Idiot In Love -18 Chapter 97: Culprit 1

Idiot In Love -

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Yi Fei ran after Cheng Xiao Meng.

She didn't know why but she felt that she needed to go after her. Her gut told her to follow Cheng Xiao Meng.

Maybe it's the guilt she felt for eavesdropping on a private confession, or perhaps because Cheng Xiao Meng was a muse for the main female character in her previous novel that Yi Fei was having some unspoken attachment to her characters.

It didn't matter the reasons why Yi Fei just felt that she needed to see Cheng Xiao Meng.

Yi Fei walked in the direction where Cheng Xiao Meng had run into previously. Towards that direction was the PE store and gymnasium. Yi Fei checked the area surrounding the place to look for Cheng Xiao Meng and found that the door to the PE store was unlocked and it was left ajar.

Cheng Xiao Meng was the teacher in charge of the cheerleader team of Faith Middle School. The cheerleader team always put their pompom, and the other cheerleading stuffs in the PE store, so it was not a weird thing if Yi Fei found Cheng Xiao Meng inside the PE storeroom.

Yi Fei opened the door slowly and entered the room. The storeroom was quite big. The storeroom was twice the size of an average cla.s.sroom.

There were a lot of shelves inside the storeroom. There was a shelf for all kind of b.a.l.l.s and there was a shelf for bats, racquets and a few other shelves for G.o.d knows what items. Each shelf was labelled so it would be easier for people to find the materials that they were looking for when they needed it.

Yi Fei looked at the label from the shelf closest to her. She a.s.sumed that the shelf for the cheerleading stuff must be at the back because miscellaneous things were always kept at the back.

As if to confirm her a.s.sumption, Yi Fei heard a sobbing sound from the shelves at the farthest corner of the storeroom.

If this kind of thing happened in her normal boring day, Yi Fei would have run out of the storeroom the moment she heard the sobbing sound because there's no way that it would end up nicely. It could either be a ghost or some other ent.i.ty she didn't wish to meet in her entire lifetime.

But since she came to the storeroom with a purpose, Yi Fei didn't run. She hardened her heart to check out the sound because just now, she saw that Cheng Xiao Meng was crying.

These few months, Cheng Xiao Meng had been extra sarcastic with her, and she didn't even know why. Yi Fei was not close with Cheng Xiao Meng, nor she wanted to become intimate with her, but as a colleague and fellow teacher, she didn't want to have a bad blood among co-workers.

Yi Fei walked quietly towards the source of the sobbing sound and came face-to-face with a crying Cheng Xiao Meng. Yi Fei didn't know how to announce her arrival, and it would be awkward to suddenly shout 'hey I'm here' out of the blue.

So Yi Fei did what her gut told her to do – she just stood at the side, being useless.

Cheng Xiao Meng was aware of Yi Fei's arrival at the scene, but she ignored her, thinking that Yi Fei would go away if she didn't acknowledge her presence, but to her dismay, Yi Fei didn't leave. Yi Fei was standing at the side quietly with a face she couldn't apprehend.

Tired of ignoring Yi Fei, Cheng Xiao Meng spoke first. "Why are you here?"

A trace of relief could be seen in Yi Fei's eyes. Cheng Xiao Meng took it as pity, so she mocked Yi Fei in her heart for pitying her at the moment when Yi Fei was the sole reason why her love life was in a miserable state.

Yi Fei approached Cheng Xiao Meng who was sitting on the bench. Yi Fei stopped in front of Cheng Xiao Meng and squatted down without saying anything. She squatted down and looked at Cheng Xiao Meng silently.

"Do you think you will gain anything from this? If yes, then you are wrong" Cheng Xiao Meng wiped clean her face and looked at Yi Fei eye-to-eye.

"I'm sorry Miss Meng. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation with Brother Bai, but I swear, I didn't hear much. I just arrived at the door for a few seconds, and then you open the door" Yi Fei chose her word carefully. Yi Fei did not lie. She was there for a moment to hear a few sentences exchanged between Cheng Xiao Meng and Bai Jing Ting.

The things came out from Cheng Xiao Meng's mouth next startled Yi Fei. She didn't know that someone could be spiteful.

"Stop acting like you have such a n.o.ble character. You may appear rather average for a lady, but you will always be a villain in my eyes. YOU ARE IN MY WAY!"

Yi Fei was dumbfounded. It was nothing for her if Cheng Xiao Meng directed her anger towards her but did she had to mention her look too? Yi Fei admitted that for her personal preference, Cheng Xiao Meng was the prettiest teacher in the their school. Even she couldn't compete with Cheng Xiao Meng but what's with the unthoughtful remark?

Yi Fei tried to calm herself; she wanted to ignore the remark of her being average, but Cheng Xiao Meng just wouldn't let it slide.

"Despite the way you look, you could always hang out with him. You can be with him without even trying, and I really hate you for that. Unlike me… Even though I am beautiful, I have to work hard to get his attention."

Being called average and being told that Cheng Xiao Meng hated her was like a double blow for Yi Fei. Yi Fe did not know that being super beautiful was very hard. In this time of need, Yi Fei wondered what she should say to comfort Cheng Xiao Meng.

"Miss Meng, I'm sure Brother Ting likes to hang out with a beautiful lady like you too…not only with an average girl like me."

Cheng Xiao Meng gave Yi Fei a sharp gaze. Yi Fei could feel the chill from that look.

"I know how beautiful I am… but that doesn't matter at all. What's good is it if I'm pretty if he won't fall in love with me?" With tears glistening in her eyes, Cheng Xiao Meng covered her face with both her palms.

"I was positive that I could win if I were to be compared to you because I am so much… so much… so much more… so much more in love with him… but I know he doesn't have his eyes on me. I knew this from the start. I can tell that he doesn't love me because I have always been watching him… And he only had his eyes on…" Cheng Xiao Meng uncovered her face and looked straight into Yi Fei's eyes. Bai Jing ting could go screw himself, she won't tell Yi Fei about his feeling.

With tears rolled down her cheek, Cheng Xiao Meng asked,

"I'll never be enough for him, will I?"

Having to hear such a heartbreaking heart-to-heart talk with Cheng Xiao Meng, Yi Fei was speechless. She opened her mouth to utter something, but then she'll close her mouth back. She was closing and opening her lips like a fish in her mother's aquarium back in her hometown. Yi Fei didn't know how to comfort someone who had her heart completely shattered.

"What is happening here?" While Yi Fei was trying to think of something she should say to Cheng Xiao Meng, another person came into the room – a male.

Upon seeing that Cheng Xiao Meng was crying, the guy walked hurriedly to her side. "Why are you crying? Who made you cry?"

The guy lifted Cheng Xiao Meng's face and wiped her tears. He then looked at Yi Fei who was squatting down in front of them. He looked at Yi Fei with face full of disgust.

"Did this s.l.u.t made you cry?"

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