Idiot In Love -82 Chapter 34: Good News

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Jun Liu stayed overnight at the Wu Hotel. He had just finished showering when his phone rang. He looked at the caller – Wu Chen.

"Tell me good news" Without h.e.l.lo or any greeting, Wu Chen went down to the point.

"Two weeks. Give me two weeks to prepare everything" Jun Liu was used to the way Wu Chen conducted his business. Ruthless as always.

"One week. No more no less" Wu Chen was eager to go back to City L.

"You're not giving me any choice, aren't you? This is not a simple matter. I have a lot to prepare. I need to prepare my living arrangement there" Wu Courtyard was the biggest project he had, in order to ensure that everything was fine, Jun Liu needed to stay in City L for few months to monitor the progress.

If he was given the chance to stay or not to stay in City L, Jun Liu would choose not to stay. It was not as if he disliked the place but most of his works were in City K.

"You can stay at one of the houses in my apartment complex. Wu Group owned it" Wu Chen did not leave any room for discussion.

"It's a woman, right?" Jun Liu remembered the scene he witnessed in the airport this afternoon.

Jun Liu knew that Wu Chen did not a.s.sociate himself with women. The last time he saw Wu Chen with a woman was when they were at the university. At that time, he did not really know Wu Chen that well. He remembered Wu Chen's face because both he and Wu Chen were frequenters at the university's library.

Wu Chen had his own little group of friend. Jun Liu always saw him going out with a woman and another popular guy at the university. Jun Liu suspected that the woman was Wu Chen's girlfriend at that time but he did not have any proof because he only saw Wu Chen and the woman from afar, and he was not friendly with Wu Chen at that time yet.

Strangely after some time, Wu Chen stopped seeing the woman and he began spending more of his time in the university's library. That was where Jun Liu and Wu Chen became an acquaintance and then became a good friend.

"I was strolling at the airport at that time when I saw you. You hugged a girl" Sensing that Wu Chen did not reply to his previous question, Jun Liu added another remark. "Can't believe you are so generous to give away your car for a girl".

"If you have so much time caring about my personal life, then you have time to start the construction earlier" Wu Chen did not want to answer Jun Liu's provoking question.

"Fine. Fine. I'll stop probing but Brother, I still need two weeks. Formalities" Jun Liu rested his case. It won't do him any good if he kept on offending Wu Chen anyway.

Wu Chen was sitting at his work table when his mom knocked and entered his room without his permission. His mother had the habit of sending him snacks whenever he was studying or working since his teenage years. It didn't change up until now and Wu Chen was quite satisfied with it.

"When you came home this afternoon, I really want to ask you something" His mom started speaking. Seeing that Wu Chen nodded his head, his mom continued on asking with a glint in her eyes.

"So, where is my future daughter in law? I did tell you to bring her back this weekend, right? How come she was not with you?" Wu Chen shook his head. Here we go again.

"Mom, I told you that our relations.h.i.+p wasn't like that" Dealing with his mother last time gave him a headache and now his mother had brought up the topic again.

"Then, what was it then if it's not like that?" Mother was not satisfied.

"Where's dad? I need to talk about something to him" Wu Chen did not want to answer the question from his mother.

"Don't you try to change the topic, answer me now" He did not know what his mother expect from him.

"Mom, don't you want a daughter in law? I have something to discuss with dad. Whether you can have your daughter in law or not will depend on dad's permission on the matter that I want to discuss with him" Wu Chen laid the bait.

His mother took the bait, went out from his room quickly with s.h.i.+ning eyes as if she had heard the juiciest gossip of the century. In a sense, Wu Chen thought that his mother and NaNa was too similar. Wu Chen looked at the retreating back and muttered "gossiper".

A few minutes later, his father knocked on his door. His father asked him to come to his study. Wu Chen knew that his mother must have said something to his father. When both of them were seated, Wu Chun Yang asked his son to go on with whatever thing he needed to discuss.

"I want to be the one in charge for Wu Courtyard" Wu Chen went directly to the point. There is a sheer hesitation in his father's eyes.

"Chen, this is a big matter for us. Wu Courtyard will be our breakthrough in the hospitality industry. We need to be very careful in that" Wu Chun Yang put a great emphasis on the construction of Wu Courtyard.

"I understand that. That's why I will stay in City L to monitor the progress myself to ensure that everything goes according to our plan" Wu Chen understood his father's concern about the project but he did not plan on failing in anything. He was a hundred per cent sure that he could do a very good job for Wu Courtyard.

The father and son duo discussed for some time and Wu Chun Yang was still hesitant to hand over the project to his son. A certain someone was standing outside the study, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation inside the study.

After some time and she still did not hear that her husband had given his permission to her son, she became impatient and intruded upon the study.

"Aiya, Ah Chun you should just say yes to Chen. Don't you trust your own son? I told you already, this matter will determine whether we can have our grandchildren earlier or not. Just say yes ar…" After saying all that, mother sent a wink to Wu Chen.

Reluctantly, Wu Chen's dad gave him the permission to be the one in charge for Wu Courtyard. He, indeed, wanted to have grandchildren to play with too.

Wu Chen went out from his father's study with a wide smile on his face. When he reached his room, he took his phone, lay on the bed and opened his QQ. He started typing.

Luke5Chen: Fei Fei, are you asleep?

Wu Chen looked at the clock on his wall – 9.30 P.M. After sometimes, he got a reply.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Not yet

Luke5Chen: What are you doing?

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Watching my Roronoa Zoro

Wu Chen realized that it took sometimes for Yi Fei to reply to his chat. He did not know who Roronoa Zoro was but he was sure that Yi Fei must like Roronoa Zoro a lot. That was why she was slow in replying to his chat. Wu Chen wanted to chat a bit more with Yi Fey so he used his ultimate move.

Luke5Chen: My mom wants to meet you

And true to his expectation, he got an instant reply from Yi Fei.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Why tho?

Luke5Chen: She saw the video of you proposing to me inside the supermarket

Luke5Chen: She thought that you are cool so she wanted to meet you. She is your fan now.

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Hehe, I know I'm cool. I think I am the only one who could do that in a nick of time. Your mother has good eyes ar…

Luke5Chen: I'll bring you to see my mother next time. Is that okay with you?

Unicorn G.o.ddess Fei: Alright

Wu Chen bid her goodnight before he got ready for bed. He had a devious smile plastered on his face. Without knowing, Yi Fei had fallen into his trap. She didn't know that she'll be meeting his mother as his girlfriend.

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