Idiot In Love -60 Chapter 56: Ghost Story

Idiot In Love -

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After Yi Fei snapped a picture of Wu Chen, she called NaNa and Jun Liu to start their dinner. Wu Chen who still wanted to be alone with Yi Fei was helpless but he complied anyway since he was hungry as well.

Yi Fei sat next to Wu Chen; meanwhile, NaNa and Jun Liu sat the opposite of them. The situation looked like two couples were having a dinner together.

"Why does it feel like you two are the host and the two of us are guests?" NaNa blurted her thought while eating because Yi Fei kept on serving them like she was the owner if the house.

Jun Liu gave NaNa a side glance just to check whether she was really curious or if she just wanted to make a conversation. Seeing how NaNa was curious, he looked at the pair in front of them.

Jun Liu was astonished because his friend, Wu Chen, who was always cold and indifference towards the opposite s.e.x was now having such an idiot smile on his face. He could see how whipped Wu Chen was towards the short lady. The short lady, on the other hand, did not show any obvious sign; she just smiled.

"Oh, I'm Yi Fei. NaNa's housemate" After some time, Yi Fei remembered that she had not introduced herself to Jun Liu. She extended her hand to him.

"I'm Jun Liu, Wu Chen's friend" Jun Liu wanted to shake hand with Yi Fei. Before he could reach Yi Fei's hand, Wu Chen shook his hand on behalf of Yi Fei.

"We should keep distance between the opposite genders" Wu Chen spoke nonchalantly.

Yi Fei laughed when she saw Wu Chen shook his hand with Jun Liu. Jun Liu twitched his lips. He felt that Wu Chen just did not want him to touch Yi Fei. Wu Chen clearly saw him grabbing NaNa's wrist just a while ago but Wu Chen did not say anything about it.

After they finished eating, NaNa pulled Jun Liu over to the kitchen sink to do the cleanup. NaNa asked both Yi Fei and Wu Chen to rest in the living room.

"Is this considered as giving them some free time too?" Jun Liu was really curious about the motive behind NaNa's action. She said that she will do the cleanup but her head kept on turning to the back, trying to hear the conversation between Wu Chen and Yi Fei.

"No, I pulled you over because I want to do the dishes with a handsome guy" NaNa looked at Jun Liu with mocking expression. "Of course to give them some quality time together. Why do you think I am volunteering to do the dishes? As a tribute?" NaNa turned her head with a focused expression.

Jun Liu felt that it must be tiring to hang out with someone like NaNa so he made a mental reminder not to hang around her too much during his time in City L. Little did he know how wrong he was.

In the living room, Yi Fei asked Wu Chen to bring out the Dugtrio she gifted to him as a token of apology while they went shopping in City T. When Wu Chen asked about the reason why she asked for the cactus, Yi Fei only giggled without saying anything.

Wu Chen retrieved the cactus from his room. At the same time, he retrieved the poetry book left by Yi Fei last time. When he came back into the living room, NaNa and Jun Liu were done with the dishes and now seating on the sofa.

"Okay now since all of us are here, let's start our game," Yi Fei said excitedly. She instructed all of them to sit in a circle on the floor. Yi Fei and Wu Chen sat next to each other again. Making NaNa smiled widely.

"This is not a camping trip…" Jun Liu wanted to protest. He did not want to play games, he just wanted to rest but before he could speak further, Wu Chen gave him a stern look as if warning him that 'if my girl said we are going to play games, and then we are going to play games'.

"Fei Fei, what games are we trying to play?" Wu Chen was looking at Yi Fei so lovingly that it made Jun Liu cringed at his friend's unusual behaviour.

"Oh, it wasn't really a game though. We are going to take the turn to tell a scary story, whoever screams first will have to be punished" Yi Fei took out a candle and a matchstick from a plastic bag. She then lights the candle.

"I am going to switch off the lights to set the mood" Yi Fei wanted to stand up to go and switch off the lights but Wu Chen grabbed her hand, asked her to sit down and he went to switch off the lights.

When Jun Liu saw Wu Chen's att.i.tude towards Yi Fei, he snorted. So much for his 'we need to keep distance between the opposite genders'.

