Idiot In Love -53 Chapter 63: Sadness

Idiot In Love -

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While driving to the nearest McDonald, Yi Fei's phone kept on ringing inside her bag. Being a responsible driver she was, she did not look at her phone. Yi Fei did not have the habit to play with her phone while driving because she thought that it was too dangerous so she let her phone rang until it went quiet.

Yi Fei was hoping that Wu Chen was the person who called her but at the same time, she did not want to have high expectation towards him. He, after all, bailed out on their cheeseburger date to run to his ex-girlfriend.

When thinking about the cheeseburger date, Yi Fei did not know whether she could consider it as a date. Maybe it was her own wishful thinking and Wu Chen might never think the same as her.

Unable to tolerate her curiosity about the caller, Yi Fei pulled over to the side of the road and looked at her phone.

Upon seeing the caller, Yi Fei sighed in disappointment. Just what did she expect from Wu Chen?

She then pressed the call b.u.t.ton to call back the person who called her previously. She took a deep breath and concealed all traces of disappointment from her voice.

"h.e.l.lo, Brother Ting. Why did you call me just now? Sorry, I was driving and I couldn't pick up your call" Even though Yi Fei was disappointed that it wasn't Wu Chen who called her, she was also curious of the reason Bai Jing Ting called her at night.

"Driving? Where to? Alone?" Bai Jing Ting knew that Yi Fei did not really go out at night by herself.

"Yes ar… I'm hungry so I am going to eat a double cheeseburger. NaNa is on diet so I have to go alone" Yi Fei was quite sad that she was alone but the thought of eating a double cheeseburger made her determined to go out alone at night.

"What a coincident. I am craving some fast food and I am about to go out to eat too. I call you to invite you out. So I guess I'll see you there?" Bai Jing Ting thought that his chance had finally come.

"Okay, see you there," Yi Fei said cheerfully.

Frankly, Yi Fei was thankful to Bai Jing Ting for calling her at the moment when she needed someone the most. She doubted herself that she will talk about Wu Chen while eating with Bai Jing Ting but at least she will have a company to eat cheeseburger together.

Yi Fei arrived first at the McDonald. She entered the restaurant and sat at the table near the window. Bai Jing Ting came not long after that and joined Yi Fei at the table.

Bai Jing Ting looked at Yi Fei thoroughly and he felt that Yi Fei looked exceptionally beautiful tonight. She became more beautiful each time he looked at her. His only regret was that tonight Yi Fei did not dress up to impress him. So he had a wistful smile on his face.

"Brother Ting, what do you want? I'll go order at the counter" Yi Fei stood up.

Yi Fei was smiling and being cheerful like how she always did but Bai Jing Ting couldn't help but wondered if she did feel a bit remorseful that he was here instead of Wu Chen. Bai Jing Ting stood up and asked Yi Fei to sit down before saying that he'll buy her food.

"I'm glad you are here. Let's eat a double cheeseburger together" Yi Fei spoke before Bai Jing Ting went to the counter to order their food.

The truth was, it was not a coincidence at all. Bai Jing Ting had received a message from Li Wei so he had prior knowledge that she wanted to eat a cheeseburger. Her message went on like this -

"Time to go and coax the girl you like. I'm with Chen. She called Chen's phone and I answered just now. She talked about a cheeseburger. She must be sad now. Your chance is here"

Bai Jing Ting never said that he will work together with Li Wei but he believed that everyone had the same chance in love. Since Yi Fei and Wu Chen were not officially together, everyone still had a chance.

Also, he did not know how Wu Chen ended up together with Li Wei at the time he read the message from Li Wei but if Wu Chen still had feeling towards Li Wei, it will be a good thing – at least for Bai Jing Ting and Li Wei.

Bai Jing Ting brought the tray of food towards their table and he could see that Yi Fei's eyes light up when she saw the double cheeseburger. It was such a beautiful sight to behold. Bai Jing Ting wanted to be the reason her eyes lighted out every day. He spoke to her in his heart – 'I'll do anything for you if you just let me'.

The two of them ate their food happily. Even though Yi Fei was smiling happily, Bai Jing Ting felt that there was something off about her but he couldn't pinpoint the real issue.

Yi Fei excused herself to go to the washroom because she got indigestion. Before she walked towards the washroom, she joked that Bai Jing Ting must protect their base and put himself on the front line to guard her belonging and their provision.

Bai Jing Ting laughed and sighed at the same time. Maybe he was over thinking the whole situation and thought that if Yi Fei could joke around, she must be alright.

While Yi Fei was in the washroom, her phone rang and Bai Jing Ting saw the id of the caller – Chen Chen. He let the phone rang until it stopped. The next second, the phone rang again causing him to be annoyed. So he picked up the call.

"Fei Fei, where are you?" Bai Jing Ting could feel a sense of distress in Wu Chen's voice.

"She couldn't answer the phone right now" Bai Jing Ting did not lie. Yi Fei was in the washroom so she really couldn't answer her phone.

"Bai Jing Ting… Why are you with Yi Fei? Where are you now?" Wu Chen paused slightly after he identified the person who picked up the phone was Bai Jing Ting. Wu Chen spoke in a very cold voice.

"Why? Yi Fei is my friend. Can't I hang out with her?" Even though Bai Jing Ting was happy that he could spend time with Yi Fei, he was angry at Wu Chen for disappointing Yi Fei.

"Where are you? Where is Yi Fei?" Wu Chen was angry, he raised his voice.

"Don't you think your hands are full already? If you already choose to go to another woman, don't go dragging Fei into your life. She is way too good for this" There were so much that Bai Jing Ting wanted to say to him but he saw that Yi Fei was approaching him so he stopped talking.

Bai Jing Ting mouthed 'Wu Chen' before handing her the phone. Yi Fei took the phone.

"h.e.l.lo, Chen Chen. Yes… Mm… No need to apologize, it's not your fault... I had it with Brother Ting already. You should go back and rest… No, I don't blame you, really. Good night" Yi Fei spoke calmly to her phone and put her phone back to her bag after she had finished talking.

"Brother Ting, is there any place where we can watch the stars at night?" Yi Fei asked out of blue.

Bai Jing Tin nodded. They went out of the fast food restaurant and before Yi Fei could walk to her car, Bai Jing Ting grabbed her wrist. "I'll drive. It would be dangerous for you to drive at night" Yi Fei nodded and followed him to his car.

The place where they were going for stargazing was just at the beach near the jetty of City L. Yi Fei went out of the car and leaned on the front b.u.mper of Bai Jing Ting's car. The weather was nice and there were a lot of stars can be seen in the sky.

She was quiet. Bai Jing Ting wondered what would be on her mind when she was quietly gazing at the million stars in the night sky.

"The stars are so beautiful" Her eyes were gazing at the sky. There were tiny lights reflected in her eyes.

"Some people are exactly like the stars… I couldn't reach them… I couldn't feel them when I wanted to… I can only admire them" Sadness could be heard in her voice.

Bai Jing Ting stared at Yi Fei silently. His heart ached when he heard how sad she was. He was not used to seeing sad Yi Fei; only the happy Yi Fei. He took Yi Fei's right hand and put it on his cheek.

"Then forget about him – your star. Reach out for me, feel me if you want to. Admire me all you want, I will always be here for you. Just like this – I will always wait for you just like this.

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