Idiot In Love -45 Chapter 71: Together

Idiot In Love -

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"…Isn't it about time that we get together now?"

"…time that we get together now?"

"…We get together now?"

"…Together now?"

Wu Chen's words kept on playing on Yi Fei's mind. She was trying to find the main point of those strings of words. Together? Now? We? Wu Chen and Yi Fei?

When he saw that Yi Fei had this blank look on her face, Wu Chen attempted to talk more clearly on the matter he wanted to pursue.

"Chen Chen, can I a.s.sumed that you are confessing to me?" Before Wu Chen could talk, Yi Fei suddenly broke the silence.

"Don't a.s.sume. I like you… No. I am madly in love with you" When Wu Chen looked at Yi Fei, she had a shocked expression on her face like she did not expect that Wu Chen would confess to him – she didn't have a clue of how easy it was to fall in love with her.

"Why?" Yi Fei felt that she was getting hot from all the rolling and now, Wu Chen's confession. She unwrapped the comforter from her body.

There were a lot of things she wanted to ask Wu Chen about them. She doubted that Wu Chen would pick a plain girl like her when he had the entire universe to choose from.

Wu Chen seemed to be able to read whatever was going on in Yi Fei's mind. "Because you are my universe.

The exposed shoulder of Yi Fei seemed to distract Wu Chen a little bit so he took off his denim jacket and draped it onto Yi Fei. Yi Fei complied docilely.

"I fell in love with you without knowing how or from where. I have everything I ever needed but all I can think about it you" Wu Chen took Yi Fei's right hand and held it dearly next to his heart. "Do I have a chance or not?"

Yi Fei was dumbfounded. Everything seemed unreal for her. She lifted up her left hand and then she knocked on her head. She felt pain; it was real. Everything was real.

"Don't doubt me. This is real. So, do I have a chance or not?" Since he confessed, Wu Chen was adamant to get the answer from Yi Fei. He was nervous, to be honest. Yi Fei had been such an unpredictable goofball. He did not dare to have hundred per cent confident that Yi Fei felt the same way towards him.

Everything seemed unreal to Wu Chen too when Yi Fei nodded her head slowly. She did not say anything but she nodded her head. It took sometimes for Wu Chen to comprehend the meaning of the universal body language; nodding head means yes and shaking head means no.

Wu Chen brought her hand to his lips and planted a kiss on the back of her hand. He saw how her eyes lighted up in sparks and he loved every second of it. Then, he remembered, she had not said that she loved him back.

"You still hadn't said it?" Wu Chen pouted.

Yi Fei seemed to be wondering about something. "Are you ready to hear my confession? I am afraid that your heart couldn't take it. I have my way with words. I am a very romantic person"

Wu Chen did not let go of her hand. He was happy; the smart mouth had returned. He shrugged his head as if urging her to say whatever she wanted to say.

"Of everything I have seen, it's you that I want to go on seeing" There was a slight pause before Yi Fei covered her body with the comforter, screamed inside the comforter and rolled on the bed while saying 'arghh so embarra.s.sing'.

Wu Chen laughed at the cute caterpillar who was rolling on the bed. He thought that this was the weirdo that he fell in love with so he needed to get used to her strange and weird charm.

He let her rolled on the bed for some time before he started speaking. "Let me send you back to clean after yourself and then, let's eat lunch together..."

Yi Fei peeked out from her coc.o.o.n. Wu Chen had been waiting for this moment to say his next words.

"First lunch as a couple – boyfriend and girlfriend" Wu Chen smiled mischievously while Yi Fei screamed and hid in the comforter again because she was shy.

It was so much fun for Wu Chen to tease Yi Fei. All the things that he went through last night went pale in comparison with what he felt at the moment. He patted the caterpillar as a sign for her to stop hiding in her coc.o.o.n so that she could come out, cleaned herself and became a beautiful b.u.t.terfly.

Yi Fei emerged from her coc.o.o.n and went to take her stuff on the dressing table without lifting her head to look at Wu Chen. She did not know how she could look at Wu Chen at the moment. She felt as if her heart will burst if she were to look at him now.

Wu Chen and Yi Fei went to Wu Chen's car from the back entrance. It was around 11 o'clock so Yi Fei was famished but she knew that she couldn't go out to eat in this kind of appearance. Now that they had confessed to each other, Y Fei was conscious of how she looked in front of Wu Chen.

Inside the car, Yi Fei looked at herself in the mirror. Wu Chen gave her a side glance and was bracing himself for Yi Fei's scream.

A few seconds later, a loud scream bursting inside the car. Yi Fei screamed because of how ugly she looked at the moment.

Messy hair, messy makeup, panda eyes because her eyeliner melted due to her tears and there were traces of smudged lipstick at the edge of her lips.

"Why didn't you tell me I look ugly" Yi Fei covered her face with her hands.

"Because you don't" Wu Chen spoke matter-of-factly.

"I look like a panda" Yi Fei did not want to show her face to Wu Chen even though it's too late already.

"A cute panda" Wu Chen laughed because Yi Fei compared herself to a panda.

Yi Fei stayed covered with her hands covering her face. Wu Chen thought that no matter what she did, she was cute nonetheless.

A certain someone just woke up from his beautiful dream. When he opened his eyes, he was in a weird place. There was a note on the bed next to him.

"Ask for your stuff from the reception. I am borrowing Yi Fei for the day. Don't disturb us or else – WC"

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