After the lights had been switched off, the room was dimmed with only light from the candle to illuminate the whole living room. Yi Fei asked for the Dugtrio from Wu Chen and Wu Chen handed it over to her.

"Yi Fei, what are doing with the cactus" NaNa was curious about the cactus.

"I read somewhere on the internet that cactus can ward off evil spirit from entering your house. So I am going to hold onto Dugtrio so that I won't lose" Yi Fei held into the cactus pot securely as if her life depended on it.

Upon hearing that, NaNa scooted over next to Yi Fei to get close to the cactus too. NaNa was not fond of the dark. Jun Liu who was sitting next to NaNa was sure that Yi Fei made that up. He never heard anything about cactus being able to ward off evil spirit. He felt that the two women in front of him were too weird.

He did not know how Wu Chen could tolerate them. When he looked at Wu Chen, he could see that Wu Chen had this amused look on his face. Jun Liu sighed. It seemed as if he was the only normal person in the house after all.

"I am going to start first" Yi Fei straightened her back before she spoke in a tone used for storytelling. She was good in this because she always trained her students for storytelling compet.i.tion in school.

"This is a true story happened to a friend of a friend of mine. This apartment complex used to be an old cemetery before it was developed into the apartment complex that we have now" Yi Fei's tone was full of suspense. The other three immediately got hooked by her story.

"Rumour has it that while constructing this apartment complex, there was only one death occurred and it was not even the death of a construction worker" Yi Fei continued her story.

"Then who was it?" The impatient NaNa asked.

"They said, it was the wife of one of the construction worker" Yi Fei held the Dugtrio securely. "A young pregnant woman of eight months wanted to send a lunchbox full of love to her husband who was one of the construction workers at that time. The woman was walking slowly before the chain of the crane used to transport brick snapped above her. She died on the spot" Yi Fei whispered the last sentence.

"That worker received a huge money for compensation of course; but after the opening of this apartment complex, the first few months, the residents here were scared to death" By now, the three of them were very quiet.

"At certain night, in certain month believed to be the month when the woman died, at a certain time which I don't know when - the residents of this apartment complex will hear a loud knocking on their door. When they opened the door, they will see a young woman in white who was crying sadly. The woman will ask 'do you know where my baby is?'" The light from the candle flickered.

"You need to answer her 'I saw your baby next door' and then the woman will disappear. If you answer 'I don't know' or any other answer than the first one I told you, the woman in white will turn to show you the big hole on her back and before you know it, she was already in front of you; choking you to death for not knowing where her baby is" Suddenly the light from the candle went out.

"Arghhhh" a long and loud scream could be heard from both the ladies in the house.

This could be very annoying to some people but Wu Chen was very happy with the turn of event because Yi Fei was hugging him securely without the intention of letting go. He did not even try to find the matchstick to light the candle. He wanted to stay like this forever.

Out of blue, a soft knock could be heard from their door. The screaming NaNa and Yi Fei were frozen. The timing was too fitting. Wu Chen wanted to open the door.

"Don't open the door" Yi Fei clung to Wu Chen, preventing him from standing. Wu Chen patted her head saying that it will be alright.

"Remember, you need to say 'I saw your baby next door'. You need to say that okay?" Wu Chen stood up and Yi Fei did not let go of him. Instead, she clung herself to Wu Chen, making Wu Chen dragged her to the door. Yi Fei muttered incoherently. Wu Chen chuckled and opened the door.

"Are you okay sir? I am on my hourly round and I heard screaming from your house. Your house blacked out?" A security in his forty stood outside the door. Wu Chen a.s.sured the security that they were alright and they were just telling a ghost story. The security guard nodded his head and continued with his job.

Wu Chen switched on the lights to see the short Yi Fei stuck to her like glue. He patted her head and immediately felt a sense of loss because she let go of him.

Wu Chen turned to NaNa and Jun Liu's direction to see a very rare sight of Jun Liu's red face. NaNa was on top of him, hugging him and did not intend to let go.

Yi Fei laughed at the pair. "NaNa, you're a scaredy cat". NaNa let go of Jun Liu, tears streaming down her eyes.

Wu Chen was helpless. He knocked Yi Fei's head lightly. "You are a scaredy cat too. Behave"

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