Idiot In Love -39 Chapter 77: Teasing

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Yi Fei was sitting at her own place when a few students came to her table. The group of students were the one who encountered Wu Chen in the parking lot. They were also part of Yi Fei's dance team at Faith Middle School.

"Miss Fei! Miss Fei! Do you have a boyfriend?" The tallest students in the group came to her table without even greeting Yi Fei. That was how close the students were with Yi Fei.

"Where's your good morning Ah Ran? Good morning to the rest of you. Why are you here?" Yi Fei was busy trying to get over the challenging level in Candy Crush so she spoke quickly.

"Good morning Miss Fei. Just now, there's this handsome guy in the parking lot. He is driving a BMW. A BMW you know… So, he called us over and asked us to hand a bouquet of flower to you; he said that the flower was from Chen Chen but he took it back when we told him that you don't like the flower. Is he your boyfriend, Miss Fei?" The rest of the students chipped in to describe the man in the black BMW. After that, they were waiting patiently for the answer from their beloved Miss Fei.

Yi Fei looked at the students' face and she could see that the students were eager to know the answer because they wanted to gossip. You see, gossip travels faster in school because the students talk among themselves.

Trying to be calm, Yi Fei tried her best to hide her happiness. "Black BMW? I'm not that lucky to know someone who is that rich".

The students looked at each other but there was a ray of doubt in their eyes. "Why not? You're pretty though. Oh! I knew it! You must be waiting for Physician Bai right? His red Audi matches your red G.o.ddess too. Is there anything going on between the two of you? Ehhh... come on, tell us"

By now, the students were getting excited by themselves. Yi Fei did nothing to stop their wildest imagination because she will look even more suspicious if she denied it vehemently. She reprimanded the students to watch out their words and not to spread false rumours.

Cheng Xiao Meng had just arrived at her table when the students were talking to Yi Fei about Bai Jing Ting and Yi Fei but she did hear a little bit about a handsome guy in black BMW. She glared at the students who were swarmed near her table. Upon seeing that Miss Meng was glaring at them, the students stopped their discussion and then, the students went to their respective

"The black BMW, your boyfriend?" Cheng Xiao Meng was smiling but Yi Fei did not have a good feeling upon seeing her smile.

"The kids were just playing" Yi Fei was not lying because she was not sure either. It could be Wu Chen or his secretary who wanted to send the flower to her.

Cheng Xiao Meng asked a few questions about the BMW guy but Yi Fei did not offer her any absolute answer. Yi Fei's answers were mostly 'Okay', 'I don't think so' and 'I am not too sure'. This caused Cheng Xiao Meng to stop asking questions.

Yi Fei had a lot of to teach on Monday so she did not have the habit to check her phone for messages and missed called since she put her phone on silent mode. Yi Fei made a mental reminder to ask Wu Chen about the black BMW but she forgot.

During lunchtime, Bai Jing Ting came to the school cafeteria to eat. In the cafeteria, there was a special section for the teachers and he saw that Yi Fei was the only teacher in that section. He walked happily to approach Yi Fei.

"Fei, are you okay?" Bai Jing Ting was referring to what happened on Friday's night. The night where he saw Wu Chen was standing in front of Yi Fei's house. Bai Jing Ting did text her to ask if she was alright and Yi Fei said that she was alright and she was spending some time with her friend. He did not ask more after that.

"Of course I am. Brother Ting, you can sit here. I am eating alone anyway since NaNa is not around" Yi Fei invited Bai Jing Ting to sit with her.

Bai Jing Ting was glad that Yi Fei seemed alright and by looking at the food on her plate, he was sure that Yi Fei was truly happy because the foods on her plate were enough to feed two persons.

"When will Miss NaNa returning to City L?" Bai Jing Ting sat down the opposite of Yi Fei.

Still munching, Yi Fei tried to think about what NaNa told her. She couldn't really remember so she only shrugged her shoulder before she continued eating the rest of the food on her plate.

The two of them were eating their lunch peacefully and returned to their respective post.

When Yi Fei finished all of her, she rested on her own table and took out her phone. She checked her phone for messages and missed call. She had a few messages from Wu Chen and also NaNa. She was so happy and opened Wu Chen's messages first.

Luke5Chen: Good morning Fei Fei. Did you sleep well last night?

Luke5Chen: Fei Fei, want to have lunch with me?

Luke5Chen: Want to have dinner together later?

All the messages were sent at 8 o'clock, 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock respectively. Yi Fei felt guilty because she totally forgot to check her phone so she typed a fast response.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Sure. What time?

A moment later, her phone was blinking indicating that she had an incoming call. She checked her phone and saw that Wu Chen was calling her.

"h.e.l.lo, Chen Chen. Why are you calling me?" Yi Fei did not expect Wu Chen to call her during working hours because she thought that Wu Chen must be super busy.

"Can't I call my girlfriend? Also, you did not reply to my messages. I miss you" Wu Chen kept on throwing the word 'girlfriend' to Yi Fei.

Yi Fei reddened at the mentioned of the word 'girlfriend' and how blatant was Wu Chen in expressing his feeling; she was not used to it yet so she kept on blus.h.i.+ng.

"I miss you too. I'm just busy today; I have a lot of to teach" Yi Fei lowered her voice when she spoke the first sentence because she was shy.

"I'll pick up my girlfriend at 7 o'clock then" Wu Chen had so much fun teasing his girlfriend. He thought that Yi Fei looked cute when she was embarra.s.sed so he tried to tease her as much as he can. Little did he know that Yi Fei could do the same to him.

"Chen Chen, did you come to my school this morning? With flower?" Yi Fei just remembered about the black BMW when Wu Chen mentioned 7 o'clock because her students mentioned that they saw the black BMW around 7.

The man on the other end of the line was not talking for a moment.

"What are you talking about? I don't know anything about that. I see you later" Wu Chen was actually ashamed of himself. He was about to gift something that Yi Fei dislike this morning. He did not want to trust what the students spoke to him this morning but he thought that it was better if he took some precautions by asking Yi Fei about her likes and dislikes.

Wu Chen was about to hang up on the phone to cover his awkward answer but what happened after that, made him even more fl.u.s.tered.

"Alright, see you. Laters, baby" Yi Fei was imitating Christian Grey. She always wanted to do that but she did not have anyone she could use the line for. Since now that she had a boyfriend, she wanted to try saying it once.

While Yi Fei thought that her 'laters, baby' was harmless, it was different for Wu Chen. Wu Chen thought that the way Yi Fei enunciated each word was very s.e.xy that his mind started wandering on how s.e.xy her lips would be when she was saying that line.

His face was hot; his body started to become hot too after he imagined Yi Fei's s.e.xy lips. He really wanted to kiss her lips but he knew that making a move like that too quickly will scare her away so he could only wait for the right time.

Wu Chen inclined to his chairs and thought that Yi Fei will be the death of him.

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