, the new gardener. There was no word to describe how happy Yi Fei was upon seeing that someone had come to save him.

Jason tried to remove the shelf and get Cheng Xiao Meng out from under there. Jason checked to see whether she was still breathing or not. Yi Fei sighed loudly when Jason nodded his head towards Yi Fei to indicate that Cheng Xiao Meng was still breathing.

Jason took out his phone to call the ambulance. After calling the paramedic, Jason braced himself and made another call.

"h.e.l.lo brother Liu s.h.i.+, I caught a bad man… No… I'm sorry, I am careless in my job, he almost gets Miss Yi Fei… Now? He is lying on the floor. Okay… Okay…" Jason gave Yi Fei an apologetic look. He was thankful that there's nothing terrible happened to Yi Fei or else, he wouldn't know what his boss would do to him.

Yi Fei thought that the name Liu s.h.i.+ was very familiar. She was sure that she heard about the name somewhere. Before she could ask Jason, Mr Jing who was lying on the floor started moving. In a flash, Jason kicked him, and Mr Jing fainted – again.

The terror that Yi Fei felt previously was now changed with admiration for Jason.

"Little brother, are you Jackie Chan's disciple? Do you have Kung Fu in the countryside?" Yi Fei's eyes were flas.h.i.+ng with praise.

Seeing that now his cover was blown, Jason didn't see any reason why he should keep any secret from Yi Fei. He didn't know what will happen to him after this since he failed to protect Yi Fei, so this might be his last conversation with Yi Fei.

"My name is Jason; I am working under Mr Wu Chen. I was instructed to be your bodyguard before the culprit was found…" Jason looked down; he was ashamed of himself. "But I fail to protect you. I'm sorry Miss Yi Fei."

When Jason mentioned Wu Chen, Yi Fei was moved. Wu Chen had sent someone to protect her. She went out of the storeroom and dashed to the staffroom to get her phone; she needed to call Wu Chen.

"Fei Fei…"

Yi Fei saw that Wu Chen was walking in a rush.

"Chen Chen" For some reason, Yi Fei wanted to cry when she saw Wu Chen. She ran towards Wu Chen and hugged him.

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