Idiot In Love -80 Chapter 36: Seduction Game – Wu Chen

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While on the way back to their house, NaNa tried to pry for information from Yi Fei. For Bai Jing Ting to smile happily like that, something good must have happened to her.

"Yi Fei, what did you talk about with Brother Ting? Both of you looked happy. Do you mind sharing some with me?" NaNa was a professional gossiper, she could dig everything.

"He invited me to go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park" Yi Fei felt that she had nothing to hide from NaNa so she told her everything.

"He gave you chocolate and then you need to pay him for that? Yi Fei, what are you? Are you a glutton? How come you are repaying chocolate with a date?" NaNa was frustrated.

Yi Fei looked at NaNa as if NaNa grew a horn on her head. Yi Fei did not know where NaNa got the idea of Bai Jing Ting asking her to go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park on a date.

"Hey! It is not a date okay. We only go out because he was bored" Yi Fei sincerely thought that it was not a date. If Bai Jing Ting heard what she just said to NaNa, he might faint on the spot.

NaNa fished out her phone from her handbag and opened her QQ. She was typing so furiously.

Princess NaNa Misaki: Hot story! Hot story!

After ten minutes, NaNa was yet to receive a reply from Wu Chen. NaNa had already reached her room but her message left unanswered. So, she went for an even stronger move.

Princess NaNa Misaki: Bai Jing Ting and Yi Fei are going for a date this

In an instant, she received a reply from Wu Chen.

Luke5Chen: ????

Princess NaNa Misaki: I saw them talking just now. Bai Jing Ting gave Yi Fei this expensive chocolate so Yi Fei was going for a date at the amus.e.m.e.nt park to repay him.

After that, Wu Chen stopped replying to her message in QQ. She hoped that her brother could do something about it or else, Bai Jing Ting will win Yi Fei's heart.

In City K, Wu Chen was buried in a mountain of doc.u.ments. He needed to finish up everything before he could fly to City L. When he received the message from NaNa, he planned on ignoring her because he thought that she sent the message just to gossip about something with him.

What he did not expect was, Bai Jing Ting was very quick in his approach. He went back to City K for a few days only and Bai Jing Ting had already asked her to go out on a date. Wu Chen thought that he needed to do something about it. He opened his QQ and started typing.

Luke5Chen: Fei Fei

He got an instant reply this time.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Chen Chen ^_^

Wu Chen still could not get used to his new nickname from Yi Fei. But since Yi Fei liked it so much, he was going to tolerate it.

Luke5Chen: Your poetry book. It was inside my apartment in City L.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Don't worry about it. You can return it next time.

Wu Chen was trying to think of a topic so he took his time replying to Yi Fei's message. While thinking, Yi Fei sent him another message.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Chen Chen, what are you doing?

Luke5Chen: Signing some doc.u.ments. You?

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Just lying on my bed… Poor you. Right after you went back, you need to do work straightaway.

Luke5Chen: Yes, I'm so tired. I need some time off. I need to go somewhere.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Where are you going? You are not going somewhere suspicious right?

Luke5Chen: Where do you think I am going?

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: I don't know… maybe nightclub, with a lot of s.e.xy vixens.

Wu Chen laughed when Yi Fei mentioned 's.e.xy vixen'. So, she used that kind of words too.

Luke5Chen: Are you going to be angry if I go to that kind of place?

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Well, that's your personal taste ar… I don't have a say in that.

Luke5Chen: If you don't like it, I won't go.

A phone fell on Yi Fei's face. She did not know what to think about that sentence. As a language teacher, Yi Fei tried to a.n.a.lyze the sentence pattern and what could be the meaning behind it. Wu Chen, on the other line, smiled lovingly. He knew that Yi Fei must be confused again. He remembered NaNa said that Yi Fei will go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park with Bai Jing Ting.

Luke5Chen: I won't go there. I feel like going to the amus.e.m.e.nt park. It has been a long time since I step into one.

G.o.ddess Unicorn Fei: What a coincidence ar… I will go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park this weekend. If you are here, you can go with us.

Luke5Chen: What do you mean by us?

Wu Chen knew but he pretended as if he didn't.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: I'm going with Brother Bai.

Luke5Chen: Oh… A date. Ruining someone's date does not exist in my dictionary.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: What date ar? It's not a date. We only go there because Brother Bai was bored.

Luke5Chen: I thought he almost becomes your boyfriend

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: No ar...We are only a good friend. He was like a brother to me

Luke5Chen: That's good. He should stay being your brother

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: What do you mean?

Luke5Chen: Only one of us could be your brother and that won't be me.

Luke5Chen: Need to go now. I have a meeting. See you soon.

Yi Fei reread the messages for a few times. Wu Chen kept on saying 'I'll see you soon' but she did not really understand what he meant by that. Was he coming back to City L?

A warm feeling arose in her heart when she thought of Wu Chen coming back to City L. But she kept her feeling under control so that she won't be too disappointed when he did not return.

Since Wu Chen mentioned that he wanted to go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park, Yi Fei started fantasizing about how it would be if she went to the amus.e.m.e.nt park with Wu Chen. Her face reddened at the innocent thought. In a small voice, she whispered:

"I hope I can see you soon too".

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