Idiot In Love -85 Chapter 31: Love Experience

Idiot In Love -

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Her thought was in disarray. When she thought of what happened previously, her hearts will beat chaotically.

"Do I have a chance or not?"

"Do I have a chance or not?"

"Do I have a chance or not?"

The question kept on repeating in her mind. What answer did he expect from her?

Yi Fei put the knife on the chopping board and fished out her mobile phone from the pocket of her cute ap.r.o.n. Then, she opened the search engine and typed 'how to know whether the guy likes you or not'.

Yi Fei read swiftly and after some time, she froze. Could it be that Wu Chen was interested in her?

She was very happy after reading from the internet. Well, this was the first time that such a handsome guy might be interested in her so she felt very accomplished since she was quite interested in him too. But this time, she wanted to be very careful and did not want to think so much about it until he spelt it out for her.

The truth was, she could sense when people were interested or paid extra attention to her. She just did not want to think much about it due to her experience in confessing. It was true that she did not have any experience of being in a relations.h.i.+p but it did not mean that she was not interested in having a boyfriend; she wanted to. She did not want to be forever alone too.

Her mom kept on asking her to bring a guy home for the new year every single year since 5 years ago but how could she brought one home when she did not even have any? Yi Fei started to think that her love life was so pathetic.

Back in middle school, Yi Fei had a crush on an older skinny boy who lived two blocks away from her. They went to school together and Yi Fei was really infatuated with him. She did all she could to stick with him and he never pushed her away. He patted her head and praised her from time to time.

According to the romance books she had read, those gestures were done when someone was interested in that person. So Yi Fei carelessly thought that the boy had fallen in love with her. When she wanted to confess her love towards the boy, she found out that the boy had a girlfriend and he only thought of her as a sister.

In high school, Yi Fei had a crush on the president of the book club. They always spent time together during club activities. He will recommend her a lot of books to read and she will do the same. He treated her so well that she thought that he was interested in her. She was so in love with her senior at that time that she actually confessed to him. Her senior kindly rejected her by saying that he only thought of her as a little sister.

University year was her last straw. She met a handsome guy, her course mate, in the language faculty. They became friends right away. They were always together wherever they go. Her other course mates in the language faculty were aware of his attentiveness towards her. They were being dubbed the language power couple and never did the guy refuted or declined the notion so Yi Fei was convinced that this time, the course mate really liked her.

At that time, Yi Fei took her time to plan her confession towards the guy but before she could proceed with her plan, that guy friend came to her in tears because he had broken up with his boyfriend. Oh boy, how Yi Fei was shocked at that time because it was her first time involving herself with a gay guy.

For some reasons, she did not feel very sad. She gave him moral support and found out later on that the guy thought of her as her best friend c.u.m sister he never had.

So, all the guys she was interested in, thought of her as their sister. She felt very distressed at that time and searched a lot of things on how to get out from the sister zoned.

She found out a lot of things from people's blog. One of them was the floral baths. The person who wrote the blog entry said that the floral baths will help to cleanse all the bad luck in her. Yi Fei tried that flower bath ritual. She took all the blooming flowers in her mother's nursery to make it. The result was, she was scolded by her mother right after she had the flower bath because she plucked all the pretty ones. So she thought that it didn't really cleanse her bad luck then.

The second way she tried was reversed role. The person who wrote the entry claimed that she studied psychology so she knew that people tend to behave according to certain patterns. Since all of the guys she was interested in, thought of her as a sister, and then Yi Fei should treat the other guys that she was interested in like a brother. To reverse the role will make the other party interested in her or so the blog entry claimed.

Yi Fei thought that she did not lose anything by trying so she did. But did not know whether it worked or not. She was tired of thinking about love so she decided that she wouldn't make any a.s.sumption that a guy was interested in her just because they were kind to her.

Yi Fei decided that until the guy himself came to him and confessed that he loves her, and then only she will consider her feeling towards him - Because over thinking about feeling or something that had not happened yet was like waiting for the rain during the draught season; useless and disappointing.

Yi Fei was infatuated with Wu Chen, that's for sure. It was easy to be mesmerized by him. What can't you like about him? Rich, handsome and tall. Women liked this kind of guy.

For the first time in her life, a guy did not want to be a brother to her. Yi Fei was hopeful but she should keep herself under control and do not rushed in thinking about things. Unless Wu Chen said it out loud to herself that he was in love with her, until then, she was going to treat the previous event like they were playing around.

Yi Fei calmed herself and chanted 'act like normal' 3 times. Then, she proceeds to cook her last dish like nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, Wu Chen was sitting next to NaNa in the living room. NaNa was glaring at Wu Chen and Wu Chen did not mind the glare. On his hand, Wu Chen held a pink phone and he keyed in a few numbers before the phone went unlocked.

"Do you want to delete all pictures – YES" And he pressed on the 'yes' b.u.t.ton before returning the phone to its glaring owner next to him.

"I am telling your mom, you can't get away from this" NaNa begrudgingly took her phone and checked the gallery folder. All her masterpieces were deleted.

"Don't try to play Cupid" Wu Chen took the television remote and changed the channel of the television. His eyes gave NaNa a side glance. NaNa was typing something so furiously on her phone.

"Stop interfering. I'll ask for your help if I need one. Telling my mom won't do good." This could be considered as him coaxing his childish cousin.

NaNa stopped typing and put down her phone. She looked at Wu Chen. "Brother, do you really love Yi Fei? Then, who was that pretty lady we met inside the restaurant in City T?"

Wu Chen was a bit unsettled by her probing question. NaNa was still looking at him.

"If there's anything, I want her to be the first one to know"

And then, he smiled while looking towards the direction of the kitchen.

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