Idiot In Love -70 Chapter 46: Stop Teasing

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Yi Fei's face flushed in scarlet when she heard Wu Chen's compliment about her. She did not say anything but walked out of the house first due to shyness.

Yi Fei walked to the parking lot and waited for Wu Chen who was 5 steps behind her. She had learnt her lesson about driving a car when she was together with Wu Chen. He will never let her drive after their trips from City T.

Wu Chen approached her and pointed at the black Lexus RX350 parked at Yi Fei's parking lot. He was happy to see Yi Fei's getting all red because of him. Her smile restored his previous shattered self-confidence.

"Eh… that's the car I previously honked but a guy who wore dark big sungla.s.s emerged from it" Yi Fei turned to Wu Chen with a quizzical look. "That was you right?" Yi Fei gave him a probing look.

"Yes, that's my car" He did not really want to lie to her.

"I knew it. There's only one car like yours in City L. It should be you" Yi Fei walked towards the car confidently but after a few steps, she stopped. "So it means that I felt embarra.s.sed for nothing?" She turned her back to face Wu Chen. There was a trace of dissatisfaction in her expression.

"No need to feel embarra.s.sed. You just miss me, there's nothing embarra.s.sing about that" Wu Chen walked by and unlocked his car. Yi Fei was right at his back.

Wu Chen entered his car and started the engine. Yi Fei sat beside him and fastened her seatbelt.

After the car had moved for a few kilometres, Yi Fei suddenly remembered that they were supposed to eat spicy poached fish. The problem was Yi Fei did not know any good place to eat spicy poached fish.

"Chen Chen, I have something to tell you" Yi Fei was fidgeting on her seat and she looked at him shyly. Upon hearing that Yi Fei had something to tell him, Wu Chen's heart raced. He remembered that he did not do much to woo her yet. It should not be a confession, right?

"Okay" Wu Chen pretended to be unperturbed but the truth was, his heart was beating very fast.

"Actually I…" Yi Fei kept on looking at him with a hint of innocence in her eyes.

"Go on" Wu Chen gave her a quick glance. The more Yi Fei delayed the thing she wanted to tell him, the more his heart suffered.

"Actually, I don't know any good place to eat spicy poached fish. I never eat it outside. If I want to eat it, I will cook it myself" Yi Fei looked down, afraid that Wu Chen will be disappointed in her. She thought that Wu Chen might really crave for it since he mentioned it a few times. She felt bad for not being able to accompany him to eat the food he craved.

Wu Chen stepped on the brake impulsively and the Yi Fei jerked to the front. Wu Chen then parked the car on the side of the road. He was speechless. He couldn't believe himself that he actually thought that Yi Fei might want to confess to him.

He looked at the lady in front of him. Yi Fei bowed her head in silence.

"Fei Fei, look at me" Wu Chen felt that he had been disappointed a lot for today.

Yi Fei looked at Wu Chen who was already staring at her. She wanted to look down but Wu Chen held her chin, preventing her from doing so. Wu Chen inhaled a big breath.

"Fei Fei, stop teasing me too much. I won't play nice anymore if you keep on teasing me" Wu Chen was almost at the end of his patience. He had received a few blows to his pride just for today. He couldn't let Yi Fei teased him like this anymore.

Wu Chen leaned closer to Yi Fei as if challenging her to tease him some more. The light from the street lights illuminate the heavily tinted windows of Wu Chen's car, making Yi Fei's eyes gleam brilliantly.

The sight was too enticing. Wu Chen moved his gaze from her eyes and stopped at her lips. He thought that her full lips looked good on him if they could just get together at the moment. He leaned forwards, inching closer to Yi Fei but his action stopped last minute by Yi Fei's words.

"But it's true though. I don't know any good place that served spicy poached fish. I'm not teasing you about this" In this quiet moment, Yi Fei remained composed making Wu Chen jolted awake from his reverie.

In this story of him trying to court her, Yi Fei was always one page behind him because she kept on jumping pages. Wu Chen concluded that he needed an enormous amount of patience to wait for her to finally be on the same page as him.

"I know" Wu Chen exhaled. He did not realize that he had been holding his breath all the way while he looked at Yi Fei. "I know a place for that. Don't be guilty about it" Wu Chen brushed her lips with his thumb and gave her a sweet smile before continuing their journey for food hunting.

Yi Fei looked at the side profile of Wu Chen. She had this feeling that she was not on the same page with Wu Chen and Wu Chen was talking about something else when he mentioned the teasing. Especially the way he looked at her lips, his eyes were full of – l.u.s.t?

Yi Fei had a sudden epiphany. She seemed to realize Wu Chen's intention when he looked at her lips. Yi Fei covered her lips with her hands and then covered her whole face a few seconds later. She was fretting on her seat because her heart was beating too fast and it was too hard for her to handle as if her heart will jump out of her chest.

Wu Chen gave a side glance to the lady who was fidgeting beside him. He smirked because he knew that realization must have kicked in on Yi Fei. He knew that Yi Fei must be affected in any way by his previous action. He could not be the only one affected by Yi Fei.

He thought that two can play the game.

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