Idiot In Love -51 Chapter 65: Troublesome Duo 1

Idiot In Love -

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Jun Liu was sitting on the stool near the kitchen counter while sipping his morning coffee and reading the newspaper when Wu Chen emerged from his room, looking very grumpy and moody. He knew better not to say anything to Wu Chen when he was in this kind of mood so Jun Liu kept quiet and continued reading his newspaper.

Wu Chen walked aimlessly in the kitchen, distracting Jun Liu from reading so he did not have any other choice. Jun Liu put down his newspaper and looked at his best friend who seemed lost.

"What is it?" As a best friend, Jun Liu knew Wu Chen well. Usually, when Wu Chen had something bothering him, he would be in this kind of mood – grumpy and lost.

Wu Chen sat on the stool next to Jun Liu. With a blank expression on his face, he turned to look at Jun Liu. "Ah Jun, I might do something wrong".

"Well, that's a first. Anything new I should know about?" In his years of knowing Wu Chen, Jun Liu never heard about Wu Chen admitting that he was wrong –because Wu Chen was always right.

Jun Liu respected Wu Chen because Wu Chen was someone who was very rational and firm in making a decision. He was always right, even though sometimes when Jun Liu thought that Wu Chen made a wrong decision, he was still right.

"What should I do? This is my first time…" Wu Chen couldn't sleep well last night because he kept on thinking about how he could explain everything to Yi Fei.

"What have you done actually?" Jun Liu had some ideas of why Wu Chen looked so lost but he still wanted to listen to the whole things before acting as an advisor to his friend.

Wu Chen told him the whole story. From the day Li Wei texted him and until the time she called for help. Jun Liu listened attentively.

After Wu Chen had finished narrating his story, Jun Liu put both his elbow on the kitchen counter.

"So you are saying that you are supposed to accompany Yi Fei to eat the double cheeseburger that she craved since Monday but you bailed out during the last minute to save your ex-girlfriend? Then you left her waiting for a few hours in hunger and then when she called you, you let your ex-girlfriend picked up the phone call. They talked and after that Yi Fei was angry at you?" Jun Liu tried to recap half of the story in his own words.

"Then when you call her back, your former best friend who took your ex-girlfriend from you in university answered her phone – which I guess, he likes Yi Fei too. So you go to her apartment complex and waited for Yi Fei but she didn't want to hear anything from you" Jun Liu continued retelling the story in his own words.

As if his soul had left his body, Wu Chen nodded his head languidly.

"What is the relations.h.i.+p between you and Yi Fei actually? What are you to her? What is she to you?" Jun Liu wanted to ask for more information so that he could a.n.a.lyze the whole situation. Seeing how Wu Chen's face became worst, he knew that he might have hit the sore spot.

Seeing Wu Chen did not talk or respond to his inquiries, Jun Liu continued to offer his piece of mind.

"If I am Yi Fei; if I am in her shoes, I would be angry too. You bailed me out for your ex-girlfriend after you have flirted so badly with me. Of course, I would be angry. Just what did you do with your ex-girlfriend? Why would you let her answer your phone? And also, why would you run off alone? Can't you just bring her along? You running off to your ex must have given her the vibe that you choose your ex over her" Jun Liu had gained some insight into what happened between them.

"Li Wei asked for help. Recently, there were a few raping cases happened around the supermarket area. Li Wei is an orphan. She doesn't have any relatives in City T or City L. She asked for my help, should I turn my ears deaf to a friend who was asking for help?" Wu Chen explained dejectedly.

"I did not bring her along with me because I don't want anything to happen to Fei Fei. I don't want anything bad or anything dangerous happened to her. Previously, I thought that she meant the world to me but I was wrong. She means so much more than that. Even the universe doesn't come close. I want her safe even if it means I have to keep her grounded at home" Wu Chen ran his hand through his messy hair.

"The rapist was following Li Wei and he almost got her but I caught him before he could do anything to Li Wei. When she called, I was inside the police station at that time because they needed my testimony. I left my phone in my jacket. I asked Li Wei to cover herself with my jacket. I don't know what she told Fei Fei but I'm glad I didn't bring her along" Wu Chen looked down; he was tired – so tired.

"Stupid" Jun Liu muttered. "If you really love her that much, what are you doing here?"

Wu Chen looked up to face Jun Liu, he wanted to refute him but Jun Liu continued talking. "I say, she wouldn't feel hurt if she doesn't have any feeling for you. She must be in love with you for her to feel this affected by you and Li Wei".

Wu Chen lighted up upon hearing the phrase 'she must be in love with you' from Jun Liu. Without saying anything or without thanking Jun Liu, Wu Chen stood up and walked hurriedly to his room. He took his phone, searched for NaNa's name and dialled it.

"h.e.l.lo brother, why are you calling me at…" NaNa paused to look at her clock on the table beside her bed, "… 9 o'clock in the morning".

"Where Fei Fei?" Wu Chen asked anxiously.

"You should call her yourself. Why are you calling me? Are you trying to flaunt your lovey-dovey relations.h.i.+p to a forever alone lady like me" NaNa was still groggy when she picked up the phone. She had been sleeping late to finish her preparation for her ComicCon.

"She won't pick up my call; she doesn't want to reply to my messages. Help me check her in her room" Wu Chen did not want to tell much to his cousin. He wanted to apologize to Yi Fei first.

NaNa walked begrudgingly to Yi Fei's room, knocked a few times before she finally walked to the living room because Yi Fei didn't open her door.

There was a sticky note posted on the television in the living room.

"I'm going out with John, he's in City L. I will be back late. Don't wait for me"

NaNa read the message on the note to her cousin brother. She was still in dazed while reading but when she came across the name 'John', suddenly she was wide awake.

"Who's John?" Wu Chen asked. He was helpless. His girl was so popular; there were a lot of guys hanging out around her.

"That is not the main concern for now. We need to save Yi Fei. When it comes to John, there will be alcohol. If Yi Fei and John are drunk, all h.e.l.l breaks loose" NaNa was in panic mode.

She had experienced the drunk John and Yi Fei last year. She was still traumatized by the duo. Let's just say it like this. A drunken Yi Fei was very hard to manage. Imagine there is double drunk Yi Fei, one of them being a handsome tall gay guy, it will be total chaos.

NaNa was wide awake by now. "We need to save the world, brother. Give it all you have and call all the a.s.sistance you can get, you are going to need it.

For some reason, Wu Chen had a bad feeling about this 'John' fella.

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