Idiot In Love -90 Chapter 26: Picture

Idiot In Love -

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Wu Chen was in the meeting when he received his phone flashed. Wu Chen checked his phone to find that NaNa had sent him something on QQ.

Princess NaNa Misaki: (Attached picture)

Princess NaNa Misaki: Brother, if this continues, you'll lose ar…

The picture attached was a picture of Bai Jing Ting and Yi Fei. Bai Jing Ting was trying to bandage her knee. Wu Chen did not reply to NaNa. He kept staring at the picture; he did not realize that the board of directors were staring at him.

"Boss. Boss." Liu s.h.i.+ tried shaking Wu Chen's shoulder to snap him out of his trance. Liu s.h.i.+ tried to peek at his boss' phone to see the thing that could make his boss lose his concentration at an important meeting.

"They are asking whether you agree or not if we were to implement the new security system for our hotel" Liu s.h.i.+ whispered to Wu Chen.

Wu Chen was in a loss, he did not pay attention when the report was presented. He could not think of anything and he did not want to make any mistake.

"I'll read the report carefully in my office. The meeting is adjourned for today" Without giving any explanation, Wu Chen stood up and walked away from the meeting room. Liu s.h.i.+ was helpless. His boss was always composed and collected when he was in a meeting. Today was the first time Liu s.h.i.+ saw Wu Chen being so restless after receiving a message from someone.

Liu s.h.i.+ followed Wu Chen to the CEO office. Wu Chen sat in his chair, with both eyes closed. From Liu s.h.i.+ point of view, it looked like something had been bugging his boss. Liu s.h.i.+ put the file report on his table and walked backwards quietly as not to disturb Wu Chen from his slumber.

Liu s.h.i.+ opened the door quietly but before he could walk out from the office, Wu Chen called him to come over to the table quickly. Liu s.h.i.+ walked towards Wu Chen, leaving the door ajar.

"You have a girlfriend right?" Wu Chen hesitated to ask so he lowered his voice.

Liu s.h.i.+ looked at Wu Chen like he had grown an extra head from his neck. "No, I don't" Liu s.h.i.+ did not have time to find a girlfriend for himself. Wu Chen had always given him a lot of works to do. Even on weekend. Now that they were in a small City L, the possibility to find a girlfriend was even lower. He sighed in his heart.

"But, say… You must mingle with girls a lot right?" Wu Chen knew that Liu s.h.i.+ was friendly and a lot of people asked him to go hang out with them on the weekend. Liu s.h.i.+ pondered for a moment before nodding his head.

"Then, what type of guy do girls usually like?" Wu Chen sat straight and propped his head with his hand, clearly interested in what Liu s.h.i.+ was about to say.

"Hurm… rich, handsome, kind. These criteria are what girls usually like but it depends on the girl's personality too" Liu s.h.i.+ summarized the top three criteria that girls usually seek in their partner. Liu s.h.i.+ was curious about Wu Chen now.

Wu Chen was in a deep thinking. He was confident that he had all three criteria mentioned by his secretary but the problem was, Bai Jing Ting was also rich, handsome and kind to Yi Fei.

"If, let's say you like a girl and your friend like that girl too. What would you do?" Not giving up, Wu Chen asked another question.

"Well, that depends on how much I cherish that friend. If that friend is my best friend, I might reconsider pursuing the girl. But if that friend is just an acquaintance and we are not really that close, I will pursue the girl even though he is also interested in that girl" Liu s.h.i.+ was very confident in his answer. He smiled convincingly.

"But that is your friend ar… Are you really going to fight with him over a girl?" Wu Chen was never one who fought for love with people. He believed that if the woman truly loved him, she will come to him. There was no need for him to fight with people over it. But when he thought of Bai Jing Ting and Yi Fei together as a couple, his heart ached.

"Why not? I don't owe him anything… and I deserved to try to fight for my happiness too in case that girl is my one and true love" Something snapped in Wu Chen's heart. What Liu s.h.i.+ said was right. He did not owe Bai Jing Ting anything so why should he felt uncomfortable over it.

"What about if the girl calls you brother?" Wu Chen thought of how Yi Fei called both him and Bai Jing Tng as a brother.

"Well, that could be bad" Liu s.h.i.+ touched his chin as if thinking hard.

"Why?" Wu Chen's attention was fully on Liu s.h.i.+ now.

"I just get brother zoned ar… of course it is bad" Liu s.h.i.+ never had girls calling him brother before except for his cousin and family member. When he looked at Wu Chen, Wu Chen seemed like he lost half of his soul.

Since Wu Chen was not talking or asking a question anymore, Liu s.h.i.+ excused himself and walked out of the office. Outside the office, the other workers were shocked to find that their cold CEO was asking about a girl. The CEO they knew was cold and rarely smiled to them. It surprised them that their boss knew how to inquire about girls too.

Wu Chen tried to calm his mind but his mind kept on coming back to the picture sent by NaNa. He did not know whether his attraction towards Yi Fei was because he liked her for real or because Yi Fei was different from the other woman that he had met. To him, Yi Fei was a rare specimen of woman that piqued his interest.

He looked at the picture back and he cannot help but think about Yi Fei's knee. He wondered if her knee was better. He sent a QQ request to Yi Fei's number. Within a few seconds, the other party confirmed his request. The other party then requested to be added into his circle of friend and he confirmed it on the spot.

Wu Chen opened Yi Fei chat box. He wanted to ask about her knee and how had she been holding up but he can't seem to get his fingers to type. He stood up and began pacing left and right in his office. A lot of things were in his mind and the topic about her knee was so tacky.

Bai Jing Ting went to bandage her knee and check up on her; of course, her knee would feel better. Wu Chen thought that asking about that after Bai Jing Ting's visit will make him appear to be somewhat trying too hard.

It would be impossible for Wu Chen to ask about recipes from Yi Fei because she was injured. She needed to rest, not to think or do something tiring like playing her phone the whole day. After pacing back and forth for a few minutes, Wu Chen stopped pacing and sat down on his chair.

This kind of thing was too tiring for him so he decided not to send any message to Yi Fei.

When Wu Chen reached his apartment, he was still thinking about the picture. He propped down on the sofa when he felt like he sat on something hard. He stood up and saw that there was a book on the sofa. He picked up the book and read the t.i.tle "Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav".

A bulb lighted up in his brain. He looked at the book and take out his phone. Now he had a reason to send her a message that did not seem too desperate. He opened his QQ, searched for Yi Fei and started typing.

